blob: 3f898b7a194252e95b933e48df59c0e6655559aa [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "route_control.h"
#include "router_core_private.h"
#include "qpid/dispatch/iterator.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Note that these hash prefixes are in a different space than those listed in iterator.h.
// These are used in a different hash table than the address hash.
const char CONTAINER_PREFIX = 'C';
const char CONNECTION_PREFIX = 'L';
static qdr_conn_identifier_t *qdr_route_declare_id_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
qd_iterator_t *container,
qd_iterator_t *connection)
qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid = 0;
if (container && connection) {
qd_iterator_reset_view(container, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_prefix(container, CONTAINER_PREFIX);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->conn_id_hash, container, (void**) &cid);
if (!cid) {
qd_iterator_reset_view(connection, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_prefix(connection, CONNECTION_PREFIX);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->conn_id_hash, connection, (void**) &cid);
if (!cid) {
cid = new_qdr_conn_identifier_t();
// The container and the connection will represent the same connection.
qd_hash_insert(core->conn_id_hash, container, cid, &cid->container_hash_handle);
qd_hash_insert(core->conn_id_hash, connection, cid, &cid->connection_hash_handle);
else if (container) {
qd_iterator_reset_view(container, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_prefix(container, CONTAINER_PREFIX);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->conn_id_hash, container, (void**) &cid);
if (!cid) {
cid = new_qdr_conn_identifier_t();
qd_hash_insert(core->conn_id_hash, container, cid, &cid->container_hash_handle);
else if (connection) {
qd_iterator_reset_view(connection, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_prefix(connection, CONNECTION_PREFIX);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->conn_id_hash, connection, (void**) &cid);
if (!cid) {
cid = new_qdr_conn_identifier_t();
qd_hash_insert(core->conn_id_hash, connection, cid, &cid->connection_hash_handle);
return cid;
void qdr_route_check_id_for_deletion_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid)
// If this connection identifier has no open connection and no referencing routes,
// it can safely be deleted and removed from the hash index.
if (DEQ_IS_EMPTY(cid->connection_refs) && DEQ_IS_EMPTY(cid->link_route_refs) && DEQ_IS_EMPTY(cid->auto_link_refs)) {
qd_hash_remove_by_handle(core->conn_id_hash, cid->connection_hash_handle);
qd_hash_remove_by_handle(core->conn_id_hash, cid->container_hash_handle);
static void qdr_route_log_CT(qdr_core_t *core, const char *text, const char *name, uint64_t id, qdr_connection_t *conn)
const char *key = NULL;
const char *type = "<unknown>";
if (conn->conn_id) {
key = (const char*) qd_hash_key_by_handle(conn->conn_id->connection_hash_handle);
if (!key) {
key = (const char*) qd_hash_key_by_handle(conn->conn_id->container_hash_handle);
if (key)
type = (*key++ == 'L') ? "connection" : "container";
if (!key && conn->connection_info) {
type = "container";
key = conn->connection_info->container;
char id_string[64];
const char *log_name = name ? name : id_string;
if (!name)
snprintf(id_string, 64, "%"PRId64, id);
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_INFO, "%s '%s' on %s %s",
text, log_name, type, key ? key : "<unknown>");
// true if pattern is equivalent to an old style prefix match
// (e.g. non-wildcard-prefix.#
static bool qdr_link_route_pattern_is_prefix(const char *pattern)
const int len = (int) strlen(pattern);
return (!strchr(pattern, '*') &&
(strchr(pattern, '#') == &pattern[len - 1]));
// convert a link route pattern to a mobile address hash string
// e.g. "a.b.c.#" --> "Ca.b.c"; "a.*.b.#" --> "Ea.*.b.#"
// Caller must free returned string
static char *qdr_link_route_pattern_to_address(const char *pattern,
qd_direction_t dir)
unsigned char *addr;
qd_iterator_t *iter;
const int len = (int) strlen(pattern);
assert(len > 0);
if (qdr_link_route_pattern_is_prefix(pattern)) {
// a pattern that is compatible with the old prefix config
// (i.e. only wildcard is '#' at the end), strip the trailing '#' and
// advertise them as 'C' or 'D' for backwards compatibility
iter = qd_iterator_binary(pattern, len - 1, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_prefix(iter, QDR_LINK_ROUTE_HASH(dir, true));
} else {
// a true link route pattern
iter = qd_iterator_string(pattern, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_prefix(iter, QDR_LINK_ROUTE_HASH(dir, false));
addr = qd_iterator_copy(iter);
// caller must free() result
return (char *)addr;
// convert a link route address in hash format back to a proper pattern.
