blob: 6ef684ff897698c84cfc2ada3ff07c53c512594b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <proton/import_export.h>
#include <proton/message.h>
#include <proton/selectable.h>
#include <proton/condition.h>
#include <proton/terminus.h>
#include <proton/link.h>
#include <proton/transport.h>
#include <proton/ssl.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @file
* The messenger API provides a high level interface for sending and
* receiving AMQP messages.
* @defgroup messenger Messenger
* @{
* A ::pn_messenger_t provides a high level interface for sending and
* receiving messages (See ::pn_message_t).
* Every messenger contains a single logical queue of incoming
* messages and a single logical queue of outgoing messages. The
* messages in these queues may be destined for, or originate from, a
* variety of addresses.
* The messenger interface is single-threaded. All methods except one
* (::pn_messenger_interrupt()) are intended to be used by one thread
* at a time.
* Address Syntax
* ==============
* An address has the following form::
* [ amqp[s]:// ] [user[:password]@] domain [/[name]]
* Where domain can be one of::
* host | host:port | ip | ip:port | name
* The following are valid examples of addresses:
* -
* -
* - amqp://
* - amqps://
* -
* - amqps://
* - amqps://
* -
* - amqps://
* Sending & Receiving Messages
* ============================
* The messenger API works in conjuction with the ::pn_message_t API.
* A ::pn_message_t is a mutable holder of message content.
* The ::pn_messenger_put() operation copies content from the supplied
* ::pn_message_t to the outgoing queue, and may send queued messages
* if it can do so without blocking. The ::pn_messenger_send()
* operation blocks until it has sent the requested number of
* messages, or until a timeout interrupts the attempt.
* pn_messenger_t *messenger = pn_messenger(NULL);
* pn_message_t *message = pn_message();
* char subject[1024];
* for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
* pn_message_set_address(message, "amqp://host/queue");
* sprintf(subject, "Hello World! %i", i);
* pn_message_set_subject(message, subject);
* pn_messenger_put(messenger, message)
* pn_messenger_send(messenger);
* Similarly, the ::pn_messenger_recv() method receives messages into
* the incoming queue, and may block as it attempts to receive up to
* the requested number of messages, or until the timeout is reached.
* It may receive fewer than the requested number. The
* ::pn_messenger_get() method pops the eldest message off the
* incoming queue and copies its content into the supplied
* ::pn_message_t object. It will not block.
* pn_messenger_t *messenger = pn_messenger(NULL);
* pn_message_t *message = pn_message()
* pn_messenger_recv(messenger):
* while (pn_messenger_incoming(messenger) > 0) {
* pn_messenger_get(messenger, message);
* printf("%s", message.subject);
* }
* Output:
* Hello World 0
* Hello World 1
* Hello World 2
* The blocking flag allows you to turn off blocking behavior
* entirely, in which case ::pn_messenger_send() and
* ::pn_messenger_recv() will do whatever they can without blocking,
* and then return. You can then look at the number of incoming and
* outgoing messages to see how much outstanding work still remains.
typedef struct pn_messenger_t pn_messenger_t;
* A subscription is a request for incoming messages.
* @todo currently the subscription API is under developed, this
* should allow more explicit control over subscription properties and
* behaviour
typedef struct pn_subscription_t pn_subscription_t;
* Trackers provide a lightweight handle used to track the status of
* incoming and outgoing deliveries.
typedef int64_t pn_tracker_t;
* Describes all the possible states for a message associated with a
* given tracker.
typedef enum {
PN_STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0, /**< The tracker is unknown. */
PN_STATUS_PENDING = 1, /**< The message is in flight. For outgoing
messages, use ::pn_messenger_buffered to
see if it has been sent or not. */
PN_STATUS_ACCEPTED = 2, /**< The message was accepted. */
PN_STATUS_REJECTED = 3, /**< The message was rejected. */
PN_STATUS_RELEASED = 4, /**< The message was released. */
PN_STATUS_MODIFIED = 5, /**< The message was modified. */
PN_STATUS_ABORTED = 6, /**< The message was aborted. */
PN_STATUS_SETTLED = 7 /**< The remote party has settled the message. */
} pn_status_t;
* Construct a new ::pn_messenger_t with the given name. The name is
* global. If a NULL name is supplied, a UUID based name will be
* chosen.
