blob: 0d369bb4ef67f7ec605b0ee248ef67548f4ac0bc [file] [log] [blame]
Module containing worker thread classes and shims
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import copy
import json
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import threading
from qpid_interop_test.interop_test_errors import InteropTestTimeout
class ShimProcess(subprocess.Popen):
"""Abstract parent class for Sender and Receiver shim process"""
def __init__(self, args, python3_flag, proc_name):
self.proc_name = proc_name
self.killed_flag = False
self.env = copy.deepcopy(os.environ)
if python3_flag:
self.env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.env['PYTHON3PATH']
super(ShimProcess, self).__init__(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn=os.setsid,
def wait_for_completion(self, timeout):
"""Wait for process to end and return tuple containing (stdout, stderr) from process"""
timer = threading.Timer(timeout, self._kill, [timeout])
(stdoutdata, stderrdata) = self.communicate()
if self.killed_flag:
raise InteropTestTimeout('%s: Timeout after %d seconds' % (self.proc_name, timeout))
if stderrdata: # length > 0
return stderrdata # ERROR: return single string
if not stdoutdata: # zero length
return None
type_value_list = stdoutdata.split('\n')[0:-1] # remove trailing '\n', split by only remaining '\n'
if len(type_value_list) == 2:
return (type_value_list[0], json.loads(type_value_list[1])) # Return tuple
except ValueError:
return stdoutdata # ERROR: return single string
return stdoutdata # ERROR: return single string
except (KeyboardInterrupt) as err:
raise err
def _kill(self, timeout):
"""Method called when timer expires"""
self.killed_flag = True
class Sender(ShimProcess):
"""Sender shim process"""
def __init__(self, params, python3_flag, proc_name='Sender'):
#print('\n>>>SNDR>>> %s python3_flag=%s' % (params, python3_flag))
super(Sender, self).__init__(params, python3_flag, proc_name)
class Receiver(ShimProcess):
"""Receiver shim process"""
def __init__(self, params, python3_flag, proc_name='Receiver'):
#print('\n>>>RCVR>>> %s python3_flag=%s' % (params, python3_flag))
super(Receiver, self).__init__(params, python3_flag, proc_name)
class Shim(object):
"""Abstract shim class, parent of all shims."""
NAME = ''
JMS_CLIENT = False # Enables certain JMS-specific message checks
def __init__(self, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
self.sender_shim = sender_shim
self.receiver_shim = receiver_shim
self.send_params = None
self.receive_params = None
self.use_shell_flag = False
def create_sender(self, broker_addr, queue_name, test_key, json_test_str):
"""Create a new sender instance"""
args = []
args.extend([broker_addr, queue_name, test_key, json_test_str])
return Sender(args, 'Python3' in self.NAME)
def create_receiver(self, broker_addr, queue_name, test_key, json_test_str):
"""Create a new receiver instance"""
args = []
args.extend([broker_addr, queue_name, test_key, json_test_str])
return Receiver(args, 'Python3' in self.NAME)
class ProtonPython2Shim(Shim):
"""Shim for qpid-proton Python client"""
NAME = 'ProtonPython2'
def __init__(self, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
super(ProtonPython2Shim, self).__init__(sender_shim, receiver_shim)
self.send_params = ['python', self.sender_shim]
self.receive_params = ['python', self.receiver_shim]
class ProtonPython3Shim(Shim):
"""Shim for qpid-proton Python client"""
NAME = 'ProtonPython3'
def __init__(self, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
super(ProtonPython3Shim, self).__init__(sender_shim, receiver_shim)
self.send_params = ['python3', self.sender_shim]
self.receive_params = ['python3', self.receiver_shim]
class ProtonCppShim(Shim):
"""Shim for qpid-proton C++ client"""
NAME = 'ProtonCpp'
def __init__(self, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
super(ProtonCppShim, self).__init__(sender_shim, receiver_shim)
self.send_params = [self.sender_shim]
self.receive_params = [self.receiver_shim]
class RheaJsShim(Shim):
"""Shim for Rhea Javascript client"""
NAME = 'RheaJs'
def __init__(self, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
super(RheaJsShim, self).__init__(sender_shim, receiver_shim)
self.send_params = [self.sender_shim]
self.receive_params = [self.receiver_shim]
class QpidJmsShim(Shim):
"""Shim for qpid-jms JMS client"""
NAME = 'QpidJms'
JAVA_HOME = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME', '/usr/bin') # Default only works in Linux
JAVA_EXEC = os.path.join(JAVA_HOME, 'java')
def __init__(self, dependency_class_path, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
super(QpidJmsShim, self).__init__(sender_shim, receiver_shim)
self.dependency_class_path = dependency_class_path
self.send_params = [self.JAVA_EXEC, '-cp', self.get_java_class_path(), self.sender_shim]
self.receive_params = [self.JAVA_EXEC, '-cp', self.get_java_class_path(), self.receiver_shim]
def get_java_class_path(self):
"""Method to construct and return the Java class path necessary to run the shim"""
return self.dependency_class_path
class AmqpNetLiteShim(Shim):
"""Shim for AMQP.Net Lite client"""
NAME = 'AmqpNetLite'
def __init__(self, sender_shim, receiver_shim):
super(AmqpNetLiteShim, self).__init__(sender_shim, receiver_shim)
self.send_params = ['mono', self.sender_shim]
self.receive_params = ['mono', self.receiver_shim]