blob: 540fcc8f0d0e573341bc431ddfe2a33bc6227d8d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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/// Test reference counting for object wrappers, threads_safe<> wrappers and returned<> wrappers.
#include "test_bits.hpp"
#include "test_dummy_container.hpp"
#include "proton_bits.hpp"
#include "proton/thread_safe.hpp"
#include "proton/io/connection_engine.hpp"
#include "proton/io/link_namer.hpp"
#include <proton/connection.h>
namespace {
using namespace proton;
using namespace test;
using namespace std;
dummy_container cont;
namespace {
struct linknames : io::link_namer {
std::string link_name() { return "X"; }
} dummy_link_namer;
void test_new() {
pn_connection_t* c = 0;
thread_safe<connection>* p = 0;
io::connection_engine e(cont, dummy_link_namer, new dummy_event_loop);
c = unwrap(e.connection());
int r = pn_refcount(c);
ASSERT(r >= 1); // engine may have internal refs (transport, collector).
p = make_thread_safe(e.connection()).release();
ASSERT_EQUAL(r+1, pn_refcount(c));
delete p;
ASSERT_EQUAL(r, pn_refcount(c));
p = make_thread_safe(e.connection()).release();
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pn_refcount(c)); // Engine gone, thread_safe keeping c alive.
delete p;
std::shared_ptr<thread_safe<connection> > sp;
io::connection_engine e(cont, dummy_link_namer, new dummy_event_loop);
c = unwrap(e.connection());
sp = make_shared_thread_safe(e.connection());
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pn_refcount(c)); // Engine gone, sp keeping c alive.
std::unique_ptr<thread_safe<connection> > up;
io::connection_engine e(cont, dummy_link_namer, new dummy_event_loop);
c = unwrap(e.connection());
up = make_unique_thread_safe(e.connection());
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pn_refcount(c)); // Engine gone, sp keeping c alive.
void test_convert() {
// Verify refcounts as expected with conversion between proton::object
// and thread_safe.
connection c;
pn_connection_t* pc = 0;
io::connection_engine eng(cont, dummy_link_namer, new dummy_event_loop);
c = eng.connection();
pc = unwrap(c); // Unwrap in separate scope to avoid confusion from temp values.
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pn_refcount(pc));
returned<connection> pptr = make_thread_safe(c);
ASSERT_EQUAL(2, pn_refcount(pc));
returned<connection> pp2 = pptr;
ASSERT(!pptr.release()); // Transferred to pp2
ASSERT_EQUAL(2, pn_refcount(pc));
connection c2 = pp2; // Transfer and convert to target
ASSERT_EQUAL(3, pn_refcount(pc)); // c, c2, thread_safe.
ASSERT(c == c2);
ASSERT_EQUAL(1, pn_refcount(pc)); // only c is left
int main(int, char**) {
int failed = 0;
RUN_TEST(failed, test_new());
RUN_TEST(failed, test_convert());
return failed;