blob: 00a04266f0f4e7c9da83026012996bf060dc828f [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import socket
import binascii
class PolicyError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self.value)
def is_ipv6_enabled():
Returns true if IPV6 is enabled, false otherwise
ipv6_enabled = True
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.bind(('::1', 0))
except Exception as e:
ipv6_enabled = False
return ipv6_enabled
class HostStruct(object):
HostStruct represents a single, binary socket address from getaddrinfo
- name : name given to constructor; numeric IP or host name
- saddr : net name resolved by getaddrinfo; numeric IP
- family :; int
- binary : saddr packed binary address; binary string
families = [socket.AF_INET]
famnames = ["IPv4"]
if is_ipv6_enabled():
def __init__(self, hostname):
Given a host name text string, return the socket info for it.
@param[in] hostname host IP address to parse
res = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, 0, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if len(res) == 0:
raise PolicyError("HostStruct: '%s' did not resolve to an IP address" % hostname)
foundFirst = False
saddr = ""
sfamily = socket.AF_UNSPEC
for i0 in range(0, len(res)):
family, dum0, dum1, dum2, sockaddr = res[i0]
if not foundFirst:
if family in self.families:
saddr = sockaddr[0]
sfamily = family
foundFirst = True
if family in self.families:
if not saddr == sockaddr[0] or not sfamily == family:
raise PolicyError("HostStruct: '%s' resolves to multiple IP addresses" %
if not foundFirst:
raise PolicyError("HostStruct: '%s' did not resolve to one of the supported address family" %
hostname) = hostname
self.saddr = saddr = sfamily
self.binary = socket.inet_pton(family, saddr)
except Exception as e:
raise PolicyError("HostStruct: '%s' failed to resolve: '%s'" %
(hostname, e))
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def dump(self):
return ("(%s, %s, %s, %s)" %
"AF_INET" if == socket.AF_INET else "AF_INET6",
class HostAddr(object):
Provide HostIP address ranges and comparison functions.
A HostIP may be:
- single address:
- a pair of addresses:,
- a wildcard: *
Only IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.
- No unix sockets.
HostIP names must resolve to a single IP address.
Address pairs define a range.
- The second address must be numerically larger than the first address.
- The addresses must be of the same address 'family', IPv4 or IPv6.
The wildcard '*' matches all address IPv4 or IPv6.
IPv6 support is conditional based on underlying OS network options.
Raises a PolicyError on validation error in constructor.
def __init__(self, hostspec, separator=","):
Parse host spec into binary structures to use for comparisons.
Validate the hostspec to enforce usage rules.
self.hoststructs = []
if hostspec == "*":
self.wildcard = True
self.wildcard = False
hosts = [x.strip() for x in hostspec.split(separator)]
# hosts must contain one or two host specs
if len(hosts) not in [1, 2]:
raise PolicyError("hostspec must contain 1 or 2 host names")
if len(hosts) > 1:
if not self.hoststructs[0].family == self.hoststructs[1].family:
raise PolicyError("mixed IPv4 and IPv6 host specs in range not allowed")
c0 = self.memcmp(self.hoststructs[0].binary, self.hoststructs[1].binary)
if c0 > 0:
raise PolicyError("host specs in range must have lower numeric address first")
def __str__(self):
if self.wildcard:
return "*"
res = self.hoststructs[0].name
if len(self.hoststructs) > 1:
res += "," + self.hoststructs[1].name
return res
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def dump(self):
if self.wildcard:
return "(*)"
res = "(" + self.hoststructs[0].dump()
if len(self.hoststructs) > 1:
res += "," + self.hoststructs[1].dump()
res += ")"
return res
def memcmp(self, a, b):
res = 0
for i in range(0,len(a)):
if a[i] > b[i]:
res = 1
elif a[i] < b[i]:
res = -1
return res
def match_bin(self, candidate):
Does the candidate hoststruct match the IP or range of IP addresses represented by this?
@param[in] candidate the IP address to be tested
@return candidate matches this or not
if self.wildcard:
return True
if not == self.hoststructs[0].family:
# sorry, wrong AF_INET family
return False
c0 = self.memcmp(candidate.binary, self.hoststructs[0].binary)
if len(self.hoststructs) == 1:
return c0 == 0
c1 = self.memcmp(candidate.binary, self.hoststructs[1].binary)
return c0 >= 0 and c1 <= 0
except PolicyError:
return False
except Exception as e:
assert isinstance(candidate, HostStruct), \
("Wrong type. Expected HostStruct but received %s" % candidate.__class__.__name__)
return False
def match_str(self, candidate):
Does the candidate string match the IP or range represented by this?
