blob: fdbd368765c0a34c67f34c0c167f22bdc1a7d0f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#include "../internal/object.hpp"
#include "../types_fwd.hpp"
struct pn_data_t;
namespace proton {
class value;
namespace internal {
/// @cond INTERNAL
/// A wrapper for a proton data object.
class data : public object<pn_data_t> {
/// Wrap an existing Proton-C data object.
data(pn_data_t* d) : internal::object<pn_data_t>(d) {}
/// Create an empty data object.
data() : internal::object<pn_data_t>(0) {}
/// Create a new data object.
PN_CPP_EXTERN static data create();
/// Copy the contents of another data object.
PN_CPP_EXTERN void copy(const data&);
/// Clear the data.
PN_CPP_EXTERN void clear();
/// Rewind current position to the start.
PN_CPP_EXTERN void rewind();
/// True if there are no values.
PN_CPP_EXTERN bool empty() const;
/// Append the contents of another data object.
PN_CPP_EXTERN int append(data src);
/// Append up to limit items from data object.
PN_CPP_EXTERN int appendn(data src, int limit);
PN_CPP_EXTERN bool next();
PN_CPP_EXTERN const void* point() const;
PN_CPP_EXTERN void restore(const void* h);
void narrow();
void widen();
friend class internal::factory<data>;
friend struct state_guard;
friend PN_CPP_EXTERN std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const data&);
/// @endcond
/// **Unsettled API** - Save and restore codec state.
/// A state guard saves the state and restores it in the destructor
/// unless `cancel()` is called.
struct state_guard {
/// @cond INTERNAL
data& data_;
const void* point_;
bool cancel_;
/// @endcond
/// @cond INTERNAL
state_guard(data& d) : data_(d), point_(data_.point()), cancel_(false) {}
/// @endcond
~state_guard() { if (!cancel_) data_.restore(point_); }
/// Discard the saved state.
void cancel() { cancel_ = true; }
} // internal
} // proton