blob: 5006329182cce9b6fb260f6d7d9b097f4d1967f6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "./connection_options.hpp"
#include "./function.hpp"
#include "./listener.hpp"
#include "./receiver_options.hpp"
#include "./sender_options.hpp"
#include "./thread_safe.hpp"
#include "./internal/config.hpp"
#include "./internal/export.hpp"
#include <string>
namespace proton {
class connection;
class connection_options;
class container_impl;
class messaging_handler;
class listen_handler;
class listener;
class receiver;
class receiver_options;
class sender;
class sender_options;
class task;
/// A top-level container of connections, sessions, senders, and
/// receivers.
/// A container gives a unique identity to each communicating peer. It
/// is often a process-level object.
/// It serves as an entry point to the API, allowing connections,
/// senders, and receivers to be established. It can be supplied with
/// an event handler in order to intercept important messaging events,
/// such as newly received messages or newly issued credit for sending
/// messages.
class PN_CPP_CLASS_EXTERN container {
PN_CPP_EXTERN virtual ~container();
/// Connect to `url` and send an open request to the remote peer.
/// Options are applied to the connection as follows, values in later
/// options override earlier ones:
/// 1. client_connection_options()
/// 2. options passed to connect()
/// The handler in the composed options is used to call
/// proton::messaging_handler::on_connection_open() when the remote peer's
/// open response is received.
virtual returned<connection> connect(const std::string& url, const connection_options &) = 0;
/// Connect to `url` and send an open request to the remote peer.
virtual returned<connection> connect(const std::string& url) = 0;
/// @cond INTERNAL
/// Stop listening on url, must match the url string given to listen().
/// You can also use the proton::listener object returned by listen()
virtual void stop_listening(const std::string& url) = 0;
/// @endcond
/// Start listening on url.
/// Calls to the @ref listen_handler are serialized for this listener,
/// but handlers attached to separate listeners may be called concurrently.
/// @param url identifies a listening url.
/// @param lh handles listening events
/// @return listener lets you stop listening
virtual listener listen(const std::string& url, listen_handler& lh) = 0;
/// Listen with a fixed set of options for all accepted connections.
/// See listen(const std::string&, listen_handler&)
virtual listener listen(const std::string& url, const connection_options&) = 0;
/// Start listening on URL.
/// New connections will use the handler from server_connection_options()
virtual listener listen(const std::string& url) = 0;
/// Run the container in this thread.
/// Returns when the container stops.
/// @see auto_stop() and stop().
/// With a multithreaded container, call run() in multiple threads to create a thread pool.
virtual void run() = 0;
/// If true, stop the container when all active connections and listeners are closed.
/// If false the container will keep running till stop() is called.
/// auto_stop is set by default when a new container is created.
virtual void auto_stop(bool) = 0;
/// **Experimental** - Stop the container with an error_condition
/// err.
/// - Abort all open connections and listeners.
/// - Process final handler events and injected functions
/// - If `!err.empty()`, handlers will receive on_transport_error
/// - run() will return in all threads.
virtual void stop(const error_condition& err) = 0;
/// **Experimental** - Stop the container with an empty error
/// condition.
/// @see stop(const error_condition&)
virtual void stop() = 0;
/// Open a connection and sender for `url`.
virtual returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url) = 0;
/// Open a connection and sender for `url`.
/// Supplied sender options will override the container's
/// template options.
virtual returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url,
const proton::sender_options &o) = 0;
/// Open a connection and sender for `url`.
/// Supplied connection options will override the
/// container's template options.
virtual returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url,
const connection_options &c) = 0;
/// Open a connection and sender for `url`.
/// Supplied sender or connection options will override the
/// container's template options.
virtual returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url,
const proton::sender_options &o,
const connection_options &c) = 0;
/// Open a connection and receiver for `url`.
virtual returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url) = 0;
/// Open a connection and receiver for `url`.
/// Supplied receiver options will override the container's
/// template options.
virtual returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url,
const proton::receiver_options &o) = 0;
/// Open a connection and receiver for `url`.
/// Supplied receiver or connection options will override the
/// container's template options.
virtual returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url,
const connection_options &c) = 0;
/// Open a connection and receiver for `url`.
/// Supplied receiver or connection options will override the
/// container's template options.
virtual returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url,
const proton::receiver_options &o,
const connection_options &c) = 0;
/// A unique identifier for the container.
virtual std::string id() const = 0;
/// Connection options that will be to outgoing connections. These
/// are applied first and overriden by options provided in
/// connect() and messaging_handler::on_connection_open().
virtual void client_connection_options(const connection_options &) = 0;
/// @copydoc client_connection_options
virtual connection_options client_connection_options() const = 0;
/// Connection options that will be applied to incoming
/// connections. These are applied first and overridden by options
/// provided in listen(), listen_handler::on_accept() and
/// messaging_handler::on_connection_open().
virtual void server_connection_options(const connection_options &) = 0;
/// @copydoc server_connection_options
virtual connection_options server_connection_options() const = 0;
/// Sender options applied to senders created by this
/// container. They are applied before messaging_handler::on_sender_open()
/// and can be overridden.
virtual void sender_options(const class sender_options &) = 0;
/// @copydoc sender_options
virtual class sender_options sender_options() const = 0;
/// Receiver options applied to receivers created by this
/// container. They are applied before messaging_handler::on_receiver_open()
/// and can be overridden.
virtual void receiver_options(const class receiver_options &) = 0;
/// @copydoc receiver_options
virtual class receiver_options receiver_options() const = 0;
/// Schedule a function to be called after the duration
virtual void schedule(duration, std::function<void()>) = 0;
/// Schedule a function to be called after the duration.