// e.g. "Ca.b.c" --> "a.b.c.#"; "Ea.*.#.b --> "a.*.#.b"
// Caller responsible for calling free() on returned string
static char *qdr_address_to_link_route_pattern(qd_iterator_t *addr_hash,
qd_direction_t *dir)
int len = qd_iterator_length(addr_hash);
char *pattern = malloc(len + 3); // append ".#" if prefix
char *rc = 0;
qd_iterator_strncpy(addr_hash, pattern, len + 1);
if (QDR_IS_LINK_ROUTE_PREFIX(pattern[0])) {
// old style link route prefix address. It needs to be converted to a
// pattern by appending ".#"
strcat(pattern, ".#");
rc = strdup(&pattern[1]); // skip the prefix
if (dir)
*dir = QDR_LINK_ROUTE_DIR(pattern[0]);
return rc;
static void qdr_link_route_activate_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_link_route_t *lr, qdr_connection_t *conn)
qdr_route_log_CT(core, "Link Route Activated", lr->name, lr->identity, conn);
// Activate the address for link-routed destinations. If this is the first
// activation for this address, notify the router module of the added address.
if (lr->addr)
qdr_core_bind_address_conn_CT(core, lr->addr, conn);
lr->active = true;
static void qdr_link_route_deactivate_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_link_route_t *lr, qdr_connection_t *conn)
qdr_route_log_CT(core, "Link Route Deactivated", lr->name, lr->identity, conn);
// Deactivate the address(es) for link-routed destinations.
if (lr->addr)
qdr_core_unbind_address_conn_CT(core, lr->addr, conn);
lr->active = false;
static void qdr_auto_link_activate_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_auto_link_t *al, qdr_connection_t *conn)
const char *key;
qdr_route_log_CT(core, "Auto Link Activated", al->name, al->identity, conn);
if (al->addr) {
qdr_terminus_t *source = qdr_terminus(0);
qdr_terminus_t *target = qdr_terminus(0);
qdr_terminus_t *term;
if (al->dir == QD_INCOMING)
term = source;
term = target;
key = (const char*) qd_hash_key_by_handle(al->addr->hash_handle);
if (key || al->external_addr) {
if (al->external_addr) {
qdr_terminus_set_address(term, al->external_addr);
if (key)
al->internal_addr = &key[2];
} else
qdr_terminus_set_address(term, &key[2]); // truncate the "Mp" annotation (where p = phase)
al->link = qdr_create_link_CT(core, conn, QD_LINK_ENDPOINT, al->dir, source, target,
al->link->auto_link = al;
al->link->phase = al->phase;
al->link->fallback = al->fallback;
else {
* Attempts re-establishing auto links across the related connections/containers
static void qdr_route_attempt_auto_link_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
void *context)
qdr_auto_link_t *al = (qdr_auto_link_t *)context;
qdr_connection_ref_t * cref = DEQ_HEAD(al->conn_id->connection_refs);
while (cref) {
qdr_auto_link_activate_CT(core, al, cref->conn);
cref = DEQ_NEXT(cref);
static void qdr_auto_link_deactivate_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_auto_link_t *al, qdr_connection_t *conn)
