blob: 16ce6a41f6aa9f7b04485c370c0416cd8ee94332 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <proton/object.h>
#include <proton/buffer.h>
#include <proton/engine.h>
#include <proton/types.h>
#include "dispatcher/dispatcher.h"
#include "util.h"
typedef enum pn_endpoint_type_t {CONNECTION, SESSION, SENDER, RECEIVER} pn_endpoint_type_t;
typedef struct pn_endpoint_t pn_endpoint_t;
struct pn_condition_t {
pn_string_t *name;
pn_string_t *description;
pn_data_t *info;
struct pn_endpoint_t {
pn_endpoint_type_t type;
pn_state_t state;
pn_error_t *error;
pn_condition_t condition;
pn_condition_t remote_condition;
pn_endpoint_t *endpoint_next;
pn_endpoint_t *endpoint_prev;
pn_endpoint_t *transport_next;
pn_endpoint_t *transport_prev;
bool modified;
bool freed;
bool referenced;
bool posted_final;
typedef struct {
pn_sequence_t id;
bool sent;
bool init;
} pn_delivery_state_t;
typedef struct {
pn_sequence_t next;
pn_hash_t *deliveries;
} pn_delivery_map_t;
typedef struct {
// XXX: stop using negative numbers
uint32_t local_handle;
uint32_t remote_handle;
pn_sequence_t delivery_count;
pn_sequence_t link_credit;
} pn_link_state_t;
typedef struct {
// XXX: stop using negative numbers
uint16_t local_channel;
uint16_t remote_channel;
bool incoming_init;
pn_delivery_map_t incoming;
pn_delivery_map_t outgoing;
pn_sequence_t incoming_transfer_count;
pn_sequence_t incoming_window;
pn_sequence_t remote_incoming_window;
pn_sequence_t outgoing_transfer_count;
pn_sequence_t outgoing_window;
pn_hash_t *local_handles;
pn_hash_t *remote_handles;
uint64_t disp_code;
bool disp_settled;
bool disp_type;
pn_sequence_t disp_first;
pn_sequence_t disp_last;
bool disp;
} pn_session_state_t;
#include <proton/sasl.h>
#include <proton/ssl.h>
typedef struct pn_io_layer_t {
ssize_t (*process_input)(struct pn_transport_t *transport, unsigned int layer, const char *, size_t);
ssize_t (*process_output)(struct pn_transport_t *transport, unsigned int layer, char *, size_t);
pn_timestamp_t (*process_tick)(struct pn_transport_t *transport, unsigned int layer, pn_timestamp_t);
size_t (*buffered_output)(struct pn_transport_t *); // how much output is held
} pn_io_layer_t;
extern const pn_io_layer_t pni_passthru_layer;
extern const pn_io_layer_t ssl_layer;
extern const pn_io_layer_t sasl_header_layer;
extern const pn_io_layer_t sasl_write_header_layer;
typedef struct pni_sasl_t pni_sasl_t;
typedef struct pni_ssl_t pni_ssl_t;
struct pn_transport_t {
pn_tracer_t tracer;
pni_sasl_t *sasl;
pni_ssl_t *ssl;
pn_connection_t *connection; // reference counted
pn_dispatcher_t *disp;
char *remote_container;
char *remote_hostname;
pn_data_t *remote_offered_capabilities;
pn_data_t *remote_desired_capabilities;
pn_data_t *remote_properties;
pn_data_t *disp_data;
//#define PN_DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (16*1024)
#define PN_DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE (0) /* for now, allow unlimited size */
uint32_t local_max_frame;
uint32_t remote_max_frame;
pn_condition_t remote_condition;
pn_condition_t condition;
pn_error_t *error;
#define PN_IO_LAYER_CT 3
const pn_io_layer_t *io_layers[PN_IO_LAYER_CT];
/* dead remote detection */
pn_millis_t local_idle_timeout;
pn_millis_t remote_idle_timeout;
pn_timestamp_t dead_remote_deadline;
uint64_t last_bytes_input;
/* keepalive */
pn_timestamp_t keepalive_deadline;
uint64_t last_bytes_output;
pn_hash_t *local_channels;
pn_hash_t *remote_channels;
pn_string_t *scratch;
/* statistics */
uint64_t bytes_input;
uint64_t bytes_output;
/* output buffered for send */
size_t output_size;
size_t output_pending;
char *output_buf;
pn_record_t *context;
/* input from peer */
size_t input_size;
size_t input_pending;
char *input_buf;
uint16_t channel_max;
uint16_t remote_channel_max;
