blob: e82df70f19a5d69f1c7c3bee98de39d2e7b11550 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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Schema for AMQP management entity types.
Schema validation will validate and transform values, add default values and
check for uniqueness of enties/attributes that are specified to be unique.
A Schema can be loaded/dumped to a json file.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
from import EntityBase
from import NotImplementedStatus
from ..compat import PY_STRING_TYPE
from ..compat import PY_TEXT_TYPE
from ..compat import dict_keys
from ..compat import dict_items
from ..dispatch import LogAdapter, LOG_WARNING
logger_available = True
# We need to do this because at compile time the schema is pulled using this code and at that time the
# LogAdapter is not loaded. When running the router, the LogAdapter is available.
logger_available = False
class ValidationError(Exception):
"""Error raised if schema validation fails"""
class Type(object):
"""Base class for schema types.
@ivar name: The type name.
@ivar pytype: The python type for this schema type.
def __init__(self, name, pytype):
@param name: The type name.
@param pytype: The python type for this schema type.
""", self.pytype = name, pytype
def validate(self, value):
Convert value to the correct python type.
return self.pytype(value)
def dump(self):
@return: Representation of the type to dump to json. Normally the type name,
EnumType.dump is the exception.
def __str__(self):
"""String name of type."""
return str(self.dump())
class BooleanType(Type):
"""A boolean schema type"""
def __init__(self):
super(BooleanType, self).__init__("boolean", bool)
VALUES = {"yes": 1, "true": 1, "on": 1, "no": 0, "false": 0, "off": 0}
def validate(self, value):
@param value: A string such as "yes", "false" etc. is converted appropriately.
Any other type is converted using python's bool()
@return A python bool.
if isinstance(value, (PY_STRING_TYPE, PY_TEXT_TYPE)):
return self.VALUES[value.lower()]
return bool(value)
raise ValidationError("Invalid Boolean value '%r'" % value)
class EnumValue(str):
"""A string that converts to an integer value via int()"""
def __new__(cls, name, value):
s = super(EnumValue, cls).__new__(cls, name)
setattr(s, 'value', value)
return s
def __hash__(self): return super(EnumValue, self).__hash__()
def __int__(self): return self.value
def __long__(self): return self.value
def __eq__(self, x): return str(self) == x or int(self) == x
def __ne__(self, x): return not self == x
def __repr__(self): return "EnumValue('%s', %s)" % (str(self), int(self))
class EnumType(Type):
"""An enumerated type"""
def __init__(self, tags):
@param tags: A list of string values for the enumerated type.
assert isinstance(tags, list)
super(EnumType, self).__init__("enum%s" % ([str(t) for t in tags]), int)
self.tags = tags
def validate(self, value):
@param value: May be a string from the set of enum tag strings or anything
that can convert to an int - in which case it must be in the enum range.
@return: An EnumValue.
if value in self.tags:
return EnumValue(value, self.tags.index(value))
i = int(value)
return EnumValue(self.tags[i], i)
except (ValueError, IndexError):
raise ValidationError("Invalid value for %s: %r" % (, value))
def dump(self):
@return: A list of the enum tags.
return self.tags
def __str__(self):
"""String description of enum type."""
return "One of [%s]" % ', '.join([("'%s'" % tag) for tag in self.tags])
class PropertiesType(Type):
A PropertiesType is a restricted map: keys must be AMQP 1.0 Symbol types.
See the "fields" type in:
def __init__(self):
super(PropertiesType, self).__init__("properties", dict)
def validate(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValidationError("Properties must be a map")
for key in value.keys():
if (not isinstance(key, PY_STRING_TYPE)
or any(ord(x) > 127 for x in key)):
raise ValidationError("Property keys must be ASCII encoded")
return value
BUILTIN_TYPES = OrderedDict(
(, t) for t in [Type("string", str),
Type("path", str),
Type("entityId", str),
Type("integer", int),
Type("list", list),
Type("map", dict),
Type("dict", dict),
def get_type(rep):
Get a schema type.
@param rep: json representation of the type.
if isinstance(rep, list):
return EnumType(rep)
if rep in BUILTIN_TYPES:
return BUILTIN_TYPES[rep]
raise ValidationError("No such schema type: %s" % rep)
def _dump_dict(items):
Remove all items with None value from a mapping.
@return: Map of non-None items.
return OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in items if v)
class AttributeType(object):
Definition of an attribute.
@ivar name: Attribute name.