qdr_route_log_CT(core, "Auto Link Deactivated", al->name, al->identity, conn);
if (al->link) {
qdr_link_outbound_detach_CT(core, al->link, 0, QDR_CONDITION_NONE, true);
al->link->auto_link = 0;
al->link->phase = 0;
al->link = 0;
// router.config.linkRoute
qdr_link_route_t *qdr_route_add_link_route_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
qd_iterator_t *name,
const char *addr_pattern,
bool is_prefix,
qd_parsed_field_t *add_prefix_field,
qd_parsed_field_t *del_prefix_field,
qd_parsed_field_t *container_field,
qd_parsed_field_t *connection_field,
qd_address_treatment_t treatment,
qd_direction_t dir)
// Set up the link_route structure
qdr_link_route_t *lr = new_qdr_link_route_t();
lr->identity = qdr_identifier(core);
lr->name = name ? (char*) qd_iterator_copy(name) : 0;
lr->dir = dir;
lr->treatment = treatment;
lr->is_prefix = is_prefix;
lr->pattern = strdup(addr_pattern);
if (!!add_prefix_field) {
qd_iterator_t *ap_iter = qd_parse_raw(add_prefix_field);
int ap_len = qd_iterator_length(ap_iter);
lr->add_prefix = malloc(ap_len + 1);
qd_iterator_strncpy(ap_iter, lr->add_prefix, ap_len + 1);
if (!!del_prefix_field) {
qd_iterator_t *ap_iter = qd_parse_raw(del_prefix_field);
int ap_len = qd_iterator_length(ap_iter);
lr->del_prefix = malloc(ap_len + 1);
qd_iterator_strncpy(ap_iter, lr->del_prefix, ap_len + 1);
// Add the address to the routing hash table and map it as a pattern in the
// wildcard pattern parse tree
char *addr_hash = qdr_link_route_pattern_to_address(lr->pattern, dir);
qd_iterator_t *a_iter = qd_iterator_string(addr_hash, ITER_VIEW_ALL);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->addr_hash, a_iter, (void*) &lr->addr);
if (!lr->addr) {
lr->addr = qdr_address_CT(core, treatment, 0);
if (lr->add_prefix) {
lr->addr->add_prefix = (char*) malloc(strlen(lr->add_prefix) + 1);
strcpy(lr->addr->add_prefix, lr->add_prefix);
if (lr->del_prefix) {
lr->addr->del_prefix = (char*) malloc(strlen(lr->del_prefix) + 1);
strcpy(lr->addr->del_prefix, lr->del_prefix);
//treatment will not be undefined for link route so above will not return null
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(core->addrs, lr->addr);
qd_hash_insert(core->addr_hash, a_iter, lr->addr, &lr->addr->hash_handle);
qdr_link_route_map_pattern_CT(core, a_iter, lr->addr);
// Find or create a connection identifier structure for this link route
if (container_field || connection_field) {
lr->conn_id = qdr_route_declare_id_CT(core, qd_parse_raw(container_field), qd_parse_raw(connection_field));
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL_N(REF, lr->conn_id->link_route_refs, lr);
qdr_connection_ref_t * cref = DEQ_HEAD(lr->conn_id->connection_refs);
while (cref) {
qdr_link_route_activate_CT(core, lr, cref->conn);
cref = DEQ_NEXT(cref);
// If a name was provided, use that as the key to insert the this link route name into the hashtable so
// we can quickly find it later.
