blob: 157622e01ea3f9b43104d27b19b680dd40bd95c0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License
import os
import re
import unittest
from subprocess import PIPE
from proton import Url, SSLDomain, SSLUnavailable, SASL
from system_test import main_module, TIMEOUT, TestCase, Qdrouterd, DIR
from proton.utils import BlockingConnection
class QdstatTestBase(TestCase):
"""Define run_qdstat for use with all tests"""
def run_qdstat(self, args, address=None, regex=None):
if args is None:
args = []
args = ['qdstat',
'--bus', str(address or self.address()),
'--timeout', str(TIMEOUT)] + args
p = self.popen(args, name='qdstat-' +, stdout=PIPE,
expect=None, universal_newlines=True)
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError("qdstat failed: %s (%s, %s)" % (p.returncode,
out, err))
if regex is not None:
pattern = re.compile(regex, re.I)
self.assertRegex(out, pattern)
return out
def address(self):
"""Can be overridden by tests"""
return self.router.addresses[0]
class QdstatTest(QdstatTestBase):
"""Test qdstat tool output"""
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QdstatTest, cls).setUpClass()
config = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'id': 'QDR.A', 'workerThreads': 1}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port()}),
cls.router = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test-router', config)
def test_help(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--help'], regex=r'Usage: qdstat')
def test_general(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--general'],
regex=r'(?s)Router Statistics.*Mode\s*Standalone')
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bConnections\b[ \t]+\b1\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bNodes\b[ \t]+\b0\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bAuto Links\b[ \t]+\b0\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bLink Routes\b[ \t]+\b0\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bWorker Threads\b[ \t]+\b1\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bRouter Id\b[ \t]+\bQDR.A\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertTrue(re.match(r"(.*)\bMode\b[ \t]+\bstandalone\b(.*)",
out, flags=re.DOTALL) is not None, out)
self.assertEqual(out.count("QDR.A"), 2)
def test_general_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--general', '--csv'],
regex=r'(?s)Router Statistics.*Mode","Standalone')
self.assertIn('"Connections","1"', out)
self.assertIn('"Worker Threads","1"', out)
self.assertIn('"Nodes","0"', out)
self.assertIn('"Auto Links","0"', out)
self.assertIn('"Link Routes","0"', out)
self.assertIn('"Router Id","QDR.A"', out)
self.assertIn('"Mode","standalone"', out)
self.assertEqual(out.count("QDR.A"), 2)
def test_connections(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--connections'], regex=r'host.*container.*role')
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--connections'], regex=r'no-auth')
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--connections'], regex=r'QDR.A')
def test_connections_csv(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--connections', "--csv"], regex=r'host.*container.*role')
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--connections'], regex=r'no-auth')
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--connections'], regex=r'QDR.A')
def test_links(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--links'], regex=r'QDR.A')
out = self.run_qdstat(['--links'], regex=r'endpoint.*out.*local.*temp.')
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 9)
def test_links_csv(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--links', "--csv"], regex=r'QDR.A')
out = self.run_qdstat(['--links'], regex=r'endpoint.*out.*local.*temp.')