@ivar atype: Attribute L{Type}
@ivar required: True if the attribute is required.
@ivar default: Default value for the attribute or None if no default. Can be a reference.
@ivar value: Fixed value for the attribute. Can be a reference.
@ivar unique: True if the attribute value is unique.
@ivar description: Description of the attribute type.
@ivar defined_in: EntityType in which this attribute is defined.
@ivar create: If true the attribute can be set by CREATE.
@ivar update: If true the attribute can be modified by UPDATE.
@ivar graph: If true the attribute could be graphed by a console.
def __init__(self, name, type=None, defined_in=None, default=None,
required=False, unique=False, hidden=False, deprecated=False, deprecationName=None,
value=None, description="", create=False, update=False, graph=False):
See L{AttributeType} instance variables.
try: = name
self.type = type
self.defined_in = defined_in
self.atype = get_type(self.type)
self.required = required
self.hidden = hidden
self.deprecated = deprecated
self.default = default
self.deprecation_name = deprecationName
self.value = value
self.unique = unique
self.description = description
if self.value is not None and self.default is not None:
raise ValidationError("Attribute '%s' has default value and fixed value" %
self.create = create
self.update = update
self.graph = graph
except Exception:
raise ValidationError("Attribute '%s': %s\n%s"
% (name,
def missing_value(self):
Fill in missing default and fixed values.
if self.value is not None: # Fixed value attribute
return self.value
if self.default is not None:
return self.default
if self.required:
raise ValidationError("Missing required attribute '%s'" % (
def validate(self, value):
Validate value for this attribute definition.
@param value: The value to validate.
@return: value converted to the correct python type. Rais exception if any check fails.
if self.value and value != self.value:
raise ValidationError("Attribute '%s' has fixed value '%s' but given '%s'" % (, self.value, value))
return self.atype.validate(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
raise ValidationError("%s:%s" % (str(e), sys.exc_info()[2]))
def dump(self):
@return: Json-friendly representation of an attribute type
return _dump_dict([
('type', self.atype.dump()),
('default', self.default),
('required', self.required),
('unique', self.unique),
('deprecated', self.deprecated),
('description', self.description),
('graph', self.graph)
def __str__(self):
class MessageDef(object):
"""A request or response message"""
def __init__(self, body=None, properties=None):
self.body = None
if body:
self.body = AttributeType("body", **body) = dict((name, AttributeType(name, **value))
for name, value in (properties or {}).items())
class OperationDef(object):
"""An operation definition"""
def __init__(self, name, description=None, request=None, response=None):
try: = name
self.description = description
self.request = self.response = None
if request:
self.request = MessageDef(**request)
if response:
self.response = MessageDef(**response)
except Exception as exc:
raise ValidationError("Operation '%s': %s\n%s"
% (name, str(exc), sys.exc_info()[2]))
class EntityType(object):
An entity type defines a set of attributes for an entity.
@ivar name: Fully qualified entity type name.
@ivar short_name: Un-prefixed short name.
@ivar attributes: Map of L{AttributeType} for entity.
@ivar singleton: If true only one entity of this type is allowed.
@ivar referential: True if an entity can be referred to by name from another entity.
def __init__(self, name, schema, attributes=None, operations=None, operationDefs=None,
description="", fullName=True, singleton=False, deprecated=False,
extends=None, referential=False):
@param name: name of the entity type.
@param schema: schema for this type.
@param singleton: True if entity type is a singleton.
@param attributes: Map of attributes {name: {type:, default:, required:, unique:}}
@param description: Human readable description.
@param operations: Allowed operations, list of operation names.
self.schema = schema
self.description = description
if fullName: = schema.long_name(name)
self.short_name = schema.short_name(name)
if self.short_name.startswith("router.config."):
self.short_name = self.short_name.replace("router.config.", "")
else: = self.short_name = name
self.attributes = OrderedDict((k, AttributeType(k, defined_in=self, **v))
for k, v in (attributes or {}).items())
self.deprecated_attributes = OrderedDict()
for key, value in self.attributes.items():
if value.deprecation_name or value.deprecated:
attr_type = AttributeType(value.deprecation_name or key,
description="(DEPRECATED) " + value.description,
if value.deprecation_name:
self.deprecated_attributes[value.deprecation_name] = attr_type
self.deprecated_attributes[key] = attr_type
self.operations = operations or []
# Bases are resolved in self.init()
self.base = extends
self.all_bases = []
self.references = []
self.singleton = singleton
self.deprecated = deprecated
self.referential = referential
self._init = False # Have not yet initialized from base and attributes.