* @param[in] name the name of the messenger or NULL
* @return pointer to a new ::pn_messenger_t
PN_EXTERN pn_messenger_t *pn_messenger(const char *name);
* Get the name of a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the name of the messenger
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_messenger_name(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Sets the path that will be used to get the certificate that will be
* used to identify this messenger to its peers. The validity of the
* path is not checked by this function.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] certificate a path to a certificate file
* @return an error code of zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_certificate(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *certificate);
* Get the certificate path. This value may be set by
* pn_messenger_set_certificate. The default certificate path is null.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @return the certificate file path
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_messenger_get_certificate(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Set path to the private key that was used to sign the certificate.
* See ::pn_messenger_set_certificate
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] private_key a path to a private key file
* @return an error code of zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_private_key(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *private_key);
* Gets the private key file for a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the messenger's private key file path
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_messenger_get_private_key(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Sets the private key password for a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] password the password for the private key file
* @return an error code of zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_password(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *password);
* Gets the private key file password for a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return password for the private key file
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_messenger_get_password(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Sets the trusted certificates database for a messenger.
* The messenger will use this database to validate the certificate
* provided by the peer.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] cert_db a path to the certificates database
* @return an error code of zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_trusted_certificates(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *cert_db);
* Gets the trusted certificates database for a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return path to the trusted certificates database
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_messenger_get_trusted_certificates(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Set the default timeout for a messenger.
* Any messenger call that blocks during execution will stop blocking
* and return control when this timeout is reached, if you have set it
* to a value greater than zero. The timeout is expressed in
* milliseconds.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] timeout a new timeout for the messenger, in milliseconds
* @return an error code or zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_timeout(pn_messenger_t *messenger, int timeout);
* Gets the timeout for a messenger object.
* See ::pn_messenger_set_timeout() for details.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the timeout for the messenger, in milliseconds
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_get_timeout(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Check if a messenger is in blocking mode.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return true if blocking has been enabled, false otherwise
PN_EXTERN bool pn_messenger_is_blocking(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Enable or disable blocking behavior for a messenger during calls to
* ::pn_messenger_send and ::pn_messenger_recv.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] blocking the value of the blocking flag
* @return an error code or zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_blocking(pn_messenger_t *messenger, bool blocking);
* Check if a messenger is in passive mode.
* A messenger that is in passive mode will never attempt to perform
* I/O internally, but instead will make all internal file descriptors
* accessible through ::pn_messenger_selectable() to be serviced
* externally. This can be useful for integrating messenger into an
* external event loop.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return true if the messenger is in passive mode, false otherwise
PN_EXTERN bool pn_messenger_is_passive(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Set the passive mode for a messenger.
* See ::pn_messenger_is_passive() for details on passive mode.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] passive true to enable passive mode, false to disable
* passive mode
* @return an error code or zero on success
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_passive(pn_messenger_t *messenger, bool passive);
/** Frees a Messenger.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to free (or NULL), no longer
* valid on return
PN_EXTERN void pn_messenger_free(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get the code for a messenger's most recent error.
* The error code is initialized to zero at messenger creation. The
* error number is "sticky" i.e. error codes are not reset to 0 at the
* end of successful API calls. You can use ::pn_messenger_error to
* access the messenger's error object and clear explicitly if
* desired.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to check for errors
* @return an error code or zero if there is no error
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_errno(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get a messenger's error object.
* Returns a pointer to a pn_error_t that is valid until the messenger
* is freed. The pn_error_* API allows you to access the text, error
* number, and lets you set or clear the error code explicitly.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to check for errors
* @return a pointer to the messenger's error descriptor
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN pn_error_t *pn_messenger_error(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get the size of a messenger's outgoing window.
* The size of the outgoing window limits the number of messages whose
* status you can check with a tracker. A message enters this window
* when you call pn_messenger_put on the message. For example, if your
* outgoing window size is 10, and you call pn_messenger_put 12 times,
* new status information will no longer be available for the first 2
* messages.
