blob: cc7c818fca4f77cbadd6398e90c28cd9b1c5cc33 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.qpid.jms;
import static org.apache.qpid.jms.SerializationTestSupport.roundTripSerialize;
import static org.apache.qpid.jms.SerializationTestSupport.serialize;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.test.QpidJmsTestCase;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
public class JmsTemporaryTopicTest extends QpidJmsTestCase {
private static final String NAME_PROP = "address";
private static final String LEGACY_NAME_PROP = "name";
public void testIsQueue() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
assertFalse(topic.isQueue(), "should not be a queue");
public void testIsTopic() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
assertTrue(topic.isTopic(), "should be a topic");
public void testIsTemporary() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
assertTrue(topic.isTemporary(), "should be temporary");
public void testIsDeleted() throws Exception {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
assertFalse(topic.isDeleted(), "should not be deleted");
assertTrue(topic.isDeleted(), "should be deleted");
public void testEqualsWithNull() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
assertFalse(topic.equals(null), "should not be equal");
public void testEqualsWithDifferentObjectType() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name");
JmsQueue otherObject = new JmsQueue("name");
assertFalse(topic.equals(otherObject), "should not be equal");
public void testEqualsWithSameObject() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name");
assertTrue(topic.equals(topic), "should be equal to itself");
public void testEqualsWithDifferentObject() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic1 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name");
JmsTemporaryTopic topic2 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name");
assertTrue(topic1.equals(topic2), "should be equal");
assertTrue(topic2.equals(topic1), "should still be equal");
public void testHashcodeWithEqualNamedObjects() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic1 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name");
JmsTemporaryTopic topic2 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name");
assertEquals(topic1.hashCode(), topic2.hashCode(), "should have same hashcode");
public void testHashcodeWithDifferentNamedObjects() {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic1 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name1");
JmsTemporaryTopic topic2 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("name2");
// Not strictly a requirement, but expected in this case
assertNotEquals(topic1.hashCode(), topic2.hashCode(), "should not have same hashcode");
public void testGetProperties() throws Exception {
String name = "myTopic";
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic(name);
Map<String, String> props = topic.getProperties();
assertTrue(props.containsKey(NAME_PROP), "Property not found: " + NAME_PROP);
assertEquals(name, props.get(NAME_PROP), "Unexpected value for property: " + NAME_PROP);
assertEquals(1, props.size(), "Unexpected number of properties");
public void testSetProperties() throws Exception {
setPropertiesTestImpl(true, false);
public void testSetPropertiesWithLegacyNameProp() throws Exception {
setPropertiesTestImpl(false, true);
public void testSetPropertiesWithBothNameProps() throws Exception {
setPropertiesTestImpl(true, true);
private void setPropertiesTestImpl(boolean addNameProp, boolean addLegacyNameProp) {
String name = "myTopic";
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic();
assertNull(topic.getTopicName(), "Shouldnt have name yet");
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
if(addNameProp) {
props.put(NAME_PROP, name);
if(addLegacyNameProp) {
props.put(LEGACY_NAME_PROP, name);
Map<String, String> unusedProps = topic.setProperties(props);
assertEquals(name, topic.getTopicName(), "Unexpected value for name");
// Verify the returned map was empty and unmodifiable
assertTrue(unusedProps.isEmpty(), "Map should be empty: " + unusedProps);
try {
unusedProps.put("a", "b");
fail("Map should be unmodifiable");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
// expected
public void testSetPropertiesWithUnusedOptions() throws Exception {
String name = "myTopic";
String unusedKey = "unusedKey";
String unusedValue = "unusedValue";
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic();
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
props.put(NAME_PROP, name);
props.put(unusedKey, unusedValue);
Map<String, String> unusedProps = topic.setProperties(props);
// Verify the name property was applied.
assertEquals(name, topic.getTopicName(), "Unexpected value for name");
//Verify that the unused property was returned
assertEquals(1, unusedProps.size(), "Unexpected size of return map");
assertTrue(unusedProps.containsKey(unusedKey), "Expected property not found in map: " + unusedProps);
assertEquals(unusedValue, unusedProps.get(unusedKey), "Unexpected property value");
// Verify the returned map was unmodifiable
try {
unusedProps.put("a", "b");
fail("Map should be unmodifiable");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
// expected
public void testSerializeThenDeserialize() throws Exception {
String name = "myTopic";
JmsTemporaryTopic topic = new JmsTemporaryTopic(name);
Object roundTripped = roundTripSerialize(topic);
assertNotNull(roundTripped, "Null destination returned");
assertEquals(JmsTemporaryTopic.class, roundTripped.getClass(), "Unexpected type");
assertEquals(name, ((JmsTemporaryTopic)roundTripped).getTopicName(), "Unexpected name");
assertEquals(topic, roundTripped, "Objects were not equal");
assertEquals(topic.hashCode(), roundTripped.hashCode(), "Object hashCodes were not equal");
public void testSerializeTwoEqualDestinations() throws Exception {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic1 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
JmsTemporaryTopic topic2 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic");
assertEquals(topic1, topic2, "Destinations were not equal");
byte[] bytes1 = serialize(topic1);
byte[] bytes2 = serialize(topic2);
assertArrayEquals(bytes1, bytes2, "Serialized bytes were not equal");
public void testSerializeTwoDifferentDestinations() throws Exception {
JmsTemporaryTopic topic1 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic1");
JmsTemporaryTopic topic2 = new JmsTemporaryTopic("myTopic2");
assertNotEquals(topic1, topic2, "Destinations were not expected to be equal");
byte[] bytes1 = serialize(topic1);
byte[] bytes2 = serialize(topic2);
try {
assertArrayEquals(bytes1, bytes2);
fail("Expected arrays to differ");
} catch (AssertionError ae) {
// Expected, pass