blob: dcf00b396efa444f2295027cedb3ca7b632b325a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "waypoint_private.h"
#include "dispatch_private.h"
#include "router_private.h"
#include "entity_cache.h"
#include <qpid/dispatch/ctools.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/threading.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/connection_manager.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct qd_waypoint_ref_t qd_waypoint_ref_t;
typedef struct qd_waypoint_context_t qd_waypoint_context_t;
struct qd_waypoint_ref_t {
qd_waypoint_t *wp;
DEQ_DECLARE(qd_waypoint_ref_t, qd_waypoint_ref_list_t);
struct qd_waypoint_context_t {
qd_waypoint_ref_list_t refs;
// Convenience for logging waypoint messages, expects qd and wp to be defined.
#define LOG(LEVEL, MSG, ...) qd_log(qd->router->log_source, QD_LOG_##LEVEL, "waypoint=%s: " MSG, wp->address, __VA_ARGS__)
static void qd_waypoint_visit_sink_LH(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp)
qd_router_t *router = qd->router;
qd_address_t *addr = wp->in_address;
char unused;
// If the waypoint has no in-address, look it up in the hash table or create
// a new one and put it in the hash table.
if (!addr) {
// Compose the phased-address and search the routing table for the address.
// If it's not found, add it to the table but leave the link/router linkages empty.
qd_field_iterator_t *iter = qd_address_iterator_string(wp->address, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_address_iterator_set_phase(iter, wp->in_phase);
qd_hash_retrieve(router->addr_hash, iter, (void*) &addr);
if (!addr) {
addr = qd_address(router_semantics_for_addr(router, iter, wp->in_phase, &unused));
qd_hash_insert(router->addr_hash, iter, addr, &addr->hash_handle);
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(router->addrs, addr);
addr->waypoint = true;
qd_entity_cache_add(QD_ROUTER_ADDRESS_TYPE, addr);
wp->in_address = addr;
LOG(TRACE, "Sink in-address=%s, in-phase=%c",
qd_address_logstr(wp->in_address), wp->in_phase);
if (!wp->connected) {
LOG(TRACE, "Sink start connector %s", wp->connector_name);
qd_connection_manager_start_on_demand(qd, wp->connector);
else if (!wp->out_link) {
wp->out_link = qd_link(router->node, wp->connection, QD_OUTGOING, wp->address);
pn_terminus_set_address(qd_link_target(wp->out_link), wp->address);
qd_router_link_t *rlink = qd_router_link(wp->out_link, QD_LINK_WAYPOINT, QD_OUTGOING, addr, wp, 0);
qd_entity_cache_add(QD_ROUTER_LINK_TYPE, rlink);
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(router->links, rlink);
qd_link_set_context(wp->out_link, rlink);
qd_router_add_link_ref_LH(&addr->rlinks, rlink);
if (DEQ_SIZE(addr->rlinks) == 1) {
qd_field_iterator_t *iter = qd_address_iterator_string(wp->address, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_address_iterator_set_phase(iter, wp->in_phase);
qd_router_mobile_added(router, iter);
LOG(TRACE, "Sink out-link '%s'", pn_link_name(qd_link_pn(wp->out_link)));
static void qd_waypoint_visit_source_LH(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp)
qd_router_t *router = qd->router;
qd_address_t *addr = wp->out_address;
char unused;
// If the waypoint has no out-address, look it up in the hash table or create
// a new one and put it in the hash table.
if (!addr) {
// Compose the phased-address and search the routing table for the address.
// If it's not found, add it to the table but leave the link/router linkages empty.
qd_field_iterator_t *iter = qd_address_iterator_string(wp->address, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_address_iterator_set_phase(iter, wp->out_phase);
qd_hash_retrieve(router->addr_hash, iter, (void*) &addr);
if (!addr) {
addr = qd_address(router_semantics_for_addr(router, iter, wp->out_phase, &unused));
qd_hash_insert(router->addr_hash, iter, addr, &addr->hash_handle);
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(router->addrs, addr);
addr->waypoint = true;
qd_entity_cache_add(QD_ROUTER_ADDRESS_TYPE, addr);
wp->out_address = addr;
LOG(TRACE, "Source out-address=%s, out-phase=%c",
qd_address_logstr(wp->out_address), wp->out_phase);
if (!wp->connected) {
LOG(TRACE, "Source start connector %s", wp->connector_name);
qd_connection_manager_start_on_demand(qd, wp->connector);
else if (!wp->in_link) {
wp->in_link = qd_link(router->node, wp->connection, QD_INCOMING, wp->address);
pn_terminus_set_address(qd_link_source(wp->in_link), wp->address);
qd_router_link_t *rlink = qd_router_link(wp->in_link, QD_LINK_WAYPOINT, QD_INCOMING, addr, wp, 0);
qd_entity_cache_add(QD_ROUTER_LINK_TYPE, rlink);
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(router->links, rlink);
qd_link_set_context(wp->in_link, rlink);
LOG(TRACE, "Source in-link '%s'", pn_link_name(qd_link_pn(wp->in_link)));
if (wp->in_link && (DEQ_SIZE(addr->rlinks) + DEQ_SIZE(addr->rnodes) > 0)) {
// CASE: This address has reachable destinations in the network.