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 9)
def test_links_with_limit(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=1'])
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 8)
def test_links_with_limit_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=1', "--csv"])
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7)
def test_nodes(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--nodes'], regex=r'No Router List')
def test_nodes_csv(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--nodes', "--csv"], regex=r'No Router List')
def test_address(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address'], regex=r'QDR.A')
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address'], regex=r'\$management')
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 11)
def test_address_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address'], regex=r'QDR.A')
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address'], regex=r'\$management')
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 11)
def test_qdstat_no_args(self):
outs = self.run_qdstat(args=None)
self.assertIn("Presettled Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Dropped Presettled Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Accepted Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Rejected Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Deliveries from Route Container", outs)
self.assertIn("Deliveries to Route Container", outs)
self.assertIn("Deliveries to Fallback", outs)
self.assertIn("Egress Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Ingress Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Uptime", outs)
def test_qdstat_no_other_args_csv(self):
outs = self.run_qdstat(["--csv"])
self.assertIn("Presettled Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Dropped Presettled Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Accepted Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Rejected Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Deliveries from Route Container", outs)
self.assertIn("Deliveries to Route Container", outs)
self.assertIn("Deliveries to Fallback", outs)
self.assertIn("Egress Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Ingress Count", outs)
self.assertIn("Uptime", outs)
def test_address_priority(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address'])
lines = out.split("\n")
# make sure the output contains a header line
self.assertTrue(len(lines) >= 2)
# see if the header line has the word priority in it
priorityregexp = r'pri'
priority_column =, lines[4]).start()
self.assertTrue(priority_column > -1)
# extract the number in the priority column of every address
for i in range(6, len(lines) - 1):
pri = re.findall(r'[-\d]+', lines[i][priority_column:])
# make sure the priority found is a hyphen or a legal number
if pri[0] == '-':
pass # naked hypnen is allowed
self.assertTrue(len(pri) > 0, "Can not find numeric priority in '%s'" % lines[i])
priority = int(pri[0])
# make sure the priority is from -1 to 9
self.assertTrue(priority >= -1, "Priority was less than -1")
self.assertTrue(priority <= 9, "Priority was greater than 9")
def test_address_priority_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address', "--csv"])
lines = out.split("\n")
# make sure the output contains a header line
self.assertTrue(len(lines) >= 2)
# see if the header line has the word priority in it
header_line = lines[HEADER_ROW].split(',')
self.assertTrue(header_line[PRI_COL] == '"pri"')
# extract the number in the priority column of every address
for i in range(HEADER_ROW + 1, len(lines) - 1):
line = lines[i].split(',')
pri = line[PRI_COL][1:-1] # unquoted value
# make sure the priority found is a hyphen or a legal number
if pri == '-':
pass # naked hypnen is allowed
priority = int(pri)
# make sure the priority is from -1 to 9
self.assertTrue(priority >= -1, "Priority was less than -1")
self.assertTrue(priority <= 9, "Priority was greater than 9")
def test_address_with_limit(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address', '--limit=1'])
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 8)
def test_address_with_limit_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--address', '--limit=1', '--csv'])
parts = out.split("\n")
self.assertEqual(len(parts), 7)
def test_memory(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--memory'])
if out.strip() == "No memory statistics available":
# router built w/o memory pools enabled]
return self.skipTest("Router's memory pools disabled")
self.assertIn("QDR.A", out)
self.assertIn("UTC", out)
regexp = r'qdr_address_t\s+[0-9]+'
assert, out, re.I), "Can't find '%s' in '%s'" % (regexp, out)
def test_memory_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--memory', '--csv'])
if out.strip() == "No memory statistics available":
# router built w/o memory pools enabled]
return self.skipTest("Router's memory pools disabled")
self.assertIn("QDR.A", out)
self.assertIn("UTC", out)
regexp = r'qdr_address_t","[0-9]+'
assert, out, re.I), "Can't find '%s' in '%s'" % (regexp, out)
def test_policy(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--policy'])
self.assertIn("Maximum Concurrent Connections", out)
self.assertIn("Total Denials", out)
def test_policy_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['-p', "--csv"])
self.assertIn("Maximum Concurrent Connections", out)
self.assertIn("Total Denials", out)
def test_log(self):
self.run_qdstat(['--log', '--limit=5'], regex=r'AGENT \(debug\).*GET-LOG')
def test_yy_query_many_links(self):
# This test will fail without the fix for DISPATCH-974
c = BlockingConnection(self.router.addresses[0])
count = 0
links = []
COUNT = 5000
ADDRESS_SENDER = "examples-sender"
ADDRESS_RECEIVER = "examples-receiver"
# This loop creates 5000 consumer and 5000 producer links
while True:
count += 1
r = c.create_receiver(ADDRESS_RECEIVER + str(count))
s = c.create_sender(ADDRESS_SENDER + str(count))
if count == COUNT:
