blob: 8f2b9c09e4c7956e86bc95bf15faa2d35cf29249 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Common data storage and utilities
import sys
import nicknamer
IS_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2
if IS_PY2:
def dict_iteritems(d):
return d.iteritems()
def dict_iterkeys(d):
return d.iterkeys()
def dict_iteritems(d):
return iter(d.items())
def dict_iterkeys(d):
return iter(d.keys())
class Common():
# analysis_level_ludicrous
# Adverbl tries too hard to cross reference data
# Use these switchs to turn some of the biggest offenders off
per_link_detail = True
message_progress_tables = False
# returned from argparse.parse_args()
args = None
# first letter of the connection names
log_char_base = 'A'
# number of logs processed
n_logs = 0
# array of file name strings from command line
# len=n_logs
log_fns = []
# discovered router container names
# len=n_logs
router_ids = [] # raw long names
# router display names shortened with popups
router_display_names = []
# router modes in plain text
router_modes = []
# list of router-instance lists
# [[A0, A1], [B0], [C0, C1, C2]]
routers = []
# ordered list of connection names across all routers
all_conn_names = []
# conn_details_map -
# key=conn_id, val=ConnectionDetail for that connection
conn_details_map = {}
# mapping of connected routers by connection id
# A0_1 is connected to B3_2
# key = full conn_id 'A0_5'
# val = full conn_id 'B0_8'
# note names[key]=val and names[val]=key mutual reference
conn_peers_connid = {}
# short display name for peer indexed by connection id
# A0_1 maps to B's container_name nickname
conn_peers_display = {}
# conn_to_frame_map - global list for easier iteration in main
# key = conn_id full A0_3
# val = list of plf lines
conn_to_frame_map = {}
shorteners = nicknamer.Shorteners()
# when --no-data is in effect, how many log lines were skipped?
data_skipped = 0
def router_id_index(self, id):
Given a router full container name, return the index in router_ids table
Throw value error if not found
:param id:
return self.router_ids.index(id)
def log_letter_of(idx):
Return the letter A, B, C, ... from the index 0..n
:param idx:
:return: A..Z
if idx >= 26:
sys.exit('ERROR: too many log files')
def index_of_log_letter(letter):
Return the index 0..25 of the firster letter of the 'letter' string
Raise error if out of range
:param letter:
val = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".find(letter[0].upper())
if val < 0 or val > 25:
raise ValueError("index_of_log_letter Invalid log letter: %s", letter)
return val
class RestartRec():
def __init__(self, _id, _router, _event, _datetime): = _id
self.router = _router
self.event = _event
self.datetime = _datetime
def transfer_is_possibly_unsettled(plf):
return ( and not and
not ( or is not None))
global_colors = {
"errors": "yellow",
"unsettled": "tomato",
"presettled": "aqua",
"accepted": "aquamarine",
"rejected": "orange", # hard coded in resolve_settlement
"released": "orange",
"modified": "orange",
"aborted": "crimson",
"more": "chartreuse",
"drain": "gold",
"no_credit": "beige"
def color_of(obj_type):
return global_colors.get(obj_type, "pink")
html_escape_table = {
"&": "&amp;",
">": "&gt;",
"<": "&lt;",
def html_escape(text):
return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c,c) for c in text)
def strings_of_proton_log(text):
Given a transfer log text string like:
return the strings thereof:
"SpE Ss @@@@ $amqp:/_edge/EB1/temp.RkCWe_Is4jc3bcN name self type operation QUERY entityType org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.address offsetU count Sw attributeNames name subscriberCount remoteCount containerCount"
The intended use for this is to help decode management and router frames in the transfer nickname dump.
:param text:
:return: strings embedded in text
r = "" # return result
sstate = 0 # when a backslash is seen, skip this many more input chars
skipping = False
for elem in text:
if sstate > 0:
sstate -= 1
if elem == '\\':
if not skipping:
r += ' '
skipping = True
sstate = 3
skipping = False
r += elem
return r
def ls_eval(text):
Given a router_ls cost string like '{u'A': 1, u'C': 51L, u'B': 101L}',
return a dictionary {A:1, C:51, B:101}
This code replaces ast.literal_eval
result = {}
text = text.strip(" {}")
if len(text) > 0:
items = text.split(', ')
for item in items:
kv = item.split(": ")
key = kv[0].strip()
if key.startswith("u'") or key.startswith('u"'):
key = key[2:-1]
elif key.startswith("'"):
key = key[1:-1]
val = kv[1].strip()
if val.endswith("L"):
val = val[:-1]
result[key] = int(val)
return result