# Operation definitions
self.operation_defs = dict((name, OperationDef(name, **op))
for name, op in (operationDefs or {}).items())
except Exception as exc:
raise ValidationError("%s '%s': %s\n%s" % (type(self).__name__,
def init(self):
"""Find bases after all types are loaded."""
if self._init:
self._init = True
if self.base:
self.base = self.schema.entity_type(self.base)
self.all_bases = [self.base] + self.base.all_bases
self._extend(self.base, 'extend')
def _extend(self, other, how):
"""Add attributes and operations from other"""
def check(a, b, what):
overlap = set(a) & set(b)
if overlap:
raise ValidationError("'%s' cannot %s '%s', re-defines %s: %s"
% (, how, other.short_name, what, ",".join(overlap)))
check(self.operations, other.operations, "operations")
self.operations += other.operations
check(dict_keys(self.attributes), other.attributes.values(), "attributes")
if == 'entity':
# Fill in entity "type" attribute automatically.
self.attributes["type"]["value"] =
def extends(self, base): return base in self.all_bases
def is_a(self, type): return type == self or self.extends(type)
def attribute(self, name):
"""Get the AttributeType for name"""
if name not in self.attributes and name not in dict_keys(self.deprecated_attributes):
raise ValidationError("Unknown attribute '%s' for '%s'" % (name, self))
if self.attributes.get(name):
return self.attributes[name]
if self.deprecated_attributes.get(name):
return self.deprecated_attributes[name]
return None
def log(self, level, text):
self.schema.log(level, text)
def my_attributes(self):
"""Return only attribute types defined in this entity type"""
return [a for a in self.attributes.values() if a.defined_in == self]
def validate(self, attributes):
Validate attributes for entity type.
@param attributes: Map attributes name:value or Entity with attributes property.
Modifies attributes: adds defaults, converts values.
if isinstance(attributes, SchemaEntity):
attributes = attributes.attributes
# Add missing values
for attr in self.attributes.values():
if attributes.get( is None:
value = None
deprecation_name = attr.deprecation_name
if deprecation_name:
value = attributes.get(deprecation_name)
if value is not None:
if logger_available:
self.log(LOG_WARNING, "Attribute '%s' of entity '%s' has been deprecated."
" Use '%s' instead" % (deprecation_name, self.short_name,
del attributes[deprecation_name]
if value is None:
value = attr.missing_value()
if value is not None:
attributes[] = value
if value is None and in attributes:
del attributes[]
deprecation_name = attr.deprecation_name
if deprecation_name:
value = attributes.get(deprecation_name)
if value is not None:
# Both name and deprecation name have values
# For example, both dir and direction of linkRoute have been specified, This is
# illegal. Just fail.
raise ValidationError("Both '%s' and '%s' cannot be specified for entity '%s'" %
(deprecation_name,, self.short_name))
# Validate attributes.
for name, value in dict_items(attributes):
if name == 'type':
value = self.schema.long_name(value)
attributes[name] = self.attribute(name).validate(value)
except ValidationError as e:
raise ValidationError("%s: %s" % (self, e))
return attributes
def allowed(self, op, body):
"""Raise exception if op is not a valid operation on entity."""
op = op.upper()
if op not in self.operations:
raise NotImplementedStatus("Operation '%s' not implemented for '%s' %s" % (
op,, self.operations))
def create_check(self, attributes):
for a in attributes:
if not self.attribute(a).create:
raise ValidationError("Cannot set attribute '%s' in CREATE" % a)
def update_check(self, new_attributes, old_attributes):
for a, v in new_attributes.items():
# Its not an error to include an attribute in UPDATE if the value is not changed.
if not self.attribute(a).update and \
not (a in old_attributes and old_attributes[a] == v):
raise ValidationError("Cannot update attribute '%s' in UPDATE" % a)
def dump(self):
"""Json friendly representation"""
return _dump_dict([
('attributes', OrderedDict(
(k, v.dump()) for k, v in self.attributes.items()
if k != 'type')), # Don't dump 'type' attribute, dumped separately.
('operations', self.operations),
('description', self.description or None),
('fullyQualifiedType', or None),
('references', self.references),
('deprecated', self.deprecated),
('singleton', self.singleton)
def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (type(self).__name__,
def __str__(self): return
def name_is(self, name):
return == self.schema.long_name(name)
class Schema(object):
Schema defining entity types.
