blob: 964bf8865599309407357f21e77559240a802f98 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# under the License.
"""System test library, provides tools for tests that start multiple processes,
with special support for qpidd and qdrouter processes.
- Create separate directories for each test.
- Save logs, sub-process output, core files etc.
- Automated clean-up after tests: kill sub-processes etc.
- Tools to manipulate qpidd and qdrouter configuration files.
- Sundry other tools.
To run qpidd, additional to basic dispatch requirements:
- qpidd with AMQP 1.0 support
- qpidtoollibs python module from qpid/tools
- qpid_messaging python module from qpid/cpp
You can set this up from packages on fedora:
sudo yum install protonc qpid-cpp-server qpid-tools python-qpid-proton python-qpid_messaging
Here's how to build from source assuming you use default install prefix /usr/local
With a qpid-proton checkout at $PROTON
cd $PROTON/<build-directory>; make install
With a qpid checkout at $QPID:
cd $QPID/qpid/cpp/<build-directory>; make install
cd $QPID/qpid/tools; ./ install --prefix /usr/local
cd $QPID/qpid/python; ./ install --prefix /usr/local
And finally make sure to set up your environment:
export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin"
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/usr/local/lib/proton/bindings/python:/usr/local/lib64/proton/bindings/python:/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages:/usr/local/lib64/python2.7/site-packages"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib64"
import os, time, socket, random, subprocess, shutil, unittest, __main__, re
from copy import copy
import proton
from proton import Message
from import Node
# NOTE: the tests can be run outside a build to test an installed dispatch.
# In this case we won't have access to the module so no valgrind.
from run import with_valgrind
except ImportError:
def with_valgrind(args, outfile): return (args, 0)
# Optional modules
import qpidtoollibs
except ImportError, err:
qpidtoollibs = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
import qpid_messaging as qm
except ImportError, err:
qm = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name
def find_exe(program):
"""Find an executable in the system PATH"""
def is_exe(fpath):
"""True if fpath is executable"""
return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
mydir = os.path.split(program)[0]
if mydir:
if is_exe(program):
return program
for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
if is_exe(exe_file):
return exe_file
return None
# The directory where this module lives. Used to locate static configuration files etc.
DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
def _check_requirements():
"""If requirements are missing, return a message, else return empty string."""
required_exes = ['qpidd', 'qdrouterd']
missing += ["No exectuable %s"%e for e in required_exes if not find_exe(e)]
if find_exe('qpidd'):
p = subprocess.Popen(['qpidd', '--help'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
if not "AMQP 1.0" in p.communicate()[0]:
missing.append("No AMQP 1.0 support in qpidd")
if missing:
return "%s: %s"%(__name__, ", ".join(missing))
MISSING_REQUIREMENTS = _check_requirements()
def retry_delay(deadline, delay, max_delay):
"""For internal use in retry. Sleep as required
and return the new delay or None if retry should time out"""
remaining = deadline - time.time()
if remaining <= 0:
return None
time.sleep(min(delay, remaining))
return min(delay*2, max_delay)
# Valgrind significantly slows down the response time of the router, so use a
# long default timeout
TIMEOUT = float(os.environ.get("QPID_SYSTEM_TEST_TIMEOUT", 60))
def retry(function, timeout=TIMEOUT, delay=.001, max_delay=1):
"""Call function until it returns a true value or timeout expires.
Double the delay for each retry up to max_delay.
Returns what function returns or None if timeout expires.
deadline = time.time() + timeout
while True:
ret = function()
if ret:
return ret
delay = retry_delay(deadline, delay, max_delay)
if delay is None:
return None
def retry_exception(function, timeout=TIMEOUT, delay=.001, max_delay=1, exception_test=None):
"""Call function until it returns without exception or timeout expires.
Double the delay for each retry up to max_delay.
Calls exception_test with any exception raised by function, exception_test
may itself raise an exception to terminate the retry.
Returns what function returns if it succeeds before timeout.