/// C++03 compatible, for C++11 use the schedule(duration, std::function<void()>)
virtual void schedule(duration, void_function0&) = 0;
/// @cond INTERNAL
/// This class is intended for container implementers, it simplifies implementing container
/// by performing all the default actions for shortened method signatures
/// Note: This class will only be useful if you want all the ususal defaulted behaviours
/// in your class as it makes them all non virtual, so you can't use just some of them.
/// It means that in the usual case the container interface is smaller and a little simpler.
class PN_CPP_CLASS_EXTERN standard_container : public container {
// Pull in base class functions here so we don't need to define them again
using container::stop;
using container::connect;
using container::listen;
using container::open_receiver;
using container::open_sender;
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<connection> connect(const std::string& url);
PN_CPP_EXTERN listener listen(const std::string& url, const connection_options&);
PN_CPP_EXTERN listener listen(const std::string& url);
PN_CPP_EXTERN void stop();
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url);
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url,
const proton::sender_options &o);
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<sender> open_sender(const std::string &url,
const proton::connection_options &o);
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url);
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url,
const proton::receiver_options &o);
PN_CPP_EXTERN returned<receiver> open_receiver(const std::string&url,
const proton::connection_options &o);
/// @endcond
/// This is an header only class that can be used to help using containers more natural
/// by allowing them to be treated as value types.
template <class Ptr>
class container_ref : public container {
/// Move constructor.
container_ref(Ptr&& p) : impl_(std::move(p)) {}
/// This class will only work correctly if ownership is transferred here
/// so using std::auto_ptr for Ptr is necessary for pre C++11
container_ref(Ptr p) : impl_(p) {}
returned<connection> connect(const std::string& url, const connection_options& opts) { return impl_->connect(url, opts); }
returned<connection> connect(const std::string& url) { return impl_->connect(url); }
listener listen(const std::string& url, listen_handler& l) { return impl_->listen(url, l); }
listener listen(const std::string& url, const connection_options& opts) { return impl_->listen(url, opts); }
listener listen(const std::string& url) { return impl_->listen(url); }
///@cond INTERNAL
void stop_listening(const std::string& url) { impl_->stop_listening(url); }
void run() { impl_->run(); }
void auto_stop(bool set) { impl_->auto_stop(set); }
///@copydoc container::stop
void stop(const error_condition& err) { impl_->stop(err); }
///@copydoc container::stop
void stop() { impl_->stop(); }
///@copydoc container::open_sender
returned<sender> open_sender(
const std::string &url,
const class sender_options &o,
const connection_options &c) { return impl_->open_sender(url, o, c); }
///@copydoc container::open_sender
returned<sender> open_sender(
const std::string &url,
const class connection_options &o) { return impl_->open_sender(url, o); }
///@copydoc container::open_sender
returned<sender> open_sender(
const std::string &url,
const class sender_options &o) { return impl_->open_sender(url, o); }
///@copydoc container::open_sender
returned<sender> open_sender(
const std::string &url) { return impl_->open_sender(url); }
///@copydoc container::open_receiver
returned<receiver> open_receiver(
const std::string&url,
const class receiver_options &o,
const connection_options &c) { return impl_->open_receiver(url, o, c); }
///@copydoc container::open_receiver
returned<receiver> open_receiver(
const std::string&url,
const class receiver_options &o) { return impl_->open_receiver(url, o); }
///@copydoc container::open_receiver
returned<receiver> open_receiver(
const std::string&url,
const class connection_options &o) { return impl_->open_receiver(url, o); }
///@copydoc container::open_receiver
returned<receiver> open_receiver(
const std::string&url) { return impl_->open_receiver(url); }
std::string id() const { return impl_->id(); }
PN_CPP_EXTERN void schedule(duration d, std::function<void()> f) { return impl_->schedule(d, f); }
PN_CPP_EXTERN void schedule(duration d, void_function0& f) { return impl_->schedule(d, f); }
void client_connection_options(const connection_options& c) { impl_->client_connection_options(c); }
connection_options client_connection_options() const { return impl_->client_connection_options(); }
void server_connection_options(const connection_options &o) { impl_->server_connection_options(o); }
connection_options server_connection_options() const { return impl_->server_connection_options(); }
void sender_options(const class sender_options &o) { impl_->sender_options(o); }
class sender_options sender_options() const { return impl_->sender_options(); }
void receiver_options(const class receiver_options & o) { impl_->receiver_options(o); }
class receiver_options receiver_options() const { return impl_->receiver_options(); }
Ptr impl_;
} // proton