@param[in] candidate the IP address to be tested
@return candidate matches this or not
hoststruct = HostStruct(candidate)
except PolicyError:
return False
return self.match_bin(hoststruct)
class PolicyAppConnectionMgr(object):
Track policy user/host connection limits and statistics for one app.
# limits - set at creation and by update()
max_total : 20
max_per_user : 5
max_per_host : 10
# statistics - maintained for the lifetime of corresponding application
connections_approved : N
connections_denied : N
# live state - maintained for the lifetime of corresponding application
connections_active : 5
per_host_state : { 'host1' : [conn1, conn2, conn3],
'host2' : [conn4, conn5] }
per_user_state : { 'user1' : [conn1, conn2, conn3],
'user2' : [conn4, conn5] }
def __init__(self, maxconn, maxconnperuser, maxconnperhost):
The object is constructed with the policy limits and zeroed counts.
@param[in] maxconn maximum total concurrent connections
@param[in] maxconnperuser maximum total conncurrent connections for each user
@param[in] maxconnperuser maximum total conncurrent connections for each host
if maxconn < 0 or maxconnperuser < 0 or maxconnperhost < 0:
raise PolicyError("PolicyAppConnectionMgr settings must be >= 0")
self.max_total = maxconn
self.max_per_user = maxconnperuser
self.max_per_host = maxconnperhost
self.connections_approved = 0
self.connections_denied = 0
self.connections_active = 0
self.per_host_state = {}
self.per_user_state = {}
def __str__(self):
res = ("Connection Limits: total: %s, per user: %s, per host: %s\n" %
(self.max_total, self.max_per_user, self.max_per_host))
res += ("Connections Statistics: total approved: %s, total denied: %s" %
(self.connections_approved, self.connections_denied))
res += ("Connection State: total current: %s" % self.connections_active)
res += ("User state: %s\n" % self.per_user_state)
res += ("Host state: %s" % self.per_host_state)
return res
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def update(self, maxconn, maxconnperuser, maxconnperhost):
Reset connection limits
@param[in] maxconn maximum total concurrent connections
@param[in] maxconnperuser maximum total conncurrent connections for each user
@param[in] maxconnperuser maximum total conncurrent connections for each host
if maxconn < 0 or maxconnperuser < 0 or maxconnperhost < 0:
raise PolicyError("PolicyAppConnectionMgr settings must be >= 0")
self.max_total = maxconn
self.max_per_user = maxconnperuser
self.max_per_host = maxconnperhost
def can_connect(self, conn_id, user, host, diags, grp_max_user, grp_max_host):
Register a connection attempt.
If all the connection limit rules pass then add the
user/host to the connection tables.
@param[in] conn_id unique ID for connection, usually IP:port
@param[in] user authenticated user ID
@param[in] host IP address of host
@param[out] diags on failure holds 1, 2, or 3 error strings
@return connection is allowed and tracked in state tables
n_user = 0
if user in self.per_user_state:
n_user = len(self.per_user_state[user])
n_host = 0
if host in self.per_host_state:
n_host = len(self.per_host_state[host])
max_per_user = grp_max_user if grp_max_user is not None else self.max_per_user
max_per_host = grp_max_host if grp_max_host is not None else self.max_per_host
allowbytotal = self.connections_active < self.max_total
allowbyuser = n_user < max_per_user
allowbyhost = n_host < max_per_host
if allowbytotal and allowbyuser and allowbyhost:
if not user in self.per_user_state:
self.per_user_state[user] = []
if not host in self.per_host_state:
self.per_host_state[host] = []
self.connections_active += 1
self.connections_approved += 1
return True
if not allowbytotal:
diags.append("Connection denied by application connection limit")
if not allowbyuser:
diags.append("Connection denied by application per user limit")
if not allowbyhost:
diags.append("Connection denied by application per host limit")
self.connections_denied += 1
return False
def disconnect(self, conn_id, user, host):
Unregister a connection
assert(self.connections_active > 0)
assert(user in self.per_user_state)
assert(conn_id in self.per_user_state[user])
assert(conn_id in self.per_host_state[host])
self.connections_active -= 1
def count_other_denial(self):
Record the statistic for a connection denied by some other process
self.connections_denied += 1