blob: 6637719a658cfd2749db0cd2ea61272b7822adcb [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "options.hpp"
#include <proton/connection.hpp>
#include <proton/connection_options.hpp>
#include <proton/container.hpp>
#include <proton/delivery.hpp>
#include <proton/error_condition.hpp>
#include <proton/listen_handler.hpp>
#include <proton/listener.hpp>
#include <proton/message.hpp>
#include <proton/messaging_handler.hpp>
#include <proton/receiver_options.hpp>
#include <proton/sender_options.hpp>
#include <proton/source_options.hpp>
#include <proton/target.hpp>
#include <proton/target_options.hpp>
#include <proton/tracker.hpp>
#include <proton/transport.hpp>
#include <proton/work_queue.hpp>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include "fake_cpp11.hpp"
// This is a simplified model for a message broker, that only allows for messages to go to a
// single receiver.
// This broker is multithread safe and if compiled with C++11 with a multithreaded Proton
// binding library will use as many threads as there are thread resources available (usually
// cores)
// Queues are only created and never destroyed
// Broker Entities (that need to be individually serialised)
// QueueManager - Creates new queues, finds queues
// Queue - Queues msgs, records subscribers, sends msgs to subscribers
// Connection - Receives Messages from network, sends messages to network.
// Work
// FindQueue(queueName, connection) - From a Connection to the QueueManager
// This will create the queue if it doesn't already exist and send a BoundQueue
// message back to the connection.
// BoundQueue(queue) - From the QueueManager to a Connection
// QueueMsg(msg) - From a Connection (receiver) to a Queue
// Subscribe(sender) - From a Connection (sender) to a Queue
// Flow(sender, credit) - From a Connection (sender) to a Queue
// Unsubscribe(sender) - From a Connection (sender) to a Queue
// SendMsg(msg) - From a Queue to a Connection (sender)
// Unsubscribed() - From a Queue to a Connection (sender)
// Simple debug output
bool verbose;
#define DOUT(x) do {if (verbose) {x};} while (false)
class Queue;
class Sender;
typedef std::map<proton::sender, Sender*> senders;
class Sender : public proton::messaging_handler {
friend class connection_handler;
proton::sender sender_;
senders& senders_;
proton::work_queue& work_queue_;
std::string queue_name_;
Queue* queue_;
int pending_credit_;
// Messaging handlers
void on_sendable(proton::sender &sender) OVERRIDE;
void on_sender_close(proton::sender &sender) OVERRIDE;
Sender(proton::sender s, senders& ss) :
sender_(s), senders_(ss), work_queue_(s.work_queue()), queue_(0), pending_credit_(0)
bool add(proton::work f) {
return work_queue_.add(f);
void boundQueue(Queue* q, std::string qn);
void sendMsg(proton::message m) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Sender: " << this << " sending\n";);
void unsubscribed() {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Sender: " << this << " deleting\n";);
delete this;
// Queue - round robin subscriptions
class Queue {
proton::work_queue work_queue_;
const std::string name_;
std::deque<proton::message> messages_;
typedef std::map<Sender*, int> subscriptions; // With credit
subscriptions subscriptions_;
subscriptions::iterator current_;
void tryToSend() {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Queue: " << this << " tryToSend: " << subscriptions_.size(););
// Starting at current_, send messages to subscriptions with credit:
// After each send try to find another subscription; Wrap around;
// Finish when we run out of messages or credit.
size_t outOfCredit = 0;
while (!messages_.empty() && outOfCredit<subscriptions_.size()) {
// If we got the end (or haven't started yet) start at the beginning
if (current_==subscriptions_.end()) {
// If we have credit send the message
DOUT(std::cerr << "(" << current_->second << ") ";);
if (current_->second>0) {
DOUT(std::cerr << current_->first << " ";);
current_->first->add(make_work(&Sender::sendMsg, current_->first, messages_.front()));
} else {
DOUT(std::cerr << "\n";);
Queue(proton::container& c, const std::string& n) :
work_queue_(c), name_(n), current_(subscriptions_.end())
bool add(proton::work f) {
return work_queue_.add(f);
void queueMsg(proton::message m) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Queue: " << this << "(" << name_ << ") queueMsg\n";);
void flow(Sender* s, int c) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Queue: " << this << "(" << name_ << ") flow: " << c << " to " << s << "\n";);
subscriptions_[s] = c;
void subscribe(Sender* s) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Queue: " << this << "(" << name_ << ") subscribe Sender: " << s << "\n";);
subscriptions_[s] = 0;
void unsubscribe(Sender* s) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Queue: " << this << "(" << name_ << ") unsubscribe Sender: " << s << "\n";);
// If we're about to erase the current subscription move on
if (current_ != subscriptions_.end() && current_->first==s) ++current_;
s->add(make_work(&Sender::unsubscribed, s));
// We have credit to send a message.
void Sender::on_sendable(proton::sender &sender) {
if (queue_) {
queue_->add(make_work(&Queue::flow, queue_, this,;
} else {
pending_credit_ =;
void Sender::on_sender_close(proton::sender &sender) {
if (queue_) {
queue_->add(make_work(&Queue::unsubscribe, queue_, this));
} else {
// TODO: Is it possible to be closed before we get the queue allocated?