# Now we run qdstat command and check if we got back details
# about all the 10000 links
# We do not specify the limit which means unlimited
# which means get everything that is there.
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
out_links = 0
in_links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint in" in out and ADDRESS_SENDER in out:
in_links += 1
if "endpoint out" in out and ADDRESS_RECEIVER in out:
out_links += 1
self.assertEqual(in_links, COUNT)
self.assertEqual(out_links, COUNT)
# Run qdstat with a limit more than 10,000
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=15000'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
out_links = 0
in_links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint in" in out and ADDRESS_SENDER in out:
in_links += 1
if "endpoint out" in out and ADDRESS_RECEIVER in out:
out_links += 1
self.assertEqual(in_links, COUNT)
self.assertEqual(out_links, COUNT)
# Run qdstat with a limit less than 10,000
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=2000'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, 2000)
# Run qdstat with a limit less than 10,000
# repeat with --csv
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=2000', '--csv'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, 2000)
# Run qdstat with a limit of 700 because 700
# is the maximum number of rows we get per request
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=700'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, 700)
# Run qdstat with a limit of 700 because 700
# is the maximum number of rows we get per request
# repeat with --csv
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=700', '--csv'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, 700)
# Run qdstat with a limit of 500 because 700
# is the maximum number of rows we get per request
# and we want to try something less than 700
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=500'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, 500)
# Run qdstat with a limit of 500 because 700
# is the maximum number of rows we get per request
# and we want to try something less than 700
# repeat with --csv
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=500', '--csv'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, 500)
# DISPATCH-1485. Try to run qdstat with a limit=0. Without the fix for DISPATCH-1485
# this following command will hang and the test will fail.
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=0'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, COUNT * 2)
# DISPATCH-1485. Try to run qdstat with a limit=0. Without the fix for DISPATCH-1485
# this following command will hang and the test will fail.
# repeat with --csv
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--limit=0', '--csv'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
links = 0
for out in out_list:
if "endpoint" in out and "examples" in out:
links += 1
self.assertEqual(links, COUNT * 2)
# This test would fail without the fix for DISPATCH-974
outs = self.run_qdstat(['--address'])
out_list = outs.split("\n")
sender_addresses = 0
receiver_addresses = 0
for out in out_list:
sender_addresses += 1
receiver_addresses += 1
self.assertEqual(sender_addresses, COUNT)
self.assertEqual(receiver_addresses, COUNT)
# Test if there is a non-zero uptime for the router in the output of
# qdstat -g
non_zero_seconds = False
outs = self.run_qdstat(args=None)
parts = outs.split("\n")
for part in parts:
if "Uptime" in part:
uptime_parts = part.split(" ")
for uptime_part in uptime_parts:
if uptime_part.startswith("000"):
time_parts = uptime_part.split(":")
if int(time_parts[3]) > 0:
non_zero_seconds = True
if not non_zero_seconds:
if int(time_parts[2]) > 0:
non_zero_seconds = True
class QdstatTestVhostPolicy(QdstatTestBase):
"""Test qdstat-with-policy tool output"""
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QdstatTestVhostPolicy, cls).setUpClass()
config = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'id': 'QDR.A', 'workerThreads': 1}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port()}),
('policy', {'maxConnections': 100, 'enableVhostPolicy': 'true'}),
('vhost', {
'hostname': '$default',
'maxConnections': 2,
'allowUnknownUser': 'true',
'groups': {
'$default': {
'users': '*',
'remoteHosts': '*',
'sources': '*',
'targets': '*',
'allowDynamicSource': True
'HGCrawler': {
'users': 'Farmers',
'remoteHosts': '*',
'sources': '*',
'targets': '*',
'allowDynamicSource': True
cls.router = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test-router', config)
def test_vhost(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--vhosts'])
self.assertIn("Vhosts", out)
self.assertIn("allowUnknownUser", out)
