blob: e6db5fadf664576c2f8d8a6b7f15c89687370369 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
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# under the License.
# a tool for post-processing Valgrind output from the unit tests
# Use:
# 1) configure the build to use valgrind and output xml
# 2) build and run the unit tests
# $ make && make test
# 3) run grinder from your build directory. It will look for valgrind xml
# files named "valgrind-*.xml in the current directory and all
# subdirectories and process them. Output is sent to stdout
# $ ../bin/grinder
# Note: be sure to clean the build directory before running the unit tests
# to remove old valgrind-*.xml files
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError
class Frame:
Represents info for a single stack frame
FIELDS = ["fn", "dir", "file", "line"]
def __init__(self, frame):
self._fields = dict()
for tag in self.FIELDS:
_ = frame.find(tag)
self._fields[tag] = _.text if _ is not None else "<none>"
def __str__(self):
return ("(%s) %s/%s:%s" %
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.__str__())
class ErrorBase:
Base class representing a single valgrind error
def __init__(self, kind):
self.kind = kind
self.count = 1
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.kind)
def __str__(self):
return "kind = %s (count=%d)" % (self.kind, self.count)
def merge(self, other):
self.count += other.count
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.count < other.count
def __le__(self, other):
return self.count <= other.count
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.count == other.count
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.count > other.count
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.count >= other.count
class GeneralError(ErrorBase):
For simple single stack errors
def __init__(self, error_xml):
kind = error_xml.find("kind").text
super(GeneralError, self).__init__(kind)
w = error_xml.find("what")
self._what = w.text if w is not None else "<none>"
# stack
self._stack = list()
s = error_xml.find("stack")
for frame in s.findall("frame"):
def __hash__(self):
h = super(GeneralError, self).__hash__()
for f in self._stack:
h += hash(f)
return h
def __str__(self):
s = super(GeneralError, self).__str__() + "\n"
if self._what:
s += self._what + "\n"
s += "Stack:"
for frame in self._stack:
s += "\n %s" % str(frame)
return s
class LeakError(ErrorBase):
def __init__(self, error_xml):
kind = error_xml.find("kind").text
super(LeakError, self).__init__(kind)
self._leaked_bytes = 0
self._leaked_blocks = 0
self._stack = list()
# xwhat:
# leakedbytes
# leakedblocks
lb = error_xml.find("xwhat/leakedbytes")
if lb is not None:
self._leaked_bytes = int(lb.text)
lb = error_xml.find("xwhat/leakedblocks")
if lb is not None:
self._leaked_blocks = int(lb.text)
# stack
s = error_xml.find("stack")
for frame in s.findall("frame"):
def merge(self, other):
super(LeakError, self).merge(other)
self._leaked_bytes += other._leaked_bytes
self._leaked_blocks += other._leaked_blocks
def __hash__(self):
h = super(LeakError, self).__hash__()
for f in self._stack:
h += hash(f)
return h
def __str__(self):
s = super(LeakError, self).__str__() + "\n"
s += "Leaked Bytes = %d Blocks = %d\n" % (self._leaked_bytes,
s += "Stack:"
for frame in self._stack:
s += "\n %s" % str(frame)
return s
class InvalidMemError(ErrorBase):
def __init__(self, error_xml):
kind = error_xml.find("kind").text
super(InvalidMemError, self).__init__(kind)
# expect
# what
# stack (invalid access)
# followed by zero or more:
# aux what (aux stack description)
# aux stack (where alloced, freed)
self._what = "<none>"
self._stack = None
self._auxwhat = list()
self._aux_stacks = list()
for child in error_xml:
if child.tag == "what":
self._what = child.text
if child.tag == "auxwhat":