// If so, we should have a way to mark the sender deleted, so we can delete
// on queue binding
void Sender::boundQueue(Queue* q, std::string qn) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Sender: " << this << " bound to Queue: " << q <<"(" << qn << ")\n";);
queue_ = q;
queue_name_ = qn;
q->add(make_work(&Queue::subscribe, q, this));
if (pending_credit_>0) {
queue_->add(make_work(&Queue::flow, queue_, this, pending_credit_));
std::cout << "sending from " << queue_name_ << std::endl;
class Receiver : public proton::messaging_handler {
friend class connection_handler;
proton::receiver receiver_;
proton::work_queue& work_queue_;
Queue* queue_;
std::deque<proton::message> messages_;
// A message is received.
void on_message(proton::delivery &, proton::message &m) OVERRIDE {
if (queue_) {
void queueMsgs() {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Receiver: " << this << " queueing " << messages_.size() << " msgs to: " << queue_ << "\n";);
while (!messages_.empty()) {
queue_->add(make_work(&Queue::queueMsg, queue_, messages_.front()));
Receiver(proton::receiver r) :
receiver_(r), work_queue_(r.work_queue()), queue_(0)
bool add(proton::work f) {
return work_queue_.add(f);
void boundQueue(Queue* q, std::string qn) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "Receiver: " << this << " bound to Queue: " << q << "(" << qn << ")\n";);
queue_ = q;
std::cout << "receiving to " << qn << std::endl;
class QueueManager {
proton::container& container_;
proton::work_queue work_queue_;
typedef std::map<std::string, Queue*> queues;
queues queues_;
int next_id_; // Use to generate unique queue IDs.
QueueManager(proton::container& c) :
container_(c), work_queue_(c), next_id_(0)
bool add(proton::work f) {
return work_queue_.add(f);
template <class T>
void findQueue(T& connection, std::string& qn) {
if (qn.empty()) {
// Dynamic queue creation
std::ostringstream os;
os << "_dynamic_" << next_id_++;
qn = os.str();
Queue* q = 0;
queues::iterator i = queues_.find(qn);
if (i==queues_.end()) {
q = new Queue(container_, qn);
queues_[qn] = q;
} else {
q = i->second;
connection.add(make_work(&T::boundQueue, &connection, q, qn));
void findQueueSender(Sender* s, std::string qn) {
findQueue(*s, qn);
void findQueueReceiver(Receiver* r, std::string qn) {
findQueue(*r, qn);
class connection_handler : public proton::messaging_handler {
QueueManager& queue_manager_;
senders senders_;
connection_handler(QueueManager& qm) :
void on_connection_open(proton::connection& c) OVERRIDE {; // Accept the connection
// A sender sends messages from a queue to a subscriber.
void on_sender_open(proton::sender &sender) OVERRIDE {
std::string qn = sender.source().dynamic() ? "" : sender.source().address();
Sender* s = new Sender(sender, senders_);
senders_[sender] = s;
queue_manager_.add(make_work(&QueueManager::findQueueSender, &queue_manager_, s, qn));
// A receiver receives messages from a publisher to a queue.
void on_receiver_open(proton::receiver &receiver) OVERRIDE {
std::string qname =;
if (qname == "shutdown") {
std::cout << "broker shutting down" << std::endl;
// Sending to the special "shutdown" queue stops the broker.
proton::error_condition("shutdown", "stop broker"));
} else {
if (qname.empty()) {
DOUT(std::cerr << "ODD - trying to attach to a empty address\n";);
Receiver* r = new Receiver(receiver);
queue_manager_.add(make_work(&QueueManager::findQueueReceiver, &queue_manager_, r, qname));
void on_session_close(proton::session &session) OVERRIDE {
// Unsubscribe all senders that belong to session.
for (proton::sender_iterator i = session.senders().begin(); i != session.senders().end(); ++i) {
senders::iterator j = senders_.find(*i);
if (j == senders_.end()) continue;
Sender* s = j->second;
if (s->queue_) {
s->queue_->add(make_work(&Queue::unsubscribe, s->queue_, s));
void on_error(const proton::error_condition& e) OVERRIDE {
std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
// The container calls on_transport_close() last.
void on_transport_close(proton::transport& t) OVERRIDE {
// Unsubscribe all senders.
for (proton::sender_iterator i = t.connection().senders().begin(); i != t.connection().senders().end(); ++i) {
senders::iterator j = senders_.find(*i);
if (j == senders_.end()) continue;
Sender* s = j->second;
if (s->queue_) {
s->queue_->add(make_work(&Queue::unsubscribe, s->queue_, s));
delete this; // All done.
class broker {
broker(const std::string addr) :
container_("broker"), queues_(container_), listener_(queues_)
container_.listen(addr, listener_);
std::cout << "broker listening on " << addr << std::endl;
void run() {
std::cout << "starting " << std::thread::hardware_concurrency() << " listening threads\n";
struct listener : public proton::listen_handler {
listener(QueueManager& c) : queues_(c) {}
proton::connection_options on_accept(proton::listener&) OVERRIDE{
return proton::connection_options().handler(*(new connection_handler(queues_)));
void on_error(proton::listener&, const std::string& s) OVERRIDE {
std::cerr << "listen error: " << s << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error(s);
QueueManager& queues_;
proton::container container_;
QueueManager queues_;
listener listener_;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// Command line options
std::string address("");
example::options opts(argc, argv);
opts.add_flag(verbose, 'v', "verbose", "verbose (debugging) output");
opts.add_value(address, 'a', "address", "listen on URL", "URL");
try {
verbose = false;
return 0;
} catch (const example::bad_option& e) {
std::cout << opts << std::endl << e.what() << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "broker shutdown: " << e.what() << std::endl;
return 1;