blob: 690952b7b817939846c77eb5862e97b0124bf7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
#include <proton/import_export.h>
#include <proton/type_compat.h>
#include <proton/condition.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @file
* Transport API for the proton Engine.
* @defgroup transport Transport
* @ingroup engine
* @{
* Holds the trace flags for an AMQP transport.
* The trace flags for an AMQP transport control what sort of
* information is logged by an AMQP transport. The following bits can
* be set:
typedef int pn_trace_t;
* Callback for customizing logging behaviour.
typedef void (*pn_tracer_t)(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *message);
* Turn logging off entirely.
#define PN_TRACE_OFF (0)
* Log raw binary data into/out of the transport.
#define PN_TRACE_RAW (1)
* Log frames into/out of the transport.
#define PN_TRACE_FRM (2)
* Log driver related events, e.g. initialization, end of stream, etc.
#define PN_TRACE_DRV (4)
* Factory for creating a transport.
* A transport is used by a connection to interface with the network.
* There can only be one connection associated with a transport. See
* pn_transport_bind().
* Initially a transport is configured to be a client transport. Use pn_transport_set_server()
* to configure the transport as a server transport.
* A client transport initiates outgoing connections.
* A client transport must be configured with the protocol layers to use and cannot
* configure itself automatically.
* A server transport accepts incoming connections. It can automatically
* configure itself to include the various protocol layers depending on
* the incoming protocol headers.
* @return pointer to new transport
PN_EXTERN pn_transport_t *pn_transport(void);
* Configure a transport as a server
* @param[in] transport a transport object
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_set_server(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Free a transport object.
* When a transport is freed, it is automatically unbound from its
* associated connection.
* @param[in] transport a transport object or NULL
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_free(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get additional information about the condition of the transport.
* When a PN_TRANSPORT_ERROR event occurs, this operation can be used
* to access the details of the error condtion.
* The pointer returned by this operation is valid until the
* transport object is freed.
* @param[in] transport the transport object
* @return the transport's condition object
PN_EXTERN pn_condition_t *pn_transport_condition(pn_transport_t *transport);
* @deprecated
PN_EXTERN pn_error_t *pn_transport_error(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Binds the transport to an AMQP connection.
* @return an error code, or 0 on success
PN_EXTERN int pn_transport_bind(pn_transport_t *transport, pn_connection_t *connection);
* Unbinds a transport from its AMQP connection.
* @return an error code, or 0 on success
PN_EXTERN int pn_transport_unbind(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Update a transports trace flags.
* The trace flags for a transport control what sort of information is
* logged. See ::pn_trace_t for more details.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] trace the trace flags
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_trace(pn_transport_t *transport, pn_trace_t trace);
* Set the tracing function used by a transport.
* The tracing function is called to perform logging. Overriding this
* function allows embedding applications to divert the engine's
* logging to a place of their choice.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] tracer the tracing function
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_set_tracer(pn_transport_t *transport, pn_tracer_t tracer);
* Get the tracning function used by a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the tracing function used by a transport
PN_EXTERN pn_tracer_t pn_transport_get_tracer(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the application context that is associated with a transport object.
* The application context for a transport may be set using
* ::pn_transport_set_context.
* @param[in] transport the transport whose context is to be returned.
* @return the application context for the transport object
PN_EXTERN void *pn_transport_get_context(pn_transport_t *transport);
* @deprecated
* Set a new application context for a transport object.
* The application context for a transport object may be retrieved using
* ::pn_transport_get_context.
* @param[in] transport the transport object
* @param[in] context the application context
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_set_context(pn_transport_t *transport, void *context);
* Get the attachments that are associated with a transport object.
* @param[in] transport the transport whose attachments are to be returned.
* @return the attachments for the transport object
PN_EXTERN pn_record_t *pn_transport_attachments(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Log a message using a transport's logging mechanism.
