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// Tests to verify that example code behaves as expected.
// Run in this directory with `go test example_test.go`
package main
import (
func fatalIf(t *testing.T, err error) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s", err)
// A demo broker process
type broker struct {
cmd *exec.Cmd
addr string
runerr chan error
err error
// Try to connect to the broker to verify it is ready, give up after a timeout
func (b *broker) check() error {
dialer := net.Dialer{Deadline: time.Now().Add(time.Second * 10)}
for {
c, err := dialer.Dial("tcp", b.addr)
if err == nil { // Success
return nil
select {
case runerr := <-b.runerr: // Broker exited.
return runerr
if neterr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && neterr.Timeout() { // Running but timed out
return fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for broker")
time.Sleep(time.Second / 10)
// Start the demo broker, wait till it is listening on *addr. No-op if already started.
func (b *broker) start(t *testing.T) error {
if b.cmd == nil { // Not already started
b.addr = fmt.Sprintf("", rand.Intn(10000)+10000)
b.cmd = exampleCommand(t, *brokerName, "-addr", b.addr)
b.runerr = make(chan error)
b.cmd.Stderr, b.cmd.Stdout = os.Stderr, os.Stdout
b.err = b.cmd.Start()
if b.err == nil {
go func() { b.runerr <- b.cmd.Wait() }()
} else {
b.runerr <- b.err
b.err = b.check()
return b.err
func (b *broker) stop() {
if b != nil && b.cmd != nil {
func checkEqual(want interface{}, got interface{}) error {
if reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("%#v != %#v", want, got)
// exampleCommand returns an exec.Cmd to run an example.
func exampleCommand(t *testing.T, prog string, arg ...string) (cmd *exec.Cmd) {
args := []string{}
if *debug {
args = append(args, "-debug=true")
args = append(args, arg...)
prog, err := filepath.Abs(path.Join(*dir, prog))
fatalIf(t, err)
if _, err := os.Stat(prog); err == nil {
cmd = exec.Command(prog, args...)
} else if _, err := os.Stat(prog + ".go"); err == nil {
args = append([]string{"run", prog + ".go"}, args...)
cmd = exec.Command("go", args...)
} else {
t.Fatalf("Cannot find binary or source for %s", prog)
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
return cmd
// Run an example Go program, return the combined output as a string.
func runExample(t *testing.T, prog string, arg ...string) (string, error) {
cmd := exampleCommand(t, prog, arg...)
out, err := cmd.Output()
return string(out), err
func prefix(prefix string, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", prefix, err)
return nil
func runExampleWant(t *testing.T, want string, prog string, args ...string) error {
out, err := runExample(t, prog, args...)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%s failed: %s: %s", prog, err, out)
return prefix(prog, checkEqual(want, out))
func exampleArgs(args ...string) []string {
for i := 0; i < *connections; i++ {
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s%d", testBroker.addr, "q", i))
return args
// Send then receive
func TestExampleSendReceive(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("Skip demo tests in short mode")
err := runExampleWant(t,
fmt.Sprintf("Received all %d acknowledgements\n", expected),
exampleArgs("-count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", *count))...)
if err != nil {
err = runExampleWant(t,
fmt.Sprintf("Listening on %v connections\nReceived %v messages\n", *connections, *count**connections),
exampleArgs("-count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", *count**connections))...)
if err != nil {
var ready error
func init() { ready = fmt.Errorf("Ready") }
// Run receive in a goroutine.
// Send ready on errchan when it is listening.
// Send final error when it is done.
// Returns the Cmd, caller must Wait()
func goReceiveWant(t *testing.T, errchan chan<- error, want string, arg ...string) *exec.Cmd {
cmd := exampleCommand(t, "receive", arg...)
go func() {
pipe, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
errchan <- err
out := bufio.NewReader(pipe)
line, err := out.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
errchan <- err
listening := "Listening on 3 connections\n"
if line != listening {
errchan <- checkEqual(listening, line)
errchan <- ready
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
io.Copy(&buf, out) // Collect the rest of the output
errchan <- checkEqual(want, buf.String())
return cmd
// Start receiver first, wait till it is running, then send.
func TestExampleReceiveSend(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("Skip demo tests in short mode")
// Start receiver, wait for "listening" message on stdout
recvCmd := exampleCommand(t, "receive", exampleArgs(fmt.Sprintf("-count=%d", expected))...)
pipe, err := recvCmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
out := bufio.NewReader(pipe)
line, err := out.ReadString('\n')
if err := checkEqual("Listening on 3 connections\n", line); err != nil {
if err := runExampleWant(t,
fmt.Sprintf("Received all %d acknowledgements\n", expected),
exampleArgs("-count", fmt.Sprintf("%d", *count))...); err != nil {
buf := bytes.Buffer{}
io.Copy(&buf, out)
if err := checkEqual(fmt.Sprintf("Received %d messages\n", expected), buf.String()); err != nil {
var testBroker *broker
var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "Debugging output from examples")
var brokerName = flag.String("broker", "broker", "Name of broker executable to run")
var count = flag.Int("count", 3, "Count of messages to send in tests")
var connections = flag.Int("connections", 3, "Number of connections to make in tests")
var dir = flag.String("dir", "", "Directory containing example sources or binaries")
var expected int
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if out, err := exec.Command("go", "install", "").CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("go install failed: %s\n%s", err, out)
expected = (*count) * (*connections)
testBroker = &broker{} // Broker is started on-demand by tests.
status := m.Run()