if (name) {
qd_iterator_view_t iter_view = qd_iterator_get_view(name);
qd_iterator_reset_view(name, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_hash_insert(core->addr_lr_al_hash, name, lr, &lr->hash_handle);
qd_iterator_reset_view(name, iter_view);
// Add the link route to the core list
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(core->link_routes, lr);
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_TRACE, "Link route %spattern added: pattern=%s name=%s",
is_prefix ? "prefix " : "", lr->pattern, lr->name);
return lr;
void qdr_route_auto_link_detached_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_link_t *link)
if (!link->auto_link)
if (!link->auto_link->retry_timer)
link->auto_link->retry_timer = qdr_core_timer_CT(core, qdr_route_attempt_auto_link_CT, (void *)link->auto_link);
static char *activation_failed = "Auto Link Activation Failed. ";
int error_length = link->auto_link->last_error ? strlen(link->auto_link->last_error) : 0;
int total_length = strlen(activation_failed) + error_length + 1;
char *error_msg = qd_malloc(total_length);
strcpy(error_msg, activation_failed);
if (error_length)
strcat(error_msg, link->auto_link->last_error);
if (link->auto_link->retry_attempts == 0) {
// First retry in 2 seconds
qdr_core_timer_schedule_CT(core, link->auto_link->retry_timer, AUTO_LINK_FIRST_RETRY_INTERVAL);
link->auto_link->retry_attempts += 1;
else {
// Successive retries every 5 seconds
qdr_core_timer_schedule_CT(core, link->auto_link->retry_timer, AUTO_LINK_RETRY_INTERVAL);
qdr_route_log_CT(core, error_msg, link->auto_link->name, link->auto_link->identity, link->conn);
void qdr_route_auto_link_closed_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_link_t *link)
if (link->auto_link && link->auto_link->retry_timer)
qdr_core_timer_cancel_CT(core, link->auto_link->retry_timer);
// router.config.linkRoute
void qdr_route_del_link_route_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_link_route_t *lr)
// Deactivate the link route on all connections
qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid = lr->conn_id;
if (cid) {
qdr_connection_ref_t * cref = DEQ_HEAD(cid->connection_refs);
while (cref) {
qdr_link_route_deactivate_CT(core, lr, cref->conn);
cref = DEQ_NEXT(cref);
if (lr->hash_handle) {
qd_hash_remove_by_handle(core->addr_lr_al_hash, lr->hash_handle);
lr->hash_handle = 0;
// Remove the link route from the core list.
DEQ_REMOVE(core->link_routes, lr);
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_TRACE, "Link route %spattern removed: pattern=%s name=%s",
lr->is_prefix ? "prefix " : "", lr->pattern, lr->name);
qdr_core_delete_link_route(core, lr);
qdr_auto_link_t *qdr_route_add_auto_link_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
qd_iterator_t *name,
qd_parsed_field_t *addr_field,
qd_direction_t dir,
int phase,
qd_parsed_field_t *container_field,
qd_parsed_field_t *connection_field,
qd_parsed_field_t *external_addr,
bool fallback)
qdr_auto_link_t *al = new_qdr_auto_link_t();
// Set up the auto_link structure
al->identity = qdr_identifier(core);
al->name = name ? (char*) qd_iterator_copy(name) : 0;
al->dir = dir;
al->phase = phase;
al->external_addr = external_addr ? (char*) qd_iterator_copy(qd_parse_raw(external_addr)) : 0;
al->fallback = fallback;
// Find or create an address for the auto_link destination
char phase_char = dir == QD_OUTGOING ? (fallback ? QD_ITER_HASH_PHASE_FALLBACK : phase + '0') : phase + '0';
qd_iterator_t *iter = qd_parse_raw(addr_field);
qd_iterator_reset_view(iter, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_iterator_annotate_phase(iter, phase_char);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->addr_hash, iter, (void*) &al->addr);
if (!al->addr) {
qdr_address_config_t *addr_config = qdr_config_for_address_CT(core, 0, iter);
qd_address_treatment_t treatment = addr_config ? addr_config->treatment : QD_TREATMENT_ANYCAST_BALANCED;
if (treatment == QD_TREATMENT_UNAVAILABLE) {
//if associated address is not defined, assume balanced
al->addr = qdr_address_CT(core, treatment, addr_config);
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(core->addrs, al->addr);
qd_hash_insert(core->addr_hash, iter, al->addr, &al->addr->hash_handle);
// If we just created an address that needs a fallback, set up the fallback now.
if (!!addr_config && addr_config->fallback)
qdr_setup_fallback_address_CT(core, al->addr);
// Find or create a connection identifier structure for this auto_link
if (container_field || connection_field) {
al->conn_id = qdr_route_declare_id_CT(core, qd_parse_raw(container_field), qd_parse_raw(connection_field));
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL_N(REF, al->conn_id->auto_link_refs, al);
qdr_connection_ref_t * cref = DEQ_HEAD(al->conn_id->connection_refs);
while (cref) {
qdr_auto_link_activate_CT(core, al, cref->conn);
cref = DEQ_NEXT(cref);
// If a name was provided, use that as the key to insert the this auto link name into the hashtable so
// we can quickly find it later.
