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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
import common
class ShortNames():
Name shortener.
The short name for display is "name_" + index(longName)
Embellish the display name with an html popup
Link and endpoint names, and data are tracked separately
Names longer than threshold are shortened
Each class has a prefix used when the table is dumped as HTML
def __init__(self, prefixText, _threshold=25):
self.longnames = []
self.prefix = prefixText
self.threshold = _threshold
self.customer_dict = defaultdict(list)
def translate(self, lname, show_popup=False, customer=None):
Translate a long name into a short name, maybe.
Memorize all names, translated or not
Strip leading/trailing double quotes
:param lname: the name
:return: If shortened HTML string of shortened name with popup containing long name else
not-so-long name.
if lname.startswith("\"") and lname.endswith("\""):
lname = lname[1:-1]
idx = self.longnames.index(lname)
idx = self.longnames.index(lname)
# return as-given if short enough
if customer is not None:
if len(lname) < self.threshold:
return lname
sname = self.prefix + "_" + str(idx)
if customer is not None:
if show_popup:
return "<span title=\"" + common.html_escape(lname) + "\">" + sname + "</span>"
return sname
def len(self):
return len(self.longnames)
def prefix(self):
return self.prefix
def shortname(self, idx):
name = self.longnames[idx]
if len(name) < self.threshold:
return name
return self.prefix + "_" + str(idx)
def prefixname(self, idx):
return self.prefix + "_" + str(idx)
def sname_to_popup(self, sname):
if not sname.startswith(self.prefix):
raise ValueError("Short name '%s' does not start with prefix '%s'" % (sname, self.prefix))
lname = self.longnames[ int(sname[ (len(self.prefix) + 1): ])]
raise ValueError("Short name '%s' did not translate to a long name" % (sname))
return "<span title=\"" + common.html_escape(lname) + sname + "</span>"
def longname(self, idx, html_escape=False):
Get the common.html_escape'd long name
:param idx:
:param html_escape: true if caller wants the string for html display
return common.html_escape(self.longnames[idx]) if html_escape else self.longnames[idx]
def htmlDump(self, with_link=False):
Print the name table as an unnumbered list to stdout
long names are common.html_escape'd
:param with_link: true if link name link name is hyperlinked targeting itself
:return: null
if len(self.longnames) > 0:
print ("<h3>" + self.prefix + " Name Index</h3>")
print ("<ul>")
for i in range(0, len(self.longnames)):
name = self.prefix + "_" + str(i)
dump_anchor = "<a name=\"%s_dump\"></a>" % (name)
if with_link:
name = "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" % (name, name)
print ("<li> " + dump_anchor + name + " - " + common.html_escape(self.longnames[i]) + "</li>")
print ("</ul>")
def sort_customers(self):
for c in common.dict_iterkeys(self.customer_dict):
l = self.customer_dict[c]
self.customer_dict[c] = sorted(l, key=lambda lfl: lfl.datetime)
def customers(self, sname):
return self.customer_dict[sname]
def sorted_indexes(self):
return [self.longnames.index(sln) for sln in sorted(self.longnames)]
class Shorteners():
def __init__(self):
self.short_link_names = ShortNames("link", 15)
self.short_addr_names = ShortNames("address")
self.short_data_names = ShortNames("transfer", 2)
self.short_peer_names = ShortNames("peer")
self.short_rtr_names = ShortNames("router")
if __name__ == "__main__":