Raises last exception raised by function on timeout.
deadline = time.time() + timeout
while True:
return function()
except Exception, e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
if exception_test:
delay = retry_delay(deadline, delay, max_delay)
if delay is None:
def get_local_host_socket(protocol_family='IPv4'):
if protocol_family == 'IPv4':
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = ''
elif protocol_family == 'IPv6':
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
host = '::1'
return s, host
def port_available(port, protocol_family='IPv4'):
"""Return true if connecting to host:port gives 'connection refused'."""
s, host = get_local_host_socket(protocol_family)
s.connect((host, port))
except socket.error, e:
return e.errno == 111
return False
def wait_port(port, protocol_family='IPv4', **retry_kwargs):
"""Wait up to timeout for port (on host) to be connectable.
Takes same keyword arguments as retry to control the timeout"""
def check(e):
"""Only retry on connection refused"""
if not isinstance(e, socket.error) or not e.errno == 111:
s, host = get_local_host_socket(protocol_family)
retry_exception(lambda: s.connect((host, port)), exception_test=check,
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("wait_port timeout on host %s port %s: %s"%(host, port, e))
finally: s.close()
def wait_ports(ports, **retry_kwargs):
"""Wait up to timeout for all ports (on host) to be connectable.
Takes same keyword arguments as retry to control the timeout"""
for port, protocol_family in ports.iteritems():
wait_port(port=port, protocol_family=protocol_family, **retry_kwargs)
def message(**properties):
"""Convenience to create a proton.Message with properties set"""
m = Message()
for name, value in properties.iteritems():
getattr(m, name) # Raise exception if not a valid message attribute.
setattr(m, name, value)
return m
class Process(subprocess.Popen):
Popen that can be torn down at the end of a TestCase and stores its output.
Uses valgrind if enabled.
# Expected states of a Process at teardown
RUNNING = 1 # Still running
EXIT_OK = 2 # Exit status 0
EXIT_FAIL = 3 # Exit status not 0
unique_id = 0
def unique(cls, name):
cls.unique_id += 1
return "%s-%s" % (name, cls.unique_id)
def __init__(self, args, name=None, expect=EXIT_OK, **kwargs):
Takes same arguments as subprocess.Popen. Some additional/special args:
@param expect: Raise error if process staus not as expected at end of test:
L{RUNNING} - expect still running.
L{EXIT_OK} - expect proces to have terminated with 0 exit status.
L{EXIT_ERROR} - expect proces to have terminated with non-0 exit status.
@keyword stdout: Defaults to the file name+".out"
@keyword stderr: Defaults to be the same as stdout
""" = name or os.path.basename(args[0])
self.args, self.expect = args, expect
self.outdir = os.getcwd()
self.outfile = self.unique(
self.out = open(self.outfile + '.out', 'w')
with open(self.outfile + '.cmd', 'w') as f: f.write("%s\n" % ' '.join(args))
self.torndown = False
kwargs.setdefault('stdout', self.out)
kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.STDOUT)
args, self.valgrind_error = with_valgrind(args, self.outfile + '.vg')
super(Process, self).__init__(args, **kwargs)
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("subprocess.Popen(%s, %s) failed: %s: %s" %
(args, kwargs, type(e).__name__, e))
def assert_running(self):
"""Assert that the proces is still running"""
assert self.poll() is None, "%s exited" %
def teardown(self):
"""Check process status and stop the process if necessary"""
if self.torndown:
self.torndown = True
status = self.poll()
if status is None: # still running
rc = self.wait()
if rc is None:
if self.valgrind_error and rc == self.valgrind_error:
# Report that valgrind found errors
status = rc;
def check_exit(self, status):
"""Check process exit status"""
def check(condition, expect):
"""assert condition with a suitable message for status"""
if status is None:
actual = "still running"
actual = "exit %s"%status
assert condition, "Expected %s but %s: %s"%(expect, actual,
assert not self.valgrind_error or status != self.valgrind_error, \
"Valgrind detected errors! See log file %s/" % (self.outdir, self.outfile)
if self.expect == Process.RUNNING:
check(status is None, "still running")
elif self.expect == Process.EXIT_OK:
check(status == 0, "exit 0")
elif self.expect == Process.EXIT_FAIL:
check(status != 0, "exit non-0")
class Config(object):
"""Base class for configuration objects that provide a convenient
way to create content for configuration files."""
def write(self, name, suffix=".conf"):
"""Write the config object to file name.suffix. Returns name.suffix."""
name = name+suffix
with open(name, 'w') as f:
return name
class Qdrouterd(Process):
"""Run a Qpid Dispatch Router Daemon"""
class Config(list, Config):
List of ('section', {'name':'value', ...}).