if child.tag == "stack":
stack = list()
for frame in child.findall("frame"):
if self._stack == None:
self._stack = stack
def __hash__(self):
# for now don't include what/auxwhat as it may
# be different for the same codepath
h = super(InvalidMemError, self).__hash__()
for f in self._stack:
h += hash(f)
for s in self._aux_stacks:
for f in s:
h += hash(f)
return h
def __str__(self):
s = super(InvalidMemError, self).__str__() + "\n"
s += "%s\n" % self._what
s += "Stack:"
for frame in self._stack:
s += "\n %s" % str(frame)
for what, stack in zip(self._auxwhat, self._aux_stacks):
s += "\n%s:" % what
for frame in stack:
s += "\n %s" % str(frame)
return s
class SignalError(ErrorBase):
def __init__(self, error_xml):
super(SignalError, self).__init__("FatalSignal")
# expects:
# signo
# signame
# stack
self._signo = "<none>"
sn = error_xml.find("signo")
if sn is not None:
self._signo = sn.text
self._signame = "<none>"
sn = error_xml.find("signame")
if sn is not None:
self._signame = sn.text
self._stack = list()
s = error_xml.find("stack")
for frame in s.findall("frame"):
def __hash__(self):
# for now don't include what/auxwhat as it may
# be different for the same codepath
h = super(SignalError, self).__hash__()
h += hash(self._signo)
h += hash(self._signame)
for f in self._stack:
h += hash(f)
return h
def __str__(self):
s = super(SignalError, self).__str__() + "\n"
s += "Signal %s (%s)\n" % (self._signo, self._signame)
s += "Stack:"
for frame in self._stack:
s += "\n %s" % str(frame)
return s
'InvalidRead': InvalidMemError,
'InvalidWrite': InvalidMemError,
'Leak_DefinitelyLost': LeakError,
'Leak_IndirectlyLost': LeakError,
'Leak_PossiblyLost': LeakError,
'Leak_StillReachable': LeakError,
'UninitCondition': GeneralError,
'SyscallParam': GeneralError,
'InvalidFree': InvalidMemError,
'FishyValue': InvalidMemError,
# TBD:
'InvalidJump': None,
'UninitValue': None,
def parse_error(error_xml):
Factory that returns an Error instance
kind = error_xml.find("kind").text
e_cls = _ERROR_CLASSES.get(kind)
if e_cls:
return e_cls(error_xml)
raise Exception("Unsupported error type %s, please update grinder"
" to handle it" % kind)
def parse_xml_file(filename, exe_name='qdrouterd'):
Parse out errors from a valgrind output xml file
logging.debug("Parsing %s", filename)
error_list = list()
root = ET.parse(filename).getroot()
except ParseError as exc:
if "no element found" not in str(exc):
logging.warning("Error parsing %s: %s - skipping",
filename, str(exc))
logging.debug("No errors found in: %s - skipping",
return error_list
pv = root.find('protocolversion')
if pv is None or not "4" == pv.text:
# unsupported xml format version
logging.warning("Unsupported format version for %s, skipping...",
return error_list
pt = root.find('protocoltool')
if pt is None or not "memcheck" == pt.text:
logging.warning("Not a memcheck file %s, skipping...",
return error_list
if not exe_name in root.find('args/argv/exe').text:
# not from the target executable, skip
logging.debug("file %s is not generated from %s, skipping...",
filename, exe_name)
return error_list
for error in root.findall('error'):
# sigabort, etc classified as fatal_signal
for signal in root.findall("fatal_signal"):
return error_list
def main():
errors_map = dict()
file_name = re.compile("valgrind-[0-9]+\.xml")
for dp, dn, fn in os.walk("."):
for name in fn:
if file_name.match(name):
errors = parse_xml_file(os.path.join(dp, name))
for e in errors:
h = hash(e)
if h in errors_map:
# coalesce duplicate errors
errors_map[h] = e
# sort by # of occurances
error_list = sorted([e for e in errors_map.values()], reverse=True)
if error_list:
for e in error_list:
print("%s" % str(e))
print("----- %s total issues detected" % len(error_list))
print("No Valgrind errors found! Congratulations ;)")
if __name__ == "__main__":