* This can be useful in a debugging context as the log message will
* be prefixed with the transport's identifier.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] message the message to be logged
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_log(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *message);
* Log a printf formatted message using a transport's logging
* mechanism.
* This can be useful in a debugging context as the log message will
* be prefixed with the transport's identifier.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] fmt the printf formatted message to be logged
* @param[in] ap a vector containing the format arguments
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_vlogf(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
* Log a printf formatted message using a transport's logging
* mechanism.
* This can be useful in a debugging context as the log message will
* be prefixed with the transport's identifier.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] fmt the printf formatted message to be logged
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_logf(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *fmt, ...);
* Get the maximum allowed channel for a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the maximum allowed channel
PN_EXTERN uint16_t pn_transport_get_channel_max(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Set the maximum allowed channel for a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] channel_max the maximum allowed channel
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_set_channel_max(pn_transport_t *transport, uint16_t channel_max);
* Get the maximum allowed channel of a transport's remote peer.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the maximum allowed channel of the transport's remote peer
PN_EXTERN uint16_t pn_transport_remote_channel_max(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the maximum frame size of a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the maximum frame size of the transport object
PN_EXTERN uint32_t pn_transport_get_max_frame(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Set the maximum frame size of a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] size the maximum frame size for the transport object
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_set_max_frame(pn_transport_t *transport, uint32_t size);
* Get the maximum frame size of a transport's remote peer.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the maximum frame size of the transport's remote peer
PN_EXTERN uint32_t pn_transport_get_remote_max_frame(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the idle timeout for a transport.
* A zero idle timeout means heartbeats are disabled.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the transport's idle timeout
PN_EXTERN pn_millis_t pn_transport_get_idle_timeout(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Set the idle timeout for a transport.
* A zero idle timeout means heartbeats are disabled.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @param[in] timeout the idle timeout for the transport object
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_set_idle_timeout(pn_transport_t *transport, pn_millis_t timeout);
* Get the idle timeout for a transport's remote peer.
* A zero idle timeout means heartbeats are disabled.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the idle timeout for the transport's remote peer
PN_EXTERN pn_millis_t pn_transport_get_remote_idle_timeout(pn_transport_t *transport);
* @deprecated
PN_EXTERN ssize_t pn_transport_input(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *bytes, size_t available);
* @deprecated
PN_EXTERN ssize_t pn_transport_output(pn_transport_t *transport, char *bytes, size_t size);
* Get the amount of free space for input following the transport's
* tail pointer.
* If the engine is in an exceptional state such as encountering an
* error condition or reaching the end of stream state, a negative
* value will be returned indicating the condition. If an error is
* indicated, futher details can be obtained from
* ::pn_transport_error. Calls to ::pn_transport_process may alter the
* value of this pointer. See ::pn_transport_process for details.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @return the free space in the transport, PN_EOS or error code if < 0
PN_EXTERN ssize_t pn_transport_capacity(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the transport's tail pointer.
* The amount of free space following this pointer is reported by
* ::pn_transport_capacity. Calls to ::pn_transport_process may alther
* the value of this pointer. See ::pn_transport_process for details.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @return a pointer to the transport's input buffer, NULL if no capacity available.
PN_EXTERN char *pn_transport_tail(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Pushes the supplied bytes into the tail of the transport.
* This is equivalent to copying @c size bytes afther the tail pointer
* and then calling ::pn_transport_process with an argument of @c
* size. Only some of the bytes will be copied if there is
* insufficienty capacity available. Use ::pn_transport_capacity to
* determine how much capacity the transport has.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @param[in] src the start of the data to push into the transport
* @param[in] size the amount of data to push into the transport
* @return the number of bytes pushed on success, or error code if < 0
PN_EXTERN ssize_t pn_transport_push(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *src, size_t size);
* Process input data following the tail pointer.
* Calling this function will cause the transport to consume @c size
* bytes of input occupying the free space following the tail pointer.