def test_vhost_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--vhosts', '--csv'])
self.assertIn("Vhosts", out)
self.assertIn("allowUnknownUser", out)
def test_vhostgroups(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--vhostgroups'])
self.assertIn("Vhost Groups", out)
self.assertIn("allowAdminStatusUpdate", out)
self.assertIn("Vhost '$default' UserGroup '$default'", out)
self.assertIn("Vhost '$default' UserGroup 'HGCrawler'", out)
def test_vhostgroups_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--vhostgroups', '--csv'])
self.assertIn("Vhost Groups", out)
self.assertIn("allowAdminStatusUpdate", out)
self.assertIn("Vhost '$default' UserGroup '$default'", out)
self.assertIn("Vhost '$default' UserGroup 'HGCrawler'", out)
def test_vhoststats(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--vhoststats'])
self.assertIn("Vhost Stats", out)
self.assertIn("maxMessageSizeDenied", out)
self.assertIn("Vhost User Stats", out)
self.assertIn("remote hosts", out)
def test_vhoststats_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--vhoststats', '--csv'])
self.assertIn("Vhost Stats", out)
self.assertIn("maxMessageSizeDenied", out)
self.assertIn("Vhost User Stats", out)
self.assertIn("remote hosts", out)
class QdstatLinkPriorityTest(QdstatTestBase):
"""Need 2 routers to get inter-router links for the link priority test"""
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QdstatLinkPriorityTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.inter_router_port = cls.tester.get_port()
config_1 = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'mode': 'interior', 'id': 'R1'}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port()}),
('connector', {'role': 'inter-router', 'port': cls.inter_router_port})
config_2 = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'mode': 'interior', 'id': 'R2'}),
('listener', {'role': 'inter-router', 'port': cls.inter_router_port}),
cls.router_2 = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test_router_2', config_2, wait=True)
cls.router_1 = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test_router_1', config_1, wait=True)
def address(self):
return self.router_1.addresses[0]
def test_link_priority(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--links'])
lines = out.split("\n")
# make sure the output contains a header line
self.assertTrue(len(lines) >= 2)
# see if the header line has the word priority in it
priorityregexp = r'pri'
priority_column =, lines[4]).start()
self.assertTrue(priority_column > -1)
# extract the number in the priority column of every inter-router link
priorities = {}
for i in range(6, len(lines) - 1):
if'inter-router', lines[i]):
pri = re.findall(r'[-\d]+', lines[i][priority_column:])
# make sure the priority found is a number
self.assertTrue(len(pri) > 0, "Can not find numeric priority in '%s'" % lines[i])
self.assertTrue(pri[0] != '-') # naked hypen disallowed
priority = int(pri[0])
# make sure the priority is from 0 to 9
self.assertTrue(priority >= 0, "Priority was less than 0")
self.assertTrue(priority <= 9, "Priority was greater than 9")
# mark this priority as present
priorities[priority] = True
# make sure that all priorities are present in the list (currently 0-9)
self.assertEqual(len(priorities.keys()), 10, "Not all priorities are present")
def test_link_priority_csv(self):
out = self.run_qdstat(['--links', '--csv'])
lines = out.split("\n")
# make sure the output contains a header line
self.assertTrue(len(lines) >= 2)
# see if the header line has the word priority in it
header_line = lines[HEADER_ROW].split(',')
self.assertTrue(header_line[PRI_COL] == '"pri"')
# extract the number in the priority column of every inter-router link
priorities = {}
for i in range(HEADER_ROW + 1, len(lines) - 1):
line = lines[i].split(',')
if line[TYPE_COL] == '"inter-router"':
pri = line[PRI_COL][1:-1]
# make sure the priority found is a number
self.assertTrue(len(pri) > 0, "Can not find numeric priority in '%s'" % lines[i])
self.assertTrue(pri != '-') # naked hypen disallowed
priority = int(pri)
# make sure the priority is from 0 to 9
self.assertTrue(priority >= 0, "Priority was less than 0")
self.assertTrue(priority <= 9, "Priority was greater than 9")
# mark this priority as present
priorities[priority] = True
# make sure that all priorities are present in the list (currently 0-9)
self.assertEqual(len(priorities.keys()), 10, "Not all priorities are present")
def _test_links_all_routers(self, command):
out = self.run_qdstat(command)
self.assertTrue(out.count('UTC') == 1)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Links') == 2)
self.assertTrue(out.count('inter-router') == 40)
self.assertTrue(out.count('router-control') == 4)
def test_links_all_routers(self):