Note: keyword arguments come from schema so use camelCase
@ivar prefix: Prefix to prepend to short entity type names.
@ivar entityTypes: Map of L{EntityType} by name.
@ivar description: Text description of schema.
def __init__(self, prefix="", entityTypes=None, description=""):
@param prefix: Prefix for entity names.
@param entity_types: Map of { entityTypeName: { singleton:, attributes:{...}}}
@param description: Human readable description.
if logger_available:
self.log_adapter = LogAdapter("AGENT")
self.log_adapter = None
if prefix:
self.prefix = prefix.strip('.')
self.prefixdot = self.prefix + '.'
self.prefix = self.prefixdot = ""
self.description = description
def parsedefs(cls, defs):
return OrderedDict((self.long_name(k), cls(k, self, **v))
for k, v in (defs or {}).items())
self.entity_types = parsedefs(EntityType, entityTypes)
self.all_attributes = set()
for e in self.entity_types.values():
def log(self, level, text):
if not self.log_adapter:
info = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0] # Caller frame info
self.log_adapter.log(level, text, info[0], info[1])
def short_name(self, name):
"""Remove prefix from name if present"""
if not name:
return name
if name.startswith(self.prefixdot):
name = name[len(self.prefixdot):]
return name
def long_name(self, name):
"""Add prefix to unqualified name"""
if not name:
return name
if not name.startswith(self.prefixdot):
name = self.prefixdot + name
return name
def dump(self):
"""Return json-friendly representation"""
return OrderedDict([
('prefix', self.prefix),
OrderedDict((e.short_name, e.dump()) for e in self.entity_types.values()))
def _lookup(self, map, name, message, error):
found = map.get(name) or map.get(self.long_name(name))
if not found and error:
raise ValidationError(message % name)
return found
def entity_type(self, name, error=True):
return self._lookup(self.entity_types, name, "No such entity type '%s'", error)
def validate_entity(self, attributes):
Validate a single entity.
@param attributes: Map of attribute name: value
attributes['type'] = self.long_name(attributes['type'])
entity_type = self.entity_type(attributes['type'])
def validate_all(self, attribute_maps):
Validate all the entities from entity_iter, return a list of valid entities.
entities = []
for a in attribute_maps:
self.validate_add(a, entities)
def validate_add(self, attributes, entities):
Validate that attributes would be valid when added to entities.
Assumes entities are already valid
@raise ValidationError if adding e violates a global constraint like uniqueness.
entity_type = self.entity_type(attributes['type'])
# Find all the unique attribute types present in attributes
unique = [a for a in entity_type.attributes.values() if a.unique and in attributes]
if not unique and not entity_type.singleton:
return # Nothing to do
for e in entities:
if entity_type.singleton and attributes['type'] == e['type']:
raise ValidationError("Adding %s singleton %s when %s already exists" %
(attributes['type'], attributes, e))
for a in unique:
if entity_type.attributes[] == a and attributes[] == e[]:
raise ValidationError(
"adding %s duplicates unique attribute '%s' from existing %s" %
(attributes,, e))
except KeyError:
continue # Missing attribute or definition means no clash
def entity(self, attributes):
"""Convert an attribute map into an L{SchemaEntity}"""
attributes = dict((k, v) for k, v in attributes.items() if v is not None)
return SchemaEntity(self.entity_type(attributes['type']), attributes)
def entities(self, attribute_maps):
"""Convert a list of attribute maps into a list of L{SchemaEntity}"""
return [self.entity(m) for m in attribute_maps]
def filter(self, predicate):
"""Return an iterator over entity types that satisfy predicate."""
if predicate is None:
return self.entity_types.values()
return (t for t in self.entity_types.values() if predicate(t))
def by_type(self, type):
"""Return an iterator over entity types that extend or are type.
If type is None return all entities."""
if not type:
return self.entity_types.values()
return self.filter(lambda t: t.is_a(type))
class SchemaEntity(EntityBase):
"""A map of attributes associated with an L{EntityType}"""
def __init__(self, entity_type, attributes=None, validate=True, **kwattrs):
super(SchemaEntity, self).__init__(attributes, **kwattrs)
self.__dict__['entity_type'] = entity_type
if validate:
def _set(self, name, value):
super(SchemaEntity, self)._set(name, value)
def validate(self):