* Calls to this function may change the value of ::pn_transport_tail,
* as well as the amount of free space reported by
* ::pn_transport_capacity.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @param[in] size the amount of data written to the transport's input buffer
* @return 0 on success, or error code if < 0
PN_EXTERN int pn_transport_process(pn_transport_t *transport, size_t size);
* Indicate that the input has reached End Of Stream (EOS).
* This tells the transport that no more input will be forthcoming.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @return 0 on success, or error code if < 0
PN_EXTERN int pn_transport_close_tail(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the number of pending output bytes following the transport's
* head pointer.
* If the engine is in an exceptional state such as encountering an
* error condition or reaching the end of stream state, a negative
* value will be returned indicating the condition. If an error is
* indicated, further details can be obtained from
* ::pn_transport_error. Calls to ::pn_transport_pop may alter the
* value of this pointer. See ::pn_transport_pop for details.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @return the number of pending output bytes, or an error code
PN_EXTERN ssize_t pn_transport_pending(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the transport's head pointer.
* This pointer references queued output data. The
* ::pn_transport_pending function reports how many bytes of output
* data follow this pointer. Calls to ::pn_transport_pop may alter
* this pointer and any data it references. See ::pn_transport_pop for
* details.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @return a pointer to the transport's output buffer, or NULL if no pending output.
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_transport_head(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Copies @c size bytes from the head of the transport to the @c dst
* pointer.
* It is an error to call this with a value of @c size that is greater
* than the value reported by ::pn_transport_pending.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @param[out] dst the destination buffer
* @param[in] size the capacity of the destination buffer
* @return number of bytes copied on success, or error code if < 0
PN_EXTERN ssize_t pn_transport_peek(pn_transport_t *transport, char *dst, size_t size);
* Removes @c size bytes of output from the pending output queue
* following the transport's head pointer.
* Calls to this function may alter the transport's head pointer as
* well as the number of pending bytes reported by
* ::pn_transport_pending.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @param[in] size the number of bytes to remove
PN_EXTERN void pn_transport_pop(pn_transport_t *transport, size_t size);
* Indicate that the output has closed.
* This tells the transport that no more output will be popped.
* @param[in] transport the transport
* @return 0 on success, or error code if < 0
PN_EXTERN int pn_transport_close_head(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Check if a transport has buffered data.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return true if the transport has buffered data, false otherwise
PN_EXTERN bool pn_transport_quiesced(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Check if a transport is closed.
* A transport is defined to be closed when both the tail and the head
* are closed. In other words, when both ::pn_transport_capacity() < 0
* and ::pn_transport_pending() < 0.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return true if the transport is closed, false otherwise
PN_EXTERN bool pn_transport_closed(pn_transport_t *transport);
* Process any pending transport timer events.
* This method should be called after all pending input has been
* processed by the transport (see ::pn_transport_input), and before
* generating output (see ::pn_transport_output). It returns the
* deadline for the next pending timer event, if any are present.
* @param[in] transport the transport to process.
* @param[in] now the current time
* @return if non-zero, then the expiration time of the next pending timer event for the
* transport. The caller must invoke pn_transport_tick again at least once at or before
* this deadline occurs.
PN_EXTERN pn_timestamp_t pn_transport_tick(pn_transport_t *transport, pn_timestamp_t now);
* Get the number of frames output by a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the number of frames output by the transport
PN_EXTERN uint64_t pn_transport_get_frames_output(const pn_transport_t *transport);
* Get the number of frames input by a transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the number of frames input by the transport
PN_EXTERN uint64_t pn_transport_get_frames_input(const pn_transport_t *transport);
/** Access the AMQP Connection associated with the transport.
* @param[in] transport a transport object
* @return the connection context for the transport, or NULL if
* none
PN_EXTERN pn_connection_t *pn_transport_connection(pn_transport_t *transport);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @}
#endif /* transport.h */