self._test_links_all_routers(['--links', '--all-routers'])
def test_links_all_routers_csv(self):
self._test_links_all_routers(['--links', '--all-routers', '--csv'])
def _test_all_entities(self, command):
out = self.run_qdstat(command)
self.assertTrue(out.count('UTC') == 1)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Links') == 1)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Addresses') == 1)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Connections') == 6)
self.assertTrue(out.count('AutoLinks') == 2)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Link Routes') == 3)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Statistics') == 1)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Memory Pools') == 1)
def test_all_entities(self):
def test_all_entities_csv(self):
self._test_all_entities(['--all-entities', '--csv'])
def _test_all_entities_all_routers(self, command):
out = self.run_qdstat(command)
self.assertTrue(out.count('UTC') == 1)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Links') == 2)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Addresses') == 2)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Connections') == 12)
self.assertTrue(out.count('AutoLinks') == 4)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Link Routes') == 6)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Router Statistics') == 2)
self.assertTrue(out.count('Memory Pools') == 2)
def test_all_entities_all_routers(self):
self._test_all_entities_all_routers(['--all-entities', '--all-routers'])
def test_all_entities_all_routers_csv(self):
self._test_all_entities_all_routers(['--all-entities', '--csv', '--all-routers'])
def _has_ssl():
return True
except SSLUnavailable:
return False
@unittest.skipIf(_has_ssl() is False, "Proton SSL support unavailable")
class QdstatSslTest(QdstatTestBase):
"""Test qdstat tool output"""
def ssl_file(name):
return os.path.join(DIR, 'ssl_certs', name)
def sasl_path():
return os.path.join(DIR, 'sasl_configs')
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QdstatSslTest, cls).setUpClass()
# Write SASL configuration file:
with open('tests-mech-EXTERNAL.conf', 'w') as sasl_conf:
sasl_conf.write("mech_list: EXTERNAL ANONYMOUS DIGEST-MD5 PLAIN\n")
# qdrouterd configuration. Note well: modifying the order of
# listeners will require updating ssl_test()
cls.strict_port = cls.tester.get_port()
config = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'id': 'QDR.B',
'saslConfigPath': os.getcwd(),
'workerThreads': 1,
'saslConfigName': 'tests-mech-EXTERNAL'}),
('sslProfile', {'name': 'server-ssl',
'caCertFile': cls.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem'),
'certFile': cls.ssl_file('server-certificate.pem'),
'privateKeyFile': cls.ssl_file('server-private-key.pem'),
'password': 'server-password'}),
# 'none', 'none_s':
('listener', {'host': 'localhost', 'port': cls.tester.get_port()}),
# 'strict', 'strict_s':
('listener', {'host': 'localhost', 'port': cls.strict_port, 'sslProfile': 'server-ssl',
'authenticatePeer': 'no', 'requireSsl': 'yes'}),
# 'unsecured', 'unsecured_s':
('listener', {'host': 'localhost', 'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'sslProfile': 'server-ssl',
'authenticatePeer': 'no', 'requireSsl': 'no'}),
# 'auth', 'auth_s':
('listener', {'host': 'localhost', 'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'sslProfile': 'server-ssl',
'authenticatePeer': 'yes', 'requireSsl': 'yes',
'saslMechanisms': 'EXTERNAL'})
cls.router = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test-router', config)
def get_ssl_args(self):
"""A map of short names to the corresponding qdstat arguments. A list
of keys are passed to ssl_test() via the arg_names parameter list.
args = dict(
sasl_external=['--sasl-mechanisms', 'EXTERNAL'],
trustfile=['--ssl-trustfile', self.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem')],
bad_trustfile=['--ssl-trustfile', self.ssl_file('bad-ca-certificate.pem')],
client_cert=['--ssl-certificate', self.ssl_file('client-certificate.pem')],
client_key=['--ssl-key', self.ssl_file('client-private-key.pem')],
client_pass=['--ssl-password', 'client-password'])
args['client_cert_all'] = args['client_cert'] + args['client_key'] + args['client_pass']
return args
def ssl_test(self, url_name, arg_names):
"""Run simple SSL connection test with supplied parameters.
:param url_name: a shorthand name used to select which router
interface qdstat will connect to:
'none' = No SSL or SASL config
'strict' = Require SSL, No SASL config
'unsecured' = SSL not required, SASL not required
'auth' = Require SASL (external) and SSL
The '*_s' names simply replace 'amqp:' with 'amqps:' in the
generated URL.
See test_ssl_* below.