if (name) {
qd_iterator_view_t iter_view = qd_iterator_get_view(name);
qd_iterator_reset_view(name, ITER_VIEW_ADDRESS_HASH);
qd_hash_insert(core->addr_lr_al_hash, name, al, &al->hash_handle);
qd_iterator_reset_view(name, iter_view);
// Add the auto_link to the core list
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(core->auto_links, al);
return al;
void qdr_route_del_auto_link_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_auto_link_t *al)
// Disassociate from the connection identifier. Check to see if the identifier
// should be removed.
qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid = al->conn_id;
if (cid) {
qdr_connection_ref_t * cref = DEQ_HEAD(cid->connection_refs);
while (cref) {
qdr_auto_link_deactivate_CT(core, al, cref->conn);
cref = DEQ_NEXT(cref);
if (al->hash_handle) {
qd_hash_remove_by_handle(core->addr_lr_al_hash, al->hash_handle);
al->hash_handle = 0;
// Remove the auto link from the core list.
DEQ_REMOVE(core->auto_links, al);
qdr_core_delete_auto_link(core, al);
static void activate_route_connection(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_connection_t *conn, qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid)
// Activate all link-routes associated with this remote container.
qdr_link_route_t *lr = DEQ_HEAD(cid->link_route_refs);
while (lr) {
qdr_link_route_activate_CT(core, lr, conn);
lr = DEQ_NEXT_N(REF, lr);
// Activate all auto-links associated with this remote container.
qdr_auto_link_t *al = DEQ_HEAD(cid->auto_link_refs);
while (al) {
qdr_auto_link_activate_CT(core, al, conn);
al = DEQ_NEXT_N(REF, al);
static void deactivate_route_connection(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_connection_t *conn, qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid)
// Deactivate all link-routes associated with this remote container.
qdr_link_route_t *lr = DEQ_HEAD(cid->link_route_refs);
while (lr) {
qdr_link_route_deactivate_CT(core, lr, conn);
lr = DEQ_NEXT_N(REF, lr);
// Deactivate all auto-links associated with this remote container.
qdr_auto_link_t *al = DEQ_HEAD(cid->auto_link_refs);
while (al) {
qdr_auto_link_deactivate_CT(core, al, conn);
al = DEQ_NEXT_N(REF, al);
// Remove our own entry in the connection list
qdr_del_connection_ref(&cid->connection_refs, conn);
qdr_route_check_id_for_deletion_CT(core, cid);
void qdr_route_connection_opened_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
qdr_connection_t *conn,
qdr_field_t *container_field,
qdr_field_t *connection_field)
if (conn->role != QDR_ROLE_ROUTE_CONTAINER)
if (connection_field) {
qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid = qdr_route_declare_id_CT(core, 0, connection_field->iterator);
qdr_add_connection_ref(&cid->connection_refs, conn);
conn->conn_id = cid;
activate_route_connection(core, conn, conn->conn_id);
if (container_field) {
cid = qdr_route_declare_id_CT(core, container_field->iterator, 0);
if (cid != conn->conn_id) {
//the connection and container may be indexed to different objects if
//there are multiple distinctly named connectors which connect to the
//same amqp container
qdr_add_connection_ref(&cid->connection_refs, conn);
conn->alt_conn_id = cid;
activate_route_connection(core, conn, conn->alt_conn_id);
} else {
qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid = qdr_route_declare_id_CT(core, container_field->iterator, 0);
qdr_add_connection_ref(&cid->connection_refs, conn);
conn->conn_id = cid;
activate_route_connection(core, conn, conn->conn_id);
void qdr_route_connection_closed_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qdr_connection_t *conn)
// release any connection-based link routes. These can exist on
// QDR_ROLE_NORMAL connections.
