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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.jms.provider;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.message.JmsInboundMessageDispatch;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.message.JmsMessageFactory;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.message.JmsOutboundMessageDispatch;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.meta.JmsConsumerId;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.meta.JmsResource;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.meta.JmsSessionId;
import org.apache.qpid.jms.provider.ProviderConstants.ACK_TYPE;
* Defines the interface that an Implementation of a Specific wire level protocol
* provider must implement. This Provider interface requires that the implementation
* methods all operate in an asynchronous manner.
public interface Provider {
* Performs the initial low level connection for this provider such as TCP or
* SSL connection to a remote Broker. If this operation fails then the Provider
* is considered to be unusable and no further operations should be attempted
* using this Provider.
* @throws IOException if the remote resource can not be contacted.
void connect() throws IOException;
* Starts the Provider. The start method provides a place for the Provider to perform
* and pre-start configuration checks to ensure that the current state is valid and that
* all contracts have been met prior to starting.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs during start processing.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Provider is improperly configured.
void start() throws IOException, IllegalStateException;
* Closes this Provider terminating all connections and canceling any pending
* operations. The Provider is considered unusable after this call. This call
* is a blocking call and will not return until the Provider has closed or an
* error occurs.
void close();
* Returns the URI used to configure this Provider and specify the remote address of the
* Broker it connects to.
* @return the URI used to configure this Provider.
URI getRemoteURI();
* Create the Provider version of the given JmsResource.
* For each JMS Resource type the Provider implementation must create it's own internal
* representation and upon successful creation provide the caller with a response. The
* Provider should examine the given JmsResource to determine if the given configuration
* is supported or can be simulated, or is not supported in which case an exception should be
* thrown.
* It is possible for a Provider to indicate that it cannot complete a requested create
* either due to some mis-configuration such as bad login credentials on connection create
* by throwing a JMSException. If the Provider does not support creating of the indicated
* resource such as a Temporary Queue etc the provider may throw an UnsupportedOperationException
* to indicate this.
* @param resource
* The JmsResouce instance that indicates what is being created.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such as bad credentials.
void create(JmsResource resource, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Starts the Provider version of the given JmsResource.
* For some JMS Resources it is necessary or advantageous to have a started state that
* must be triggered prior to it's normal use.
* An example of this would be a MessageConsumer which should not receive any incoming
* messages until the JMS layer is in a state to handle them. One such time would be
* after connection recovery. A JMS consumer should normally recover with it's prefetch
* value set to zero, or an AMQP link credit of zero and only open up the credit window
* once all Connection resources are restored.
* The provider is required to implement this method and not throw any error other than
* an IOException if a communication error occurs. The start operation is not required to
* have any effect on the provider resource but must not throw UnsupportedOperation etc.
* @param resource
* The JmsResouce instance that indicates what is being started.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such as already closed resource.
void start(JmsResource resource, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Stops (pauses) the Provider version of the given JmsResource, the resource would then
* need to be started again via a call to <code>start()</code>
* For some JMS Resources it is necessary or advantageous to have a stopped state that
* can be triggered to stop the resource generating new events or messages.
* An example of this would be a JMS Session which should not receive any incoming messages
* for any consumers until the JMS layer is in a state to handle them. One such time would be
* during a transaction rollback. A JMS Session should normally ensure that messages received
* in a transaction are set to be redelivered prior to any new deliveries on a transaction
* rollback.
* The provider is required to implement this method and not throw any error other than
* an IOException if a communication error occurs. The stop operation is not required to
* have any effect on the provider resource but must not throw UnsupportedOperation etc.
* @param resource
* The JmsResouce instance that indicates what is being stopped.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such as already closed resource.
void stop(JmsResource resource, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Instruct the Provider to dispose of a given JmsResource.
* The provider is given a JmsResource which it should use to remove any associated
* resources and inform the remote Broker instance of the removal of this resource.