* The default outgoing window size is 0.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the outgoing window for the messenger
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_get_outgoing_window(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Set the size of a messenger's outgoing window.
* See ::pn_messenger_get_outgoing_window() for details.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] window the number of deliveries to track
* @return an error or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_outgoing_window(pn_messenger_t *messenger, int window);
* Get the size of a messenger's incoming window.
* The size of a messenger's incoming window limits the number of
* messages that can be accepted or rejected using trackers. Messages
* *do not* enter this window when they have been received
* (::pn_messenger_recv) onto you incoming queue. Messages only enter
* this window only when you access them using pn_messenger_get. If
* your incoming window size is N, and you get N+1 messages without
* explicitly accepting or rejecting the oldest message, then it will
* be implicitly accepted when it falls off the edge of the incoming
* window.
* The default incoming window size is 0.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the incoming window for the messenger
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_get_incoming_window(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Set the size of a messenger's incoming window.
* See ::pn_messenger_get_incoming_window() for details.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] window the number of deliveries to track
* @return an error or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_incoming_window(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
int window);
* Currently a no-op placeholder. For future compatibility, do not
* send or receive messages before starting the messenger.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to start
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_start(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Stops a messenger.
* Stopping a messenger will perform an orderly shutdown of all
* underlying connections. This may require some time. If the
* messenger is in non blocking mode (see ::pn_messenger_is_blocking),
* this operation will return PN_INPROGRESS if it cannot finish
* immediately. In that case, you can use ::pn_messenger_stopped() to
* determine when the messenger has finished stopping.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to stop
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_stop(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Returns true if a messenger is in the stopped state. This function
* does not block.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to stop
PN_EXTERN bool pn_messenger_stopped(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Subscribes a messenger to messages from the specified source.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to subscribe
* @param[in] source
* @return a subscription
PN_EXTERN pn_subscription_t *pn_messenger_subscribe(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *source);
* Subscribes a messenger to messages from the specified source with the given
* timeout for the subscription's lifetime.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to subscribe
* @param[in] source
* @param[in] timeout the maximum time to keep the subscription alive once the
* link is closed.
* @return a subscription
PN_EXTERN pn_subscription_t *
pn_messenger_subscribe_ttl(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *source,
pn_seconds_t timeout);
* Get a link based on link name and whether the link is a sender or receiver
* @param[in] messenger the messenger to get the link from
* @param[in] address the link address that identifies the link to receive
* @param[in] sender true if the link is a sender, false if the link is a
* receiver
* @return a link, or NULL if no link matches the address / sender parameters
PN_EXTERN pn_link_t *pn_messenger_get_link(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
const char *address, bool sender);
* Get a subscription's application context.
* See ::pn_subscription_set_context().
* @param[in] sub a subscription object
* @return the subscription's application context
PN_EXTERN void *pn_subscription_get_context(pn_subscription_t *sub);
* Set an application context for a subscription.
* @param[in] sub a subscription object
* @param[in] context the application context for the subscription
PN_EXTERN void pn_subscription_set_context(pn_subscription_t *sub, void *context);
* Get the source address of a subscription.
* @param[in] sub a subscription object
* @return the subscription's source address
PN_EXTERN const char *pn_subscription_address(pn_subscription_t *sub);
* Puts a message onto the messenger's outgoing queue. The message may
* also be sent if transmission would not cause blocking. This call
* will not block.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] msg a message to put on the messenger's outgoing queue
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_put(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_message_t *msg);
* Track the status of a delivery.
* Get the current status of the delivery associated with the supplied
* tracker. This may return PN_STATUS_UNKOWN if the tracker has fallen
* outside the incoming/outgoing tracking windows of the messenger.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] tracker the tracker identifying the delivery
* @return a status code for the delivery
PN_EXTERN pn_status_t pn_messenger_status(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_tracker_t tracker);
* Get delivery information about a delivery.
* Returns the delivery information associated with the supplied tracker.
* This may return NULL if the tracker has fallen outside the
* incoming/outgoing tracking windows of the messenger.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] tracker the tracker identifying the delivery
* @return a pn_delivery_t representing the delivery.