Fills in some default values automatically, see Qdrouterd.DEFAULTS
'listener':{'addr':'', 'saslMechanisms':'ANONYMOUS', 'idleTimeoutSeconds': '120', 'authenticatePeer': 'no'},
'connector':{'addr':'', 'saslMechanisms':'ANONYMOUS', 'idleTimeoutSeconds': '120', 'role':'on-demand'},
def sections(self, name):
"""Return list of sections named name"""
return [p for n, p in self if n == name]
def router_id(self): return self.sections("router")[0]["routerId"]
def defaults(self):
"""Fill in default values in gconfiguration"""
for name, props in self:
if name in Qdrouterd.Config.DEFAULTS:
for n,p in Qdrouterd.Config.DEFAULTS[name].iteritems():
def __str__(self):
"""Generate config file content. Calls default() first."""
def props(p):
"""qpidd.conf format of dict p"""
return "".join([" %s: %s\n"%(k, v) for k, v in p.iteritems()])
return "".join(["%s {\n%s}\n"%(n, props(p)) for n, p in self])
def __init__(self, name=None, config=Config(), pyinclude=None, wait=True):
@param name: name used for for output files, default to routerId from config.
@param config: router configuration
@keyword wait: wait for router to be ready (call self.wait_ready())
self.config = copy(config)
if not name: name = self.config.router_id
assert name
default_log = [l for l in config if (l[0] == 'log' and l[1]['module'] == 'DEFAULT')]
if not default_log:
('log', {'module':'DEFAULT', 'enable':'trace+', 'source': 'true', 'output':name+'.log'}))
args = ['qdrouterd', '-c', config.write(name)]
env_home = os.environ.get('QPID_DISPATCH_HOME')
if pyinclude:
args += ['-I', pyinclude]
elif env_home:
args += ['-I', os.path.join(env_home, 'python')]
super(Qdrouterd, self).__init__(args, name=name, expect=Process.RUNNING)
self._management = None
self._wait_ready = False
if wait:
def management(self):
"""Return a management agent proxy for this router"""
if not self._management:
self._management = Node.connect(self.addresses[0], timeout=TIMEOUT)
return self._management
def teardown(self):
if self._management:
try: self._management.close()
except: pass
super(Qdrouterd, self).teardown()
def ports_family(self):
Return a dict of listener ports and the respective port family
Example -
{ 23456: 'IPv4', 243455: 'IPv6' }
ports_fam = {}
for l in self.config.sections('listener'):
if l.get('protocolFamily'):
ports_fam[l['port']] = l['protocolFamily']
ports_fam[l['port']] = 'IPv4'
return ports_fam
def ports(self):
"""Return list of configured ports for all listeners"""
return [l['port'] for l in self.config.sections('listener')]
def addresses(self):
"""Return amqp://host:port addresses for all listeners"""
address_list = []
for l in self.config.sections('listener'):
protocol_family = l.get('protocolFamily')
if protocol_family == 'IPv6':
address_list.append("amqp://[%s]:%s"%(l['addr'], l['port']))
elif protocol_family == 'IPv4':
address_list.append("amqp://%s:%s"%(l['addr'], l['port']))
# Default to IPv4
address_list.append("amqp://%s:%s"%(l['addr'], l['port']))
return address_list
def hostports(self):
"""Return host:port for all listeners"""
address_list = []
for l in self.config.sections('listener'):
protocol_family = l.get('protocolFamily')
if protocol_family == 'IPv6':
address_list.append("[%s]:%s"%(l['addr'], l['port']))
elif protocol_family == 'IPv4':
address_list.append("%s:%s"%(l['addr'], l['port']))
# Default to IPv4
address_list.append("%s:%s"%(l['addr'], l['port']))
return address_list
def is_connected(self, port, host=''):
"""If router has a connection to host:port return the management info.
Otherwise return None"""
return"connection/%s:%s" % (host, port))
return False
def wait_address(self, address, subscribers=0, remotes=0, **retry_kwargs):
Wait for an address to be visible on the router.
