blob: d01ea1e05ba8b109449416b9e6cbc617949372ec [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
module Qpid::Proton
module Handler
# @deprecated use {Qpid::Proton::MessagingHandler}
class MessagingHandler
include Util::Deprecation
# @private
def proton_adapter_class() Handler::ReactorMessagingAdapter; end
# @overload initialize(opts)
# Create a {MessagingHandler} with options +opts+
# @option opts [Integer] :prefetch (10)
# The number of messages to fetch in advance, 0 disables prefetch.
# @option opts [Boolean] :auto_accept (true)
# If true, incoming messages are accepted automatically after {#on_message}.
# If false, the application can accept, reject or release the message
# by calling methods on {Delivery} when the message has been processed.
# @option opts [Boolean] :auto_settle (true) If true, outgoing
# messages are settled automatically when the remote peer settles. If false,
# the application must call {Delivery#settle} explicitly.
# @option opts [Boolean] :auto_open (true)
# If true, incoming connections are opened automatically.
# If false, the application must call {Connection#open} to open incoming connections.
# @option opts [Boolean] :auto_close (true)
# If true, respond to a remote close automatically with a local close.
# If false, the application must call {Connection#close} to finish closing connections.
# @option opts [Boolean] :peer_close_is_error (false)
# If true, and the remote peer closes the connection without an error condition,
# the set the local error condition {Condition}("error", "unexpected peer close")
# @overload initialize(prefetch=10, auto_accept=true, auto_settle=true, peer_close_is_error=false)
# @deprecated use +initialize(opts)+ overload
def initialize(*args)
deprecated MessagingHandler, Qpid::Proton::MessagingHandler
@options = {}
if args.size == 1 && args[0].is_a?(Hash)
else # Fill options from deprecated fixed arguments
[:prefetch, :auto_accept, :auto_settle, :peer_close_is_error].each do |k|
opts[k] = args.shift unless args.empty?
# NOTE: the options are processed by {Handler::Adapater}
# @return [Hash] handler options, see {#initialize}
attr_reader :options
# @!method on_transport_error(event)
# Called when the transport fails or closes unexpectedly.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# !@method on_connection_error(event)
# Called when the peer closes the connection with an error condition.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_session_error(event)
# Called when the peer closes the session with an error condition.
# @param event [Qpid:Proton::Event] The event.
# @!method on_link_error(event)
# Called when the peer closes the link with an error condition.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_start(event)
# Called when the event loop starts.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_connection_closed(event)
# Called when the connection is closed.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_session_closed(event)
# Called when the session is closed.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_link_closed(event)
# Called when the link is closed.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_connection_closing(event)
# Called when the peer initiates the closing of the connection.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_session_closing(event)
# Called when the peer initiates the closing of the session.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_link_closing(event)
# Called when the peer initiates the closing of the link.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_disconnected(event)
# Called when the socket is disconnected.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_sendable(event)
# Called when the sender link has credit and messages can therefore
# be transferred.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_accepted(event)
# Called when the remote peer accepts an outgoing message.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_rejected(event)
# Called when the remote peer rejects an outgoing message.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_released(event)
# Called when the remote peer releases an outgoing message for re-delivery as-is.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_modified(event)
# Called when the remote peer releases an outgoing message for re-delivery with modifications.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_settled(event)
# Called when the remote peer has settled hte outgoing message.
# This is the point at which it should never be retransmitted.
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_message(event)
# Called when a message is received.
# The message is available from {Event#message}, to accept or reject the message
# use {Event#delivery}
# @param event [Event] The event.
# @!method on_aborted(event)
# Called when message delivery is aborted by the sender.
# The {Event#delivery} provides information about the delivery, but the message should be ignored.
# @!method on_error(event)
# If +on_xxx_error+ method is missing, {#on_error} is called instead.
# If {#on_error} is missing, the connection is closed with the error.
# @param event [Event] the event, {Event#method} provides the original method name.
# @!method on_unhandled(event)
# If an +on_xxx+ method is missing, {#on_unhandled} is called instead.
# @param event [Event] the event, {Event#method} provides the original method name.