NO-JIRA: remove stale mention of updating setup versions for the python bindings
diff --git a/ b/
index 8be148e..232e944 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 1. Grab a clean checkout for safety.
 2. Run: "git checkout ${BRANCH}" to switch to a branch of the intended release point.
 3. Update the versions:
-  - Run: "bin/ ${VERSION}", e.g. bin/ 0.15.0.
+  - Run: "bin/ ${VERSION}", e.g. bin/ 0.17.0
   - Update the version(s) if needed in file: proton-c/bindings/python/docs/
-  - Update the version(s) if needed in file: proton-c/bindings/python/setuputils/
 4. Commit the changes, tag them.
   - Run: "git add ."
   - Run: 'git commit -m "update versions for ${TAG}"'