@keyword subscribers: Wait till subscriberCount >= subscribers
@keyword remotes: Wait till remoteCount >= remotes
@param retry_kwargs: keyword args for L{retry}
def check():
# TODO aconway 2014-06-12: this should be a request by name, not a query.
# Need to rationalize addresses in management attributes.
# endswith check is because of M0/L/R prefixes
addrs =
attribute_names=['name', 'subscriberCount', 'remoteCount']).get_entities()
addrs = [a for a in addrs if a['name'].endswith(address)]
return addrs and addrs[0]['subscriberCount'] >= subscribers and addrs[0]['remoteCount'] >= remotes
assert retry(check, **retry_kwargs)
def get_host(self, protocol_family):
if protocol_family == 'IPv4':
return ''
elif protocol_family == 'IPv6':
return '::1'
return ''
def wait_connectors(self, **retry_kwargs):
Wait for all connectors to be connected
@param retry_kwargs: keyword args for L{retry}
for c in self.config.sections('connector'):
assert retry(lambda: self.is_connected(port=c['port'], host=self.get_host(c.get('protocolFamily'))), **retry_kwargs), "Port not connected %s" % c['port']
def wait_ready(self, **retry_kwargs):
"""Wait for ports and connectors to be ready"""
if not self._wait_ready:
self._wait_ready = True
wait_ports(self.ports_family, **retry_kwargs)
return self
def is_router_connected(self, router_id, **retry_kwargs):
try:"router.node/%s" % router_id)
# TODO aconway 2015-01-29: The above check should be enough, we
# should not advertise a remote router in managment till it is fully
# connected. However we still get a race where the router is not
# actually ready for traffic. Investigate.
# Meantime the following actually tests send-thru to the router.
node = Node.connect(self.addresses[0], router_id, timeout=1)
return retry_exception(lambda: node.query('org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router'))
return False
def wait_router_connected(self, router_id, **retry_kwargs):
retry(lambda: self.is_router_connected(router_id), **retry_kwargs)
class Qpidd(Process):
"""Run a Qpid Daemon"""
class Config(dict, Config):
"""qpidd.conf contents. Use like a dict, str() generates qpidd.conf format"""
def __str__(self):
return "".join(["%s=%s\n"%(k, v) for k, v in self.iteritems()])
def __init__(self, name=None, config=Config(), port=None, wait=True):
self.config = Qpidd.Config(
'log-to-stderr':'false', 'log-to-file':name+".log",
if port:
self.config['port'] = port
super(Qpidd, self).__init__(
['qpidd', '--config', self.config.write(name)],
name=name, expect=Process.RUNNING)
self.port = self.config['port'] or 5672
self.address = ""%self.port
self._management = None
if wait:
def qm_connect(self):
"""Make a qpid_messaging connection to the broker"""
if not qm:
raise Exception("No qpid_messaging module available")
return qm.Connection.establish(self.address)
def management(self, **kwargs):
"""Get the management agent proxy for this broker"""
if not qpidtoollibs:
raise Exception("No qpidtoollibs module available")
if not self._management:
self._management = qpidtoollibs.BrokerAgent(self.qm_connect(), **kwargs)
return self._management
def wait_ready(self):
class Messenger(proton.Messenger):
"""Convenience additions to proton.Messenger"""
def __init__(self, name=None, timeout=TIMEOUT, blocking=True):
super(Messenger, self).__init__(name)
self.timeout = timeout
self.blocking = blocking
def flush(self):
"""Call work() till there is no work left."""
def fetch(self, accept=True):
"""Fetch a single message"""
msg = Message()
if accept:
return msg
def subscribe(self, source, **retry_args):
"""Do a proton.Messenger.subscribe and wait till the address is available."""
subscription = super(Messenger, self).subscribe(source)
assert retry(lambda: subscription.address, **retry_args) # Wait for address
return subscription
class Tester(object):
"""Tools for use by TestCase
- Create a directory for the test.
- Utilities to create processes and servers, manage ports etc.
