blob: 120ce052262d87a4924afda7c2da7f6f3f80ce59 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.server.model;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.qpid.server.logging.EventLogger;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageDestination;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageSender;
import org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.QueueManagingVirtualHost;
@ManagedObject( description = Exchange.CLASS_DESCRIPTION,
amqpName = "org.apache.qpid.Exchange"
public interface Exchange<X extends Exchange<X>> extends ConfiguredObject<X>, MessageDestination,
ExchangeReferrer, MessageSender
String CLASS_DESCRIPTION = "<p>An Exchange is a named entity within the Virtualhost which receives messages from "
+ "producers and routes them to matching Queues within the Virtualhost.</p>"
+ "<p>The server provides a set of exchange types with each exchange type implementing "
+ "a different routing algorithm.</p>";
String ALTERNATE_EXCHANGE = "alternateExchange";
String DURABLE_BINDINGS = "durableBindings";
String UNROUTABLE_MESSAGE_BEHAVIOUR = "unroutableMessageBehaviour";
enum UnroutableMessageBehaviour
// Attributes
Exchange<?> getAlternateExchange();
@ManagedAttribute(description = "(AMQP 1.0 only) Default behaviour to apply when a message is not routed to any queues", defaultValue = "DISCARD")
UnroutableMessageBehaviour getUnroutableMessageBehaviour();
Collection<Binding> getBindings();
Collection<Binding> getPublishingLinks(MessageDestination destination);
@DerivedAttribute(persist = true)
Collection<Binding> getDurableBindings();
// Statistics
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.COUNT, label = "Bindings")
long getBindingCount();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.BYTES, label = "Dropped")
long getBytesDropped();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.BYTES, label = "Inbound")
long getBytesIn();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.MESSAGES, label = "Dropped")
long getMessagesDropped();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.MESSAGES, label = "Inbound")
long getMessagesIn();
@ManagedOperation(changesConfiguredObjectState = true)
boolean bind(@Param(name = "destination", mandatory = true) String destination,
@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "arguments", defaultValue = "{}") Map<String, Object> arguments,
@Param(name = "replaceExistingArguments", defaultValue = "false") boolean replaceExistingArguments);
@ManagedOperation(changesConfiguredObjectState = true)
boolean unbind(@Param(name="destination", mandatory = true) String destination,
@Param(name="bindingKey") String bindingKey);
* @return true if the exchange will be deleted after all queues have been detached
boolean isAutoDelete();
boolean addBinding(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue,
@Param(name = "arguments") Map<String, Object> arguments);
boolean deleteBinding(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue);
boolean hasBinding(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue);
void replaceBinding(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue,
@Param(name = "arguments") Map<String, Object> arguments);
QueueManagingVirtualHost<?> getVirtualHost();
* Determines whether a message would be isBound to a particular queue using a specific routing key and arguments
* @param bindingKey
* @param arguments
* @param queue
* @return
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "arguments") Map<String, Object> arguments,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue);
* Determines whether a message would be isBound to a particular queue using a specific routing key
* @param bindingKey
* @param queue
* @return
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue);
* Determines whether a message is routing to any queue using a specific _routing key
* @param bindingKey
* @return
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey);
* Returns true if this exchange has at least one binding associated with it.
* @return
boolean hasBindings();
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue);
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "arguments") Map<String, Object> arguments);
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "bindingKey") String bindingKey,
@Param(name = "arguments") Map<String, Object> arguments);
boolean isBound(@Param(name = "arguments") Map<String, Object> arguments,
@Param(name = "queue") Queue<?> queue);
void removeReference(ExchangeReferrer exchange);
void addReference(ExchangeReferrer exchange);
boolean hasReferrers();
EventLogger getEventLogger();