args = self.get_ssl_args()
addrs = [self.router.addresses[i] for i in range(4)]
urls = dict(zip(['none', 'strict', 'unsecured', 'auth'], addrs))
urls.update(zip(['none_s', 'strict_s', 'unsecured_s', 'auth_s'],
(Url(a, scheme="amqps") for a in addrs)))
self.run_qdstat(['--general'] + sum([args[n] for n in arg_names], []),
regex=r'(?s)Router Statistics.*Mode\s*Standalone')
def ssl_test_bad(self, url_name, arg_names):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.ssl_test, url_name, arg_names)
# qdstat -b amqp://localhost:<port> --general and makes sure
# the router sends back a valid response.
def test_ssl_none(self):
self.ssl_test('none', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general
# Make sure that the command fails.
def test_ssl_scheme_to_none(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('none_s', [])
# qdstat -b amqp://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem
# Makes sure the command fails.
def test_ssl_cert_to_none(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('none', ['client_cert'])
# Tries to run the following command on a listener that requires SSL (requireSsl:yes)
# qdstat -b amqp://localhost:<port> --general
# Makes sure the command fails.
def test_ssl_none_to_strict(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('strict', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general
def test_ssl_schema_to_strict(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('strict_s', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem
# --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem --ssl-password client-password'
def test_ssl_cert_to_strict(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('strict_s', ['client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/ca-certificate.pem
def test_ssl_trustfile_to_strict(self):
self.ssl_test('strict_s', ['trustfile'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile
# /path/to/ca-certificate.pem --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem
# --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem --ssl-password client-password
def test_ssl_trustfile_cert_to_strict(self):
self.ssl_test('strict_s', ['trustfile', 'client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/bad-ca-certificate.pem
# Send in a bad ca cert and make sure the test fails.
def test_ssl_bad_trustfile_to_strict(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('strict_s', ['bad_trustfile'])
# Require-auth SSL listener
# qdstat -b amqp://localhost:<port> --general
# Send in no certs to a 'authenticatePeer': 'yes', 'requireSsl': 'yes' listener and make sure it fails.
# Also protocol is amqp not amqps
def test_ssl_none_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:28491 --general
# Send in no certs to a 'authenticatePeer': 'yes', 'requireSsl': 'yes' listener and make sure it fails.
def test_ssl_schema_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth_s', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/ca-certificate.pem'
# Send in just a trustfile to an 'authenticatePeer': 'yes', 'requireSsl': 'yes' listener and make sure it fails.
def test_ssl_trustfile_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth_s', ['trustfile'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem
# --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem --ssl-password client-password
# Without a trustfile, this test fails
def test_ssl_cert_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth_s', ['client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/ca-certificate.pem
# --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem
# --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem --ssl-password client-password
# This has everything, the test should pass.
def test_ssl_trustfile_cert_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test('auth_s', ['trustfile', 'client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/bad-ca-certificate.pem
# --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem
# --ssl-password client-password
# Bad trustfile should be rejected.
def test_ssl_bad_trustfile_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth_s', ['bad_trustfile', 'client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --sasl-mechanisms EXTERNAL
# --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem
# --ssl-password client-password --ssl-trustfile /path/to/ca-certificate.pem'
def test_ssl_cert_explicit_external_to_auth(self):
self.ssl_test('auth_s', ['sasl_external', 'client_cert_all', 'trustfile'])
# Unsecured SSL listener, allows non-SSL
# qdstat -b amqp://localhost:<port> --general
def test_ssl_none_to_unsecured(self):
self.ssl_test('unsecured', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general
def test_ssl_schema_to_unsecured(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('unsecured_s', [])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem --ssl-key
# /path/to/client-private-key.pem --ssl-password client-password
# A trustfile is required, test will fail
def test_ssl_cert_to_unsecured(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('unsecured_s', ['client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/ca-certificate.pem'
# Just send in the trustfile, should be all good.
def test_ssl_trustfile_to_unsecured(self):
self.ssl_test('unsecured_s', ['trustfile'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/ca-certificate.pem
# --ssl-certificate /path/to/client-certificate.pem --ssl-key /path/to/client-private-key.pem
# --ssl-password client-password
# We have everything, this should work.
def test_ssl_trustfile_cert_to_unsecured(self):
self.ssl_test('unsecured_s', ['trustfile', 'client_cert_all'])
# qdstat -b amqps://localhost:<port> --general --ssl-trustfile /path/to/bad-ca-certificate.pem']
# Bad trustfile, test will fail.
def test_ssl_bad_trustfile_to_unsecured(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('unsecured_s', ['bad_trustfile'])
def test_ssl_peer_name_verify_disabled(self):
"""Verify the --ssl-disable-peer-name-verify option"""
params = [x for x in self.get_ssl_args()['trustfile']]