- Clean up processes on teardown"""
# Wipe the old test tree when we are first imported.
root_dir = os.path.abspath(__name__+'.dir')
def __init__(self, id):
@param id: module.class.method or False if no directory should be created
""" = os.path.join(self.root_dir, *id.split('.'))
self.cleanup_list = []
def rmtree(self):
"""Remove old test class results directory"""
shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(, ignore_errors=True)
def setup(self):
"""Called from test setup and class setup."""
def teardown(self):
"""Clean up (tear-down, stop or close) objects recorded via cleanup()"""
errors = []
for obj in self.cleanup_list:
for method in ["teardown", "tearDown", "stop", "close"]:
cleanup = getattr(obj, method, None)
if cleanup:
except Exception, e:
assert not errors, "Errors during teardown: %s" % errors
def cleanup(self, x):
"""Record object x for clean-up during tear-down.
x should have on of the methods teardown, tearDown, stop or close"""
return x
def popen(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Start a Process that will be cleaned up on teardown"""
return self.cleanup(Process(*args, **kwargs))
def qdrouterd(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a Qdrouterd that will be cleaned up on teardown"""
return self.cleanup(Qdrouterd(*args, **kwargs))
def qpidd(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Return a Qpidd that will be cleaned up on teardown"""
return self.cleanup(Qpidd(*args, **kwargs))
def messenger(self, name=None, cleanup=True, **kwargs):
"""Return a started Messenger that will be cleaned up on teardown."""
m = Messenger(name or os.path.basename(, **kwargs)
if cleanup:
return m
port_range = (20000, 30000)
next_port = random.randint(port_range[0], port_range[1])
def get_port(cls, protocol_family='IPv4'):
"""Get an unused port"""
def advance():
"""Advance with wrap-around"""
cls.next_port += 1
if cls.next_port >= cls.port_range[1]:
cls.next_port = cls.port_range[0]
start = cls.next_port
while not port_available(cls.next_port, protocol_family):
if cls.next_port == start:
raise Exception("No available ports in range %s", cls.port_range)
p = cls.next_port
return p
class TestCase(unittest.TestCase, Tester): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
"""A TestCase that sets up its own working directory and is also a Tester."""
def __init__(self, test_method):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, test_method)
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.tester = Tester('.'.join([cls.__module__, cls.__name__, 'setUpClass']))
def tearDownClass(cls):
if hasattr(cls, 'tester'):
del cls.tester
def setUp(self):
# Python < 2.7 will call setUp on the system_test.TestCase class
# itself as well as the subclasses. Ignore that.
if self.__class__ is TestCase: return
# Hack to support setUpClass on older python.
# If the class has not already been set up, do it now.
if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'tester'):
if hasattr(self.__class__, 'tester'):
def tearDown(self):
# Python < 2.7 will call tearDown on the system_test.TestCase class
# itself as well as the subclasses. Ignore that.
if self.__class__ is TestCase: return
# Hack to support tearDownClass on older versions of python.
if hasattr(self.__class__, '_tear_down_class'):
def skipTest(self, reason):
"""Workaround missing unittest.TestCase.skipTest in python 2.6.
The caller must return in order to end the test"""
if hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'skipTest'):
unittest.TestCase.skipTest(self, reason)
print "Skipping test",, reason
# Hack to support tearDownClass on older versions of python.
# The default TestLoader sorts tests alphabetically so we insert
# a fake tests that will run last to call tearDownClass.
# NOTE: definitely not safe for a parallel test-runner.
if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'tearDownClass'):
def test_zzzz_teardown_class(self):
"""Fake test to call tearDownClass"""
if self.__class__ is not TestCase:
self.__class__._tear_down_class = True
def assert_fair(self, seq):
avg = sum(seq)/len(seq)
for i in seq:
assert i > avg/2, "Work not fairly distributed: %s"%seq
def assertIn(self, item, items):
assert item in items, "%s not in %s" % (item, items)
if not hasattr(unittest.TestCase, 'assertRegexpMatches'):
def assertRegexpMatches(self, text, regexp, msg=None):
"""For python < 2.7: assert, text)"""
assert, text), msg or "Can't find %r in '%s'" %(regexp, text)
def main_module():
Return the module name of the __main__ module - i.e. the filename with the
path and .py extension stripped. Useful to run the tests in the current file but
using the proper module prefix instead of '__main__', as follows:
if __name__ == '__main__':
return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(__main__.__file__))[0]