* If the Provider cannot destroy the resource due to a non-communication error such as
* the logged in user not have role access to destroy the given resource it may throw an
* instance of JMSException to indicate such an error.
* @param resource
* The JmsResouce that identifies a previously created JmsResource.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such as not authorized.
void destroy(JmsResource resource, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Sends the JmsMessage contained in the outbound dispatch envelope.
* @param envelope
* the message envelope containing the JmsMessage to send.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error that maps to JMS occurs such as not authorized.
void send(JmsOutboundMessageDispatch envelope, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Called to acknowledge all messages that have been delivered in a given session.
* This method is typically used by a Session that is configured for client acknowledge
* mode. The acknowledgment should only be applied to Messages that have been marked
* as delivered and not those still awaiting dispatch.
* @param sessionId
* the ID of the Session whose delivered messages should be acknowledged.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such as unmatched ack.
void acknowledge(JmsSessionId sessionId, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Called to acknowledge a JmsMessage has been delivered, consumed, re-delivered...etc.
* The provider should perform an acknowledgment for the message based on the configured
* mode of the consumer that it was dispatched to and the capabilities of the protocol.
* @param envelope
* The message dispatch envelope containing the Message delivery information.
* @param ackType
* The type of acknowledgment being done.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such as unmatched ack.
void acknowledge(JmsInboundMessageDispatch envelope, ACK_TYPE ackType, AsyncResult request)
throws IOException, JMSException;
* Called to commit an open transaction.
* If the provider is unable to support transactions then it should throw an
* UnsupportedOperationException to indicate this. The Provider may also throw a
* JMSException to indicate a transaction was already rolled back etc.
* @param sessionId
* the Id of the JmsSession that is committing the current transaction.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such not authorized.
void commit(JmsSessionId sessionId, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Called to roll back an open transaction.
* @param sessionId
* the Id of the JmsSession that is rolling back the current transaction.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such not authorized.
void rollback(JmsSessionId sessionId, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Called to recover all unacknowledged messages for a Session in client Ack mode.
* @param sessionId
* the Id of the JmsSession that is recovering unacknowledged messages..
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
void recover(JmsSessionId sessionId, AsyncResult request) throws IOException;
* Remove a durable topic subscription by name.
* A provider can throw an instance of JMSException to indicate that it cannot perform the
* un-subscribe operation due to bad security credentials etc.
* @param subscription
* the name of the durable subscription that is to be removed.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs due to JMS violation such not authorized.
void unsubscribe(String subscription, AsyncResult request) throws IOException, JMSException;
* Request a remote peer send a Message to this client. A message pull request is
* usually only needed in the case where the client sets a zero prefetch limit on the
* consumer. If the consumer has a set prefetch that's greater than zero this method
* should just return without performing any action.
* {@literal timeout < 0} then it should remain open until a message is received.
* {@literal timeout = 0} then it returns a message or null if none available
* {@literal timeout > 0} then it should remain open for timeout amount of time.
* The timeout value when positive is given in milliseconds.
* @param consumerId
* the ID of the Consumer instance that is attempt to pull a message from the remote.
* @param timeout
* the amount of time to tell the remote peer to keep this pull request valid.
* @param request
* The request object that should be signaled when this operation completes.
* @throws IOException if an error occurs or the Provider is already closed.
void pull(JmsConsumerId consumerId, long timeout, AsyncResult request) throws IOException;
* Gets the Provider specific Message factory for use in the JMS layer when a Session
* is asked to create a Message type. The Provider should implement it's own internal
* JmsMessage core to optimize read / write and marshal operations for the connection.
* @return a JmsMessageFactory instance for use by the JMS layer.
JmsMessageFactory getMessageFactory();
* Sets the listener of events from this Provider instance.
* @param listener
* The listener instance that will receive all event callbacks.
void setProviderListener(ProviderListener listener);
* Gets the currently set ProdiverListener instance.
* @return the currently set ProviderListener instance.
ProviderListener getProviderListener();