blob: c8035d9d820af0ba75a0a202dc4793b3df16543a [file] [log] [blame]
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= Contributor's Guide
Use this guide to learn how to contribute to the Qpid Dispatch Router documentation. The documentation consists of a user guide, man pages, and a configuration reference. There are two contribution methods:
* xref:simple-change[Make a simple change to the documentation through the GitHub interface]. This method works well for quick fixes and simple additions.
* xref:large-contribution[Make a large or complex contribution]. This method involves forking the repository, editing the documentation files, and submitting a pull request.
== Making a simple change to the documentation
Follow this process if you want to make a quick fix or simple addition to the user guide:
. Find the file you want to edit in the GitHub web interface.
. Click the file name to open it in GitHub.
. Click the pencil icon near the top right of the page contents.
. Make your edits.
For more information, see link:style-guide.adoc[Style guidelines].
. In the `Propose file change` section at the bottom of the page, enter a title and description of your changes. Enter enough detail for reviewers to know what you have changed and why.
. Click *Propose file change* to create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
. Click *Create pull request*.
. Wait. The documentation team will typically review pull requests within a few days.
== Making a large contribution to the documentation
To make a large or complex contribution to the user guide, follow this method.
=== Setting up your environment
Before making a documentation contribution, you must set up your environment. This involves forking the upstream GitHub repository and cloning the fork to your local machine.
. If necessary, install `git`. For more information, see link:[Installing Git].
. link:[Set up authentication] to the qpid-dispatch GitHub repository.
. Fork the link:[qpid-dispatch] GitHub repository.
. Clone your fork onto your local machine.
$ git clone<your-user-name>__/qpid-dispatch.git
. Navigate to the new directory.
$ cd qpid-dispatch
. Add a git remote to your local repository to link to the upstream version of the documentation.
$ git remote add upstream
. Verify that the remotes are set up properly.
$ git remote -v
origin<your-user-name>__/qpid-dispatch.git (fetch)
origin<your-user-name>__/qpid-dispatch.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)
=== Updating the documentation
Updating the documentation involves fetching the latest code from the upstream repository, making your documentation changes, and submitting a pull request. The following procedure describes how this workflow typically works:
. Update your local repo with the latest changes from the upstream repository:
.. Check out the main branch locally.
$ git checkout main
.. Fetch the current files from the upstream repository.
$ git fetch upstream
.. Update your cloned main branch on your local machine with the current files from the upstream repository:
$ git rebase upstream/main
.. Update your fork in GitHub (`origin`) with the current files from the upstream repository.
$ git push origin main
. If there is not a JIRA for your documentation update, create one in the link:[Apache Dispatch JIRA project].
When you create the JIRA:
* Select the `Documentation` component.
* Assign the JIRA to yourself.
. Create a branch on your local machine for the documentation update.
$ git checkout -b _<branch-name>_ upstream/main
The branch name should include the ID of the JIRA for which you are creating the documentation update.
. Make your changes to the documentation.
For more information, see link:style-guide.adoc[Style guidelines].
. Build the documentation locally to test your changes.
For more information, see link:../README.adoc[Building the documentation].
. When you are satisfied with your changes, commit them.
.. Verify the files that you have changed.
$ git status
.. Stage the files that you changed.
$ git add -A
.. Create a commit with the staged files.
$ git commit -m "_<commit-message>_"
For the commit message, write a short sentence that clearly describes the changes you made.
.. Push your changes to your fork in GitHub.
$ git push origin HEAD
. In GitHub, create a pull request.
.. In the link:[qpid-dispatch] GitHub project, click *Pull requests*.
.. Click [btn]*New pull request*.
.. Click the *compare across forks* link.
.. In the head fork drop-down, select your fork, and in the compare drop-down, select the branch you created for this documentation update.
.. Review the diff to verify your changes one more time.
.. Click [btn]*Create pull request*.
.. Write a title and description for the pull request. The title must include the ID of the JIRA for this documentation update.
.. Click [btn]*Create pull request*.
. Wait. The documentation team will typically review pull requests within a few days.
After the pull request has been merged or rejected, you can remove your feature branch from both the remote fork and your local machine. GitHub provides a button for removing from the fork in the UI of the PR once it is merged. To remove the branch from your local machine, enter `git branch -d _<branch-name>_`.