blob: f073de5ecbb0c0e297ef909032fed364d1fbe363 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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#include "./internal/export.hpp"
#include "./internal/comparable.hpp"
#include "./types_fwd.hpp"
#include <proton/type_compat.h>
#include <iosfwd>
/// @file
/// @copybrief proton::duration
namespace proton {
/// A span of time in milliseconds.
class duration : private internal::comparable<duration> {
/// A numeric type holding a value in milliseconds.
typedef int64_t numeric_type;
/// Construct from a value in milliseconds.
explicit duration(numeric_type ms = 0) : ms_(ms) {}
/// Assign a value in milliseconds.
duration& operator=(numeric_type ms) { ms_ = ms; return *this; }
/// Get the value in milliseconds.
numeric_type milliseconds() const { return ms_; }
PN_CPP_EXTERN static const duration FOREVER; ///< Wait forever
PN_CPP_EXTERN static const duration IMMEDIATE; ///< Don't wait at all
PN_CPP_EXTERN static const duration SECOND; ///< One second
PN_CPP_EXTERN static const duration MILLISECOND; ///< One millisecond
PN_CPP_EXTERN static const duration MINUTE; ///< One minute
numeric_type ms_;
/// Print a duration.
PN_CPP_EXTERN std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, duration);
/// @name Comparison and arithmetic operators
/// @{
inline bool operator<(duration x, duration y) { return x.milliseconds() < y.milliseconds(); }
inline bool operator==(duration x, duration y) { return x.milliseconds() == y.milliseconds(); }
inline duration operator+(duration x, duration y) { return duration(x.milliseconds() + y.milliseconds()); }
inline duration operator-(duration x, duration y) { return duration(x.milliseconds() - y.milliseconds()); }
inline duration operator*(duration d, uint64_t n) { return duration(d.milliseconds()*n); }
inline duration operator*(uint64_t n, duration d) { return d * n; }
inline duration operator/(duration d, uint64_t n) { return duration(d.milliseconds() / n); }
/// @}
} // proton