blob: d2deebf53382b2e87a9e50eb13ec79d45ed62ad8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "./internal/config.hpp"
#include "./internal/export.hpp"
#include "./duration.hpp"
#include "./internal/pn_unique_ptr.hpp"
#include "./reconnect_timer.hpp"
#include "./types_fwd.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
struct pn_connection_t;
namespace proton {
class proton_handler;
class connection;
namespace io {
class connection_driver;
/// Options for creating a connection.
/// Options can be "chained" like this:
/// @code
/// c = container.connect(url, connection_options().handler(h).max_frame_size(1234));
/// @endcode
/// You can also create an options object with common settings and use
/// it as a base for different connections that have mostly the same
/// settings:
/// @code
/// connection_options opts;
/// opts.idle_timeout(1000).max_frame_size(10000);
/// c1 = container.connect(url1, opts.handler(h1));
/// c2 = container.connect(url2, opts.handler(h2));
/// @endcode
/// Normal value semantics: copy or assign creates a separate copy of
/// the options.
class connection_options {
/// Create an empty set of options.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options();
/// Shorthand for connection_options().handler(h)
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options(class messaging_handler& h);
/// Copy options.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options(const connection_options&);
PN_CPP_EXTERN ~connection_options();
/// Copy options.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& operator=(const connection_options&);
// XXX add C++11 move operations - Still relevant, and applies to all options
/// Set a connection handler.
/// The handler must not be deleted until messaging_handler::on_transport_close() is called.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& handler(class messaging_handler&);
/// Set the maximum frame size.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& max_frame_size(uint32_t max);
/// Set the maximum number of open sessions.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& max_sessions(uint16_t max);
// XXX document relationship to heartbeat interval
/// Set the idle timeout.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& idle_timeout(duration);
/// Set the container ID.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& container_id(const std::string &id);
/// Set the virtual host name for the connection. If making a
/// client connection by SSL/TLS, this name is also used for
/// certificate verification and Server Name Indication. For
/// client connections, it defaults to the host name used to set
/// up the connection. It is not set by default for server
/// connections.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& virtual_host(const std::string &name);
/// Set the user name used to authenticate the connection.
/// This will override any user name that is specified in the url
/// used for container::connect.
/// It will be ignored if the connection is created by container::listen as
/// a listening connection has no user name.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& user(const std::string& user);
/// Set the password used to authenticate the connection
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& password(const std::string& pass);
/// @cond INTERNAL
// XXX settle questions about reconnect_timer - consider simply
// reconnect_options and making reconnect_timer internal
/// **Experimental**
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& reconnect(const reconnect_timer &);
/// @endcond
/// Set SSL client options.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& ssl_client_options(const class ssl_client_options &);
/// Set SSL server options.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& ssl_server_options(const class ssl_server_options &);
/// Enable or disable SASL.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& sasl_enabled(bool);
/// Force the enabling of SASL mechanisms that disclose clear text
/// passwords over the connection. By default, such mechanisms
/// are disabled.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& sasl_allow_insecure_mechs(bool);
/// Specify the allowed mechanisms for use on the connection.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& sasl_allowed_mechs(const std::string &);
/// **Experimental** - Set the SASL configuration name.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& sasl_config_name(const std::string &);
/// **Experimental** - Set the SASL configuration path.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& sasl_config_path(const std::string &);
/// Update option values from values set in other.
PN_CPP_EXTERN connection_options& update(const connection_options& other);
void apply_unbound(connection&) const;
void apply_bound(connection&) const;
messaging_handler* handler() const;
class impl;
internal::pn_unique_ptr<impl> impl_;
/// @cond INTERNAL
friend class container_impl;
friend class connector;
friend class io::connection_driver;
friend class connection;
/// @endcond
} // proton