bool freed;
bool open_sent;
bool open_rcvd;
bool close_sent;
bool close_rcvd;
bool tail_closed; // input stream closed by driver
bool head_closed;
bool done_processing; // if true, don't call pn_process again
bool posted_idle_timeout;
bool server;
struct pn_connection_t {
pn_endpoint_t endpoint;
pn_endpoint_t *endpoint_head;
pn_endpoint_t *endpoint_tail;
pn_endpoint_t *transport_head; // reference counted
pn_endpoint_t *transport_tail;
pn_list_t *sessions;
pn_transport_t *transport;
pn_delivery_t *work_head;
pn_delivery_t *work_tail;
pn_delivery_t *tpwork_head; // reference counted
pn_delivery_t *tpwork_tail;
pn_string_t *container;
pn_string_t *hostname;
pn_data_t *offered_capabilities;
pn_data_t *desired_capabilities;
pn_data_t *properties;
pn_collector_t *collector;
pn_record_t *context;
struct pn_session_t {
pn_endpoint_t endpoint;
pn_connection_t *connection; // reference counted
pn_list_t *links;
pn_record_t *context;
size_t incoming_capacity;
pn_sequence_t incoming_bytes;
pn_sequence_t outgoing_bytes;
pn_sequence_t incoming_deliveries;
pn_sequence_t outgoing_deliveries;
pn_session_state_t state;
struct pn_terminus_t {
pn_string_t *address;
pn_data_t *properties;
pn_data_t *capabilities;
pn_data_t *outcomes;
pn_data_t *filter;
pn_durability_t durability;
pn_expiry_policy_t expiry_policy;
pn_seconds_t timeout;
pn_terminus_type_t type;
pn_distribution_mode_t distribution_mode;
bool dynamic;
struct pn_link_t {
pn_endpoint_t endpoint;
pn_terminus_t source;
pn_terminus_t target;
pn_terminus_t remote_source;
pn_terminus_t remote_target;
pn_link_state_t state;
pn_string_t *name;
pn_session_t *session; // reference counted
pn_delivery_t *unsettled_head;
pn_delivery_t *unsettled_tail;
pn_delivery_t *current;
pn_delivery_t *settled_head;
pn_delivery_t *settled_tail;
pn_record_t *context;
size_t unsettled_count;
pn_sequence_t available;
pn_sequence_t credit;
pn_sequence_t queued;
int drained; // number of drained credits
uint8_t snd_settle_mode;
uint8_t rcv_settle_mode;
uint8_t remote_snd_settle_mode;
uint8_t remote_rcv_settle_mode;
bool drain_flag_mode; // receiver only
bool drain;
bool detached;
struct pn_disposition_t {
pn_condition_t condition;
uint64_t type;
pn_data_t *data;
pn_data_t *annotations;
uint64_t section_offset;
uint32_t section_number;
bool failed;
bool undeliverable;
bool settled;
struct pn_delivery_t {
pn_disposition_t local;
pn_disposition_t remote;
pn_link_t *link; // reference counted
pn_buffer_t *tag;
pn_delivery_t *unsettled_next;
pn_delivery_t *unsettled_prev;
pn_delivery_t *settled_next;
pn_delivery_t *settled_prev;
pn_delivery_t *work_next;
pn_delivery_t *work_prev;
pn_delivery_t *tpwork_next;
pn_delivery_t *tpwork_prev;
pn_delivery_state_t state;
pn_buffer_t *bytes;
pn_record_t *context;
bool updated;
bool settled; // tracks whether we're in the unsettled list or not
bool work;
bool tpwork;
bool done;
#define PN_SET_LOCAL(OLD, NEW) \
void pn_link_dump(pn_link_t *link);
void pn_dump(pn_connection_t *conn);
void pn_transport_sasl_init(pn_transport_t *transport);
void pn_condition_init(pn_condition_t *condition);
void pn_condition_tini(pn_condition_t *condition);
void pn_modified(pn_connection_t *connection, pn_endpoint_t *endpoint, bool emit);
void pn_real_settle(pn_delivery_t *delivery); // will free delivery if link is freed
void pn_clear_tpwork(pn_delivery_t *delivery);
void pn_work_update(pn_connection_t *connection, pn_delivery_t *delivery);
void pn_clear_modified(pn_connection_t *connection, pn_endpoint_t *endpoint);
void pn_connection_unbound(pn_connection_t *conn);
int pn_do_error(pn_transport_t *transport, const char *condition, const char *fmt, ...);
void pn_session_unbound(pn_session_t* ssn);
void pn_link_unbound(pn_link_t* link);
#endif /* engine-internal.h */