blob: 7ce6dc6b7979839b25ea0cfea95e9031aa1f69a8 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef __server_private_h__
#define __server_private_h__ 1
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <qpid/dispatch/atomic.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/enum.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/server.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/threading.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/alloc.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/ctools.h>
#include <qpid/dispatch/log.h>
#include <proton/engine.h>
#include <proton/event.h>
#include <proton/ssl.h>
#include "dispatch_private.h"
#include "timer_private.h"
#include "http.h"
#include <netdb.h> /* For NI_MAXHOST/NI_MAXSERV */
qd_dispatch_t* qd_server_dispatch(qd_server_t *server);
void qd_server_timeout(qd_server_t *server, qd_duration_t delay);
qd_connection_t *qd_server_connection(qd_server_t *server, qd_server_config_t* config);
qd_connector_t* qd_connection_connector(const qd_connection_t *c);
void qd_connection_handle(qd_connection_t *c, pn_event_t *e);
const qd_server_config_t *qd_connector_config(const qd_connector_t *c);
qd_listener_t *qd_server_listener(qd_server_t *server);
qd_connector_t *qd_server_connector(qd_server_t *server);
bool qd_connector_decref(qd_connector_t* ct);
void qd_listener_decref(qd_listener_t* ct);
void qd_server_config_free(qd_server_config_t *cf);
typedef enum {
} cxtr_state_t;
typedef struct qd_deferred_call_t {
DEQ_LINKS(struct qd_deferred_call_t);
qd_deferred_t call;
void *context;
} qd_deferred_call_t;
DEQ_DECLARE(qd_deferred_call_t, qd_deferred_call_list_t);
typedef struct qd_pn_free_link_session_t {
DEQ_LINKS(struct qd_pn_free_link_session_t);
pn_session_t *pn_session;
pn_link_t *pn_link;
} qd_pn_free_link_session_t;
DEQ_DECLARE(qd_pn_free_link_session_t, qd_pn_free_link_session_list_t);
#ifndef NI_MAXHOST
# define NI_MAXHOST 1025
#ifndef NI_MAXSERV
# define NI_MAXSERV 32
* Listener objects represent the desire to accept incoming transport connections.
struct qd_listener_t {
/* May be referenced by connection_manager and pn_listener_t */
sys_atomic_t ref_count;
qd_server_t *server;
qd_server_config_t config;
pn_listener_t *pn_listener;
qd_http_listener_t *http;
bool exit_on_error;
DEQ_DECLARE(qd_listener_t, qd_listener_list_t);
* Connector objects represent the desire to create and maintain an outgoing transport connection.
struct qd_connector_t {
/* May be referenced by connection_manager, timer and pn_connection_t */
sys_atomic_t ref_count;
qd_server_t *server;
qd_server_config_t config;
qd_timer_t *timer;
long delay;
/* Connector state and ctx can be modified in proactor or management threads. */
sys_mutex_t *lock;
cxtr_state_t state;
char *conn_msg;
qd_connection_t *ctx;
/* This conn_list contains all the connection information needed to make a connection. It also includes failover connection information */
qd_failover_item_list_t conn_info_list;
int conn_index; // Which connection in the connection list to connect to next.
/* Optional policy vhost name */
char *policy_vhost;
DEQ_DECLARE(qd_connector_t, qd_connector_list_t);
const char *qd_connector_policy_vhost(qd_connector_t* ct);
* Connection objects wrap Proton connection objects.
struct qd_connection_t {
char *name;
qd_server_t *server;
bool opened; // An open callback was invoked for this connection
bool closed;
int enqueued;
qd_timer_t *timer; // Timer for initial-setup
pn_connection_t *pn_conn;
pn_session_t *pn_sess;
pn_ssl_t *ssl;
qd_listener_t *listener;
qd_connector_t *connector;
void *context; // context from listener or connector
void *user_context;
void *link_context; // Context shared by this connection's links
uint64_t connection_id; // A unique identifier for the qd_connection_t. The underlying pn_connection already has one but it is long and clunky.
const char *user_id; // A unique identifier for the user on the connection. This is currently populated from the client ssl cert. See ssl_uid_format in server.h for more info
bool free_user_id;
qd_policy_settings_t *policy_settings;
int n_sessions;
int n_senders;
int n_receivers;
void *open_container;
qd_deferred_call_list_t deferred_calls;
sys_mutex_t *deferred_call_lock;
bool policy_counted;
char *role; //The specified role of the connection, e.g. "normal", "inter-router", "route-container" etc.
qd_pn_free_link_session_list_t free_link_session_list;
bool strip_annotations_in;
bool strip_annotations_out;
void (*wake)(qd_connection_t*); /* Wake method, different for HTTP vs. proactor */
char rhost[NI_MAXHOST]; /* Remote host numeric IP for incoming connections */
char rhost_port[NI_MAXHOST+NI_MAXSERV]; /* Remote host:port for incoming connections */
DEQ_DECLARE(qd_connection_t, qd_connection_list_t);