blob: 382b71a1eba40ae3196765307d11f2189fc34fcc [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import os, sys
from time import sleep, ctime
import system_test
from system_test import TestCase, Qdrouterd, QdManager, Process, SkipIfNeeded, TIMEOUT
from subprocess import PIPE
import grpc
import friendship_server as fs
from friendship_pb2_grpc import FriendshipStub
from friendship_pb2 import Person, FriendshipRequest, PersonEmail
except ImportError:
def skip_test():
If grpc cannot be imported, test must be skipped
import grpc
import friendship_server as fs
from friendship_pb2_grpc import FriendshipStub
from friendship_pb2 import Person, FriendshipRequest, PersonEmail
return False
except ImportError:
return True
class GrpcServiceMethodsTest(TestCase):
Data for the grpc service
"One": "",
"Two": "",
"Three": "",
"Four": "",
"Five": "",
List of how friendships will be defined at the grpc service
1 = 2; 3; 4
2 = 1; 3; 5
3 = 1; 2; 4
4 = 1; 3; 5
5 = 2; 4
"": ["", "", ""],
"": ["", ""],
"": [""],
"": [""],
"": ["", "", ""],
"": ["", "", ""],
"": ["", "", ""],
"": ["", "", ""],
"": ["", ""]
List of common friends to request for and the expected
result to be returned by the service
["", ""],
["", ""],
["", ""],
["", "", ""],
def setUpClass(cls):
super(GrpcServiceMethodsTest, cls).setUpClass()
if skip_test():
# Define a random port for the gRPC server to bind
cls.grpc_server_port = str(cls.tester.get_port())
# Run the gRPC server (see friendship.proto for more info)
cls.grpc_server = fs.serve(cls.grpc_server_port)
# Prepare router to communicate with the gRPC server
cls.connector_props = {
'port': cls.grpc_server_port,
'address': 'examples',
'host': '',
'protocolVersion': 'HTTP2',
'name': 'grpc-server'
cls.router_http_port = cls.tester.get_port()
config = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'mode': 'standalone', 'id': 'QDR'}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'role': 'normal', 'host': ''}),
('httpListener', {'port': cls.router_http_port, 'address': 'examples',
'host': '', 'protocolVersion': 'HTTP2'}),
('httpConnector', cls.connector_props)
cls.router_qdr = cls.tester.qdrouterd("grpc-test-router", config, wait=True)
# If you wanna try it without the router, set the grpc_channel directly to the grpc_server_port
cls.grpc_channel = grpc.insecure_channel('' % cls.router_http_port)
cls.grpc_stub = FriendshipStub(cls.grpc_channel)
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(GrpcServiceMethodsTest, cls).tearDownClass()
if skip_test():
def create_person(cls, name, email):
p = Person() = name = email
res = cls.grpc_stub.Create(p)
assert res.success
assert res.message == ""
return p
def friendship_generator(cls):
for key in cls.FRIENDS:
for friend in cls.FRIENDS[key]:
fr = FriendshipRequest()
fr.email1 = key
fr.email2 = friend
yield fr
def common_friends_list(cls, friends):
for friend in friends:
pe = PersonEmail() = friend
yield pe
@SkipIfNeeded(skip_test(), "grpcio is needed to run grpc tests")
def test_grpc_01_unary(self):
Validates unary request and response message
for key in self.NAME_EMAIL:
name = key
mail = self.NAME_EMAIL[key]
p = self.create_person(name, mail)
assert p is not None
@SkipIfNeeded(skip_test(), "grpcio is needed to run grpc tests")
def test_grpc_02_bidirectional_stream(self):
Validates bidirectional streaming request and response messages
for res in self.grpc_stub.MakeFriends(self.friendship_generator()):
assert res.friend1 is not None
assert res.friend2 is not None
assert not res.error
@SkipIfNeeded(skip_test(), "grpcio is needed to run grpc tests")
def test_grpc_03_server_stream(self):
Validates server streaming response messages
for key in self.EXP_FRIENDS:
pe = PersonEmail() = key
friends = []
for friend in self.grpc_stub.ListFriends(pe):
assert(all(f in self.EXP_FRIENDS[key] for f in friends))
assert(all(f in friends for f in self.EXP_FRIENDS[key]))
@SkipIfNeeded(skip_test(), "grpcio is needed to run grpc tests")
def test_grpc_04_client_stream(self):
Validates client streaming request messages
for i in range(len(self.COMMON_FRIENDS_ITER)):
friends = self.COMMON_FRIENDS_ITER[i]
exp_friends = self.COMMON_FRIENDS_EXP[i]
res = self.grpc_stub.CommonFriendsCount(self.common_friends_list(friends))
assert res.count == len(exp_friends)
assert (all(f in res.friends for f in exp_friends))
assert (all(f in exp_friends for f in res.friends))