while (DEQ_HEAD(conn->conn_link_routes)) {
qdr_link_route_t *lr = DEQ_HEAD(conn->conn_link_routes);
// removes the link route from conn->link_routes
qdr_route_del_conn_route_CT(core, lr);
if (conn->role != QDR_ROLE_ROUTE_CONTAINER)
qdr_conn_identifier_t *cid = conn->conn_id;
if (cid) {
deactivate_route_connection(core, conn, cid);
conn->conn_id = 0;
cid = conn->alt_conn_id;
if (cid) {
deactivate_route_connection(core, conn, cid);
conn->alt_conn_id = 0;
// add the link route address pattern to the lookup tree
// address is the hashed address, which includes 'C','D','E', or 'F' classifier
// in the first char. The pattern follows in the second char.
void qdr_link_route_map_pattern_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qd_iterator_t *address, qdr_address_t *addr)
qd_direction_t dir;
char *pattern = qdr_address_to_link_route_pattern(address, &dir);
qd_error_t rc = qd_parse_tree_add_pattern_str(core->link_route_tree[dir], pattern, addr);
if (rc) {
// the pattern is mapped once when the address is added to the hash
// table. It should not be mapped twice
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_CRITICAL, "Link route %s mapped redundantly: %s!",
pattern, qd_error_name(rc));
// remove the link route address pattern from the lookup tree.
// address is the hashed address, which includes 'C','D','E', or 'F' classifier
// in the first char. The pattern follows in the second char.
void qdr_link_route_unmap_pattern_CT(qdr_core_t *core, qd_iterator_t *address)
qd_direction_t dir;
char *pattern = qdr_address_to_link_route_pattern(address, &dir);
qdr_address_t *addr = (qdr_address_t *) qd_parse_tree_remove_pattern_str(core->link_route_tree[dir],
if (!addr) {
// expected that the pattern is in the tree.
// unexpected if it hasn't been mapped or has already been removed
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_CRITICAL, "link route pattern ummap: Pattern '%s' not found",
qdr_link_route_t *qdr_route_add_conn_route_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
qdr_connection_t *conn,
qd_iterator_t *name,
const char *addr_pattern,
qd_direction_t dir)
// Set up the link_route structure
qdr_link_route_t *lr = new_qdr_link_route_t();
lr->identity = qdr_identifier(core);
lr->name = name ? (char*) qd_iterator_copy(name) : 0;
lr->dir = dir;
lr->is_prefix = false;
lr->pattern = strdup(addr_pattern);
lr->parent_conn = conn;
// Add the address to the routing hash table and map it as a pattern in the
// wildcard pattern parse tree
char *addr_hash = qdr_link_route_pattern_to_address(lr->pattern, dir);
qd_iterator_t *a_iter = qd_iterator_string(addr_hash, ITER_VIEW_ALL);
qd_hash_retrieve(core->addr_hash, a_iter, (void*) &lr->addr);
if (!lr->addr) {
lr->addr = qdr_address_CT(core, lr->treatment, 0);
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(core->addrs, lr->addr);
qd_hash_insert(core->addr_hash, a_iter, lr->addr, &lr->addr->hash_handle);
qdr_link_route_map_pattern_CT(core, a_iter, lr->addr);
// Add the link route to the parent connection's link route list
// and fire it up
DEQ_INSERT_TAIL(conn->conn_link_routes, lr);
qdr_link_route_activate_CT(core, lr, lr->parent_conn);
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_TRACE,
"Connection based link route pattern added: conn=%s pattern=%s name=%s",
conn->connection_info->container, lr->pattern, lr->name);
return lr;
void qdr_route_del_conn_route_CT(qdr_core_t *core,
qdr_link_route_t *lr)
qdr_connection_t *conn = lr->parent_conn;
qdr_link_route_deactivate_CT(core, lr, conn);
// Remove the link route from the parent's link route list
DEQ_REMOVE(conn->conn_link_routes, lr);
qd_log(core->log, QD_LOG_TRACE,
"Connection based link route pattern removed: conn=%s pattern=%s name=%s",
conn->connection_info->container, lr->pattern, lr->name);
qdr_core_delete_link_route(core, lr);