# Expect the connection to fail, since the certificate has
# 'localhost' as the peer name and we used '' instead.
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError,
msg="expected fail: host name wrong") as exc:
self.run_qdstat(address="amqps://" % self.strict_port,
args=['--general'] + params)
# repeat the same operation but using
# --ssl-disable--peer-name-verify. This should succeed:
self.run_qdstat(address="amqps://" % self.strict_port,
'--ssl-disable-peer-name-verify'] + params)
@unittest.skipIf(_has_ssl() is False, "Proton SSL support unavailable")
class QdstatSslTestSslPasswordFile(QdstatSslTest):
Tests the --ssl-password-file command line parameter
def get_ssl_args(self):
args = dict(
sasl_external=['--sasl-mechanisms', 'EXTERNAL'],
trustfile=['--ssl-trustfile', self.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem')],
bad_trustfile=['--ssl-trustfile', self.ssl_file('bad-ca-certificate.pem')],
client_cert=['--ssl-certificate', self.ssl_file('client-certificate.pem')],
client_key=['--ssl-key', self.ssl_file('client-private-key.pem')],
client_pass=['--ssl-password-file', self.ssl_file('client-password-file.txt')])
args['client_cert_all'] = args['client_cert'] + args['client_key'] + args['client_pass']
return args
@unittest.skipIf(_has_ssl() is False, "Proton SSL support unavailable")
class QdstatSslNoExternalTest(QdstatTestBase):
"""Test qdstat can't connect without sasl_mech EXTERNAL"""
def ssl_file(name):
return os.path.join(DIR, 'ssl_certs', name)
def sasl_path():
return os.path.join(DIR, 'sasl_configs')
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QdstatSslNoExternalTest, cls).setUpClass()
# Write SASL configuration file:
with open('tests-mech-NOEXTERNAL.conf', 'w') as sasl_conf:
sasl_conf.write("mech_list: ANONYMOUS DIGEST-MD5 PLAIN\n")
# qdrouterd configuration:
config = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'id': 'QDR.C',
'saslConfigPath': os.getcwd(),
'workerThreads': 1,
'saslConfigName': 'tests-mech-NOEXTERNAL'}),
('sslProfile', {'name': 'server-ssl',
'caCertFile': cls.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem'),
'certFile': cls.ssl_file('server-certificate.pem'),
'privateKeyFile': cls.ssl_file('server-private-key.pem'),
'password': 'server-password'}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port()}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'sslProfile': 'server-ssl', 'authenticatePeer': 'no', 'requireSsl': 'yes'}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'sslProfile': 'server-ssl', 'authenticatePeer': 'no', 'requireSsl': 'no'}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'sslProfile': 'server-ssl', 'authenticatePeer': 'yes', 'requireSsl': 'yes',
'saslMechanisms': 'EXTERNAL'})
cls.router = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test-router', config)
def ssl_test(self, url_name, arg_names):
"""Run simple SSL connection test with supplied parameters.
See test_ssl_* below.
args = dict(
trustfile=['--ssl-trustfile', self.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem')],
bad_trustfile=['--ssl-trustfile', self.ssl_file('bad-ca-certificate.pem')],
client_cert=['--ssl-certificate', self.ssl_file('client-certificate.pem')],
client_key=['--ssl-key', self.ssl_file('client-private-key.pem')],
client_pass=['--ssl-password', 'client-password'])
args['client_cert_all'] = args['client_cert'] + args['client_key'] + args['client_pass']
addrs = [self.router.addresses[i] for i in range(4)]
urls = dict(zip(['none', 'strict', 'unsecured', 'auth'], addrs))
urls.update(zip(['none_s', 'strict_s', 'unsecured_s', 'auth_s'],
(Url(a, scheme="amqps") for a in addrs)))
self.run_qdstat(['--general'] + sum([args[n] for n in arg_names], []),
regex=r'(?s)Router Statistics.*Mode\s*Standalone')
def ssl_test_bad(self, url_name, arg_names):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.ssl_test, url_name, arg_names)
@unittest.skipIf(not SASL.extended(), "Cyrus library not available. skipping test")
def test_ssl_cert_to_auth_fail_no_sasl_external(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth_s', ['client_cert_all'])
def test_ssl_trustfile_cert_to_auth_fail_no_sasl_external(self):
self.ssl_test_bad('auth_s', ['trustfile', 'client_cert_all'])
if __name__ == '__main__':