PN_EXTERN pn_delivery_t *pn_messenger_delivery(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
pn_tracker_t tracker);
* Check if the delivery associated with a given tracker is still
* waiting to be sent.
* Note that returning false does not imply that the delivery was
* actually sent over the wire.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] tracker the tracker identifying the delivery
* @return true if the delivery is still buffered
PN_EXTERN bool pn_messenger_buffered(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_tracker_t tracker);
* Frees a Messenger from tracking the status associated with a given
* tracker. Use the PN_CUMULATIVE flag to indicate everything up to
* (and including) the given tracker.
* @param[in] messenger the Messenger
* @param[in] tracker identifies a delivery
* @param[in] flags 0 or PN_CUMULATIVE
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_settle(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_tracker_t tracker, int flags);
* Get a tracker for the outgoing message most recently given to
* pn_messenger_put.
* This tracker may be used with pn_messenger_status to determine the
* delivery status of the message, as long as the message is still
* within your outgoing window.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @return a pn_tracker_t or an undefined value if pn_messenger_get
* has never been called for the given messenger
PN_EXTERN pn_tracker_t pn_messenger_outgoing_tracker(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Sends or receives any outstanding messages queued for a messenger.
* This will block for the indicated timeout.
* @param[in] messenger the Messenger
* @param[in] timeout the maximum time to block in milliseconds, -1 ==
* forever, 0 == do not block
* @return 0 if no work to do, < 0 if error, or 1 if work was done.
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_work(pn_messenger_t *messenger, int timeout);
* Interrupt a messenger object that may be blocking in another
* thread.
* The messenger interface is single-threaded. This is the only
* messenger function intended to be concurrently called from another
* thread. It will interrupt any messenger function which is currently
* blocking and cause it to return with a status of ::PN_INTR.
* @param[in] messenger the Messenger to interrupt
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_interrupt(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Send messages from a messenger's outgoing queue.
* If a messenger is in blocking mode (see
* ::pn_messenger_is_blocking()), this operation will block until N
* messages have been sent from the outgoing queue. A value of -1 for
* N means "all messages in the outgoing queue". See below for a full
* definition of what sent from the outgoing queue means.
* Any blocking will end once the messenger's configured timeout (if
* any) has been reached. When this happens an error code of
* ::PN_TIMEOUT is returned.
* If the messenger is in non blocking mode, this call will return an
* error code of ::PN_INPROGRESS if it is unable to send the requested
* number of messages without blocking.
* A message is considered to be sent from the outgoing queue when its
* status has been fully determined. This does not necessarily mean
* the message was successfully sent to the final recipient though,
* for example of the receiver rejects the message, the final status
* will be ::PN_STATUS_REJECTED. Similarly, if a message is sent to an
* invalid address, it may be removed from the outgoing queue without
* ever even being transmitted. In this case the final status will be
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] n the number of messages to send
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_send(pn_messenger_t *messenger, int n);
* Retrieve messages into a messenger's incoming queue.
* Instructs a messenger to receive up to @c limit messages into the
* incoming message queue of a messenger. If @c limit is -1, the
* messenger will receive as many messages as it can buffer
* internally. If the messenger is in blocking mode, this call will
* block until at least one message is available in the incoming
* queue.
* Each call to pn_messenger_recv replaces the previous receive
* operation, so pn_messenger_recv(messenger, 0) will cancel any
* outstanding receive.
* After receiving messages onto your incoming queue use
* ::pn_messenger_get() to access message content.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] limit the maximum number of messages to receive or -1 to
* to receive as many messages as it can buffer
* internally.
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_recv(pn_messenger_t *messenger, int limit);
* Get the capacity of the incoming message queue of a messenger.
* Note this count does not include those messages already available
* on the incoming queue (@see pn_messenger_incoming()). Rather it
* returns the number of incoming queue entries available for
* receiving messages.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_receiving(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get the next message from the head of a messenger's incoming queue.
* The get operation copies the message data from the head of the
* messenger's incoming queue into the provided ::pn_message_t object.
* If provided ::pn_message_t pointer is NULL, the head essage will be
* discarded. This operation will return ::PN_EOS if there are no
* messages left on the incoming queue.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[out] message upon return contains the message from the head of the queue
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_get(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_message_t *message);
* Get a tracker for the message most recently retrieved by
* ::pn_messenger_get().
