blob: 556fcdd604cce9af9d2463bbc4f2ff7dff4276cd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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# under the License.
from collections import defaultdict
import common
class ShortNameSorter():
Class to hold registered name and TOD in a list for sort purposes:
the lname was observed at this datetime.
def __init__(self, lname, datetime):
self.lname = lname
self.datetime = datetime
class ShortNames():
Name shortener.
The short name for display is "name_" + index(longName)
Conditionally Embellish the display name with an html popup
Link and endpoint names, and data are tracked separately
Names longer than threshold are shortened
Each class has a prefix used when the table is dumped as HTML
Link names and Transfer data have a 'customer' of a ParsedLogLine.
* The customers share the short and long name
* The dict index is the object name and the value is a list of log lines using that name
* Sorting the customers puts their usage of the name in time order
def __init__(self, prefixText, _threshold=25):
self.longnames = []
self.prefix = prefixText
self.threshold = _threshold
self.customer_dict = defaultdict(list)
self.sorter = []
def register(self, lname, pll):
Register a long name and the TimeOfDay it is observed
Memorize all names, translated or not
Strip leading/trailing double quotes
:param lname: the name
:param pll: ParsedLogLine where name was observed
:return: none
if lname.startswith("\"") and lname.endswith("\""):
lname = lname[1:-1]
self.sorter.append(ShortNameSorter(lname, pll.datetime))
def translate(self, lname, show_popup=False, customer=None):
Translate a long name into a short name, maybe.
Memorize all names, translated or not
Strip leading/trailing double quotes
:param lname: the name
:param show_popup: if true then embellish returned name with long name popup
:param customer: optional ParsedLogLine for customer_dict
:return: If shortened HTML string of shortened name with popup containing long name else
not-so-long name.
if lname.startswith("\"") and lname.endswith("\""):
lname = lname[1:-1]
idx = self.longnames.index(lname)
idx = self.longnames.index(lname)
# return as-given if short enough
if customer is not None:
if len(lname) < self.threshold:
return lname
sname = self.prefix + "_" + str(idx)
if customer is not None:
if show_popup:
return "<span title=\"" + common.html_escape(lname) + "\">" + sname + "</span>"
return sname
def len(self):
return len(self.longnames)
def prefix(self):
return self.prefix
def shortname(self, idx):
name = self.longnames[idx]
if len(name) < self.threshold:
return name
return self.prefix + "_" + str(idx)
def prefixname(self, idx):
return self.prefix + "_" + str(idx)
def sname_to_popup(self, sname):
if not sname.startswith(self.prefix):
raise ValueError("Short name '%s' does not start with prefix '%s'" % (sname, self.prefix))
lname = self.longnames[int(sname[(len(self.prefix) + 1):])]
raise ValueError("Short name '%s' did not translate to a long name" % (sname))
return "<span title=\"" + common.html_escape(lname) + sname + "</span>"
def longname(self, idx, html_escape=False):
Get the common.html_escape'd long name
:param idx:
:param html_escape: true if caller wants the string for html display
return common.html_escape(self.longnames[idx]) if html_escape else self.longnames[idx]
def htmlDump(self, with_link=False, log_strings=False):
Print the name table as an unnumbered list to stdout
long names are common.html_escape'd
:param with_link: true if link name link name is hyperlinked targeting itself
:return: null
if len(self.longnames) > 0:
print("<h3>" + self.prefix + " Name Index</h3>")
for i in range(0, len(self.longnames)):
name = self.prefix + "_" + str(i)
dump_anchor = "<a name=\"%s_dump\"></a>" % (name)
if with_link:
name = "<a href=\"#%s\">%s</a>" % (name, name)
line = self.longnames[i]
if log_strings:
line = common.strings_of_proton_log(line)
print("<li> " + dump_anchor + name + " - " + common.html_escape(line) + "</li>")
def sort_customers(self):
for c in common.dict_iterkeys(self.customer_dict):
x = self.customer_dict[c]
self.customer_dict[c] = sorted(x, key=lambda lfl: lfl.datetime)
def customers(self, sname):
return self.customer_dict[sname]
def sort_main(self):
Create a list of longnames sorted in datetime order.
Then push the names into the class longnames list.
Called after registering all the names and recording their times but before
translating the names and using the translated results.
temp = sorted(self.sorter, key=lambda sns: sns.datetime)
for sns in temp:
if sns.lname not in self.longnames:
self.sorter = []
class Shorteners():
def __init__(self):
self.short_link_names = ShortNames("link", 15)
self.short_addr_names = ShortNames("address")
self.short_data_names = ShortNames("transfer", 2)
self.short_peer_names = ShortNames("peer")
self.short_rtr_names = ShortNames("router")
if __name__ == "__main__":