// If there is no inbound link from the waypoint source,
// establish one and issue credit.
pn_link_flow(qd_link_pn(wp->in_link), 1);
LOG(DEBUG, "Added credit for incoming link '%s'", pn_link_name(qd_link_pn(wp->in_link)));
} else {
// CASE: This address has no reachable destinations in the network.
static void qd_waypoint_visit_LH(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp)
if (wp->in_phase)
qd_waypoint_visit_sink_LH(qd, wp);
if (wp->out_phase)
qd_waypoint_visit_source_LH(qd, wp);
static void qd_waypoint_activate_in_phase_LH(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp)
// Activate the "Sink" side of this waypoint.
// If the in-phase is null, then no in-phase was configured for this waypoint.
if (wp->in_phase == '\0')
// Since the waypoint has an in-phase, we wish to advertise the waypoint's address
// for senders to send to. We can't do this until a connection and link are set up
// to the waypoint. Start the on-demand connector.
qd_connection_manager_start_on_demand(qd, wp->connector);
static void qd_waypoint_activate_out_phase_LH(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp)
// Activate the "Source" side of this waypoint.
// This function intentionally left blank
void qd_waypoint_activate_all(qd_dispatch_t *qd)
qd_router_t *router = qd->router;
qd_waypoint_t *wp;
for (wp = DEQ_HEAD(router->waypoints); wp; wp = DEQ_NEXT(wp)) {
// Associate the waypoint with its named on-demand connector and for every
// on-demand connector, create a list of associated waypoints.
if (!wp->connector) {
wp->connector = qd_connection_manager_find_on_demand(qd, wp->connector_name);
if (!wp->connector) {
LOG(ERROR, "On-demand connector '%s' not found", wp->connector_name);
qd_waypoint_context_t *context =
(qd_waypoint_context_t*) qd_config_connector_context(wp->connector);
if (!context) {
context = NEW(qd_waypoint_context_t);
qd_config_connector_set_context(wp->connector, context);
qd_waypoint_ref_t *ref = NEW(qd_waypoint_ref_t);
ref->wp = wp;
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(context->refs, ref);
for (wp = DEQ_HEAD(router->waypoints); wp; wp = DEQ_NEXT(wp)) {
qd_waypoint_activate_in_phase_LH(qd, wp);
qd_waypoint_activate_out_phase_LH(qd, wp);
qd_waypoint_visit_LH(qd, wp);
void qd_waypoint_connection_opened(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_config_connector_t *cc, qd_connection_t *conn)
qd_waypoint_context_t *context = (qd_waypoint_context_t*) qd_config_connector_context(cc);
if (!context)
qd_log(qd->router->log_source, QD_LOG_INFO, "On-demand connector '%s' opened",
qd_waypoint_ref_t *ref = DEQ_HEAD(context->refs);
while (ref) {
ref->wp->connected = true;
ref->wp->connection = conn;
qd_waypoint_visit_LH(qd, ref->wp);
ref = DEQ_NEXT(ref);
void qd_waypoint_new_incoming_link(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp, qd_link_t *link)
void qd_waypoint_new_outgoing_link(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp, qd_link_t *link)
void qd_waypoint_link_closed(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_waypoint_t *wp, qd_link_t *link)
if (qd_link_direction(link) == QD_INCOMING)
wp->in_link = 0;
wp->out_link = 0;
void qd_waypoint_address_updated_LH(qd_dispatch_t *qd, qd_address_t *addr)
qd_waypoint_t *wp = DEQ_HEAD(qd->router->waypoints);
while (wp) {
LOG(TRACE, "Updated address %s", qd_address_logstr(addr));
if (wp->out_address == addr)
qd_waypoint_visit_LH(qd, wp);
wp = DEQ_NEXT(wp);