* A tracker for an incoming message allows you to accept or reject
* the associated message. It can also be used for cumulative
* accept/reject operations for the associated message and all prior
* messages as well.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return a pn_tracker_t or an undefined value if pn_messenger_get
* has never been called for the given messenger
PN_EXTERN pn_tracker_t pn_messenger_incoming_tracker(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get the subscription of the message most recently retrieved by ::pn_messenger_get().
* This operation will return NULL if ::pn_messenger_get() has never
* been succesfully called.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return a pn_subscription_t or NULL
PN_EXTERN pn_subscription_t *pn_messenger_incoming_subscription(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Indicates that an accept or reject should operate cumulatively.
#define PN_CUMULATIVE (0x1)
* Signal successful processing of message(s).
* With no flags this operation will signal the sender that the
* message referenced by the tracker was accepted. If the
* PN_CUMULATIVE flag is set, this operation will also reject all
* pending messages prior to the message indicated by the tracker.
* Note that when a message is accepted or rejected multiple times,
* either explicitly, or implicitly through use of the ::PN_CUMULATIVE
* flag, only the first outcome applies. For example if a sequence of
* three messages are received: M1, M2, M3, and M2 is rejected, and M3
* is cumulatively accepted, M2 will remain rejected and only M1 and
* M3 will be considered accepted.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] tracker an incoming tracker
* @param[in] flags 0 or PN_CUMULATIVE
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_accept(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_tracker_t tracker, int flags);
* Signal unsuccessful processing of message(s).
* With no flags this operation will signal the sender that the
* message indicated by the tracker was rejected. If the PN_CUMULATIVE
* flag is used this operation will also reject all pending messages
* prior to the message indicated by the tracker.
* Note that when a message is accepted or rejected multiple times,
* either explicitly, or implicitly through use of the ::PN_CUMULATIVE
* flag, only the first outcome applies. For example if a sequence of
* three messages are received: M1, M2, M3, and M2 is accepted, and M3
* is cumulatively rejected, M2 will remain accepted and only M1 and
* M3 will be considered rejected.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] tracker an incoming tracker
* @param[in] flags 0 or PN_CUMULATIVE
* @return an error code or zero on success
* @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_reject(pn_messenger_t *messenger, pn_tracker_t tracker, int flags);
* Get link for the message referenced by the given tracker.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] tracker a tracker object
* @return a pn_link_t or NULL if the link could not be determined.
PN_EXTERN pn_link_t *pn_messenger_tracker_link(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
pn_tracker_t tracker);
* Get the number of messages in the outgoing message queue of a
* messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the outgoing queue depth
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_outgoing(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get the number of messages in the incoming message queue of a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the incoming queue depth
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_incoming(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
//! Adds a routing rule to a Messenger's internal routing table.
//! The route procedure may be used to influence how a messenger will
//! internally treat a given address or class of addresses. Every call
//! to the route procedure will result in messenger appending a routing
//! rule to its internal routing table.
//! Whenever a message is presented to a messenger for delivery, it
//! will match the address of this message against the set of routing
//! rules in order. The first rule to match will be triggered, and
//! instead of routing based on the address presented in the message,
//! the messenger will route based on the address supplied in the rule.
//! The pattern matching syntax supports two types of matches, a '%'
//! will match any character except a '/', and a '*' will match any
//! character including a '/'.
//! A routing address is specified as a normal AMQP address, however it
//! may additionally use substitution variables from the pattern match
//! that triggered the rule.
//! Any message sent to "foo" will be routed to "amqp://":
//! pn_messenger_route("foo", "amqp://");
//! Any message sent to "foobar" will be routed to
//! "amqp://":
//! pn_messenger_route("foobar", "amqp://");
//! Any message sent to bar/&lt;path&gt; will be routed to the corresponding
//! path within the amqp:// domain:
//! pn_messenger_route("bar/*", "amqp://$1");
//! Route all messages over TLS:
//! pn_messenger_route("amqp:*", "amqps:$1")
//! Supply credentials for
//! pn_messenger_route("amqp://*", "amqp://$1");
//! Supply credentials for all domains:
//! pn_messenger_route("amqp://*", "amqp://user:password@$1");
//! Route all addresses through a single proxy while preserving the
//! original destination:
//! pn_messenger_route("amqp://%/*", "amqp://user:password@proxy/$1/$2");
//! Route any address through a single broker:
//! pn_messenger_route("*", "amqp://user:password@broker/$1");
//! @param[in] messenger the Messenger
//! @param[in] pattern a glob pattern
//! @param[in] address an address indicating alternative routing
//! @return an error code or zero on success
//! @see error.h
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_route(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *pattern,
const char *address);
* Rewrite message addresses prior to transmission.
* This operation is similar to pn_messenger_route, except that the
* destination of the message is determined before the message address
* is rewritten.
* The outgoing address is only rewritten after routing has been
* finalized. If a message has an outgoing address of
* "amqp://", and a rewriting rule that changes its
* outgoing address to "foo", it will still arrive at the peer that
* is listening on "amqp://", but when it arrives there,
* the receiver will see its outgoing address as "foo".
* The default rewrite rule removes username and password from
* addresses before they are transmitted.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] pattern a glob pattern to select messages
* @param[in] address an address indicating outgoing address rewrite
* @return an error code or zero on success
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_rewrite(pn_messenger_t *messenger, const char *pattern,
const char *address);
* Extract @link pn_selectable_t selectables @endlink from a passive
* messenger.
* A messenger that is in passive mode (see
* ::pn_messenger_is_passive()) will never attempt to perform any I/O
* internally, but instead make its internal file descriptors
* available for external processing via the
* ::pn_messenger_selectable() operation.
* An application wishing to perform I/O on behalf of a passive
* messenger must extract all available selectables by calling this
* operation until it returns NULL. The ::pn_selectable_t interface
* may then be used by the application to perform I/O outside the
* messenger.
* All selectables returned by this operation must be serviced until
* they reach a terminal state and then freed. See
* ::pn_selectable_is_terminal() for more details.
* By default any given selectable will only ever be returned once by
* this operation, however if the selectable's registered flag is set
* to true (see ::pn_selectable_set_registered()), then the selectable
* will be returned whenever its interest set may have changed.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the next selectable, or NULL if there are none left
PN_EXTERN pn_selectable_t *pn_messenger_selectable(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Get the nearest deadline for selectables associated with a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @return the nearest deadline
PN_EXTERN pn_timestamp_t pn_messenger_deadline(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* @}
(0x1) /** Messenger flag to indicate that a call \
to pn_messenger_start should check that \
any defined routes are valid */
/** Sets control flags to enable additional function for the Messenger.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] flags 0 or PN_FLAGS_CHECK_ROUTES
* @return an error code of zero if there is no error
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_flags(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
const int flags);
/** Gets the flags for a Messenger.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @return The flags set for the messenger
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_get_flags(pn_messenger_t *messenger);
* Set the local sender settle mode for the underlying link.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] mode the sender settle mode
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_snd_settle_mode(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
const pn_snd_settle_mode_t mode);
* Set the local receiver settle mode for the underlying link.
* @param[in] messenger the messenger
* @param[in] mode the receiver settle mode
PN_EXTERN int pn_messenger_set_rcv_settle_mode(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
const pn_rcv_settle_mode_t mode);
* Set the tracer associated with a messenger.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] tracer the tracer callback
PN_EXTERN void pn_messenger_set_tracer(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
pn_tracer_t tracer);
* Gets the remote idle timeout for the specified remote service address
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] address of remote service whose idle timeout is required
* @return the timeout in milliseconds or -1 if an error occurs
PN_EXTERN pn_millis_t
pn_messenger_get_remote_idle_timeout(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
const char *address);
* Sets the SSL peer authentiacation mode required when a trust
* certificate is used.
* @param[in] messenger a messenger object
* @param[in] mode the mode required (see pn_ssl_verify_mode_t
* enum for valid values)
* @return 0 if successful or -1 if an error occurs
pn_messenger_set_ssl_peer_authentication_mode(pn_messenger_t *messenger,
const pn_ssl_verify_mode_t mode);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* messenger.h */