blob: 2f3c5dcb217d4731861b5d8b41482e880c5a5279 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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DisplayNameService provides the mapping needed to associate an un-friendly user identifier to a more friendly
user nick name.
Maintains a dict (profile_dict) of ssl profile names to SSLProfile objects. The SSLProfile objects are built using
the file name which contains a mapping of user identifiers to user names.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import traceback
from traceback import format_exc
from ..router.message import Message
from ..dispatch import IoAdapter, LogAdapter, LOG_INFO, LOG_ERROR, LOG_TRACE, LOG_STACK_LIMIT
import json
class SSLProfile(object):
def __init__(self, profile_name, profile_file):
super(SSLProfile, self).__init__()
self.profile_name = profile_name
self.profile_file = profile_file
self.cache = {}
with open(profile_file) as json_data:
d = json.load(json_data)
for key in d.keys():
self.cache[key] = d[key]
def __repr__(self):
return "SSLProfile(%s)" % ", ".join("%s=%s" % (k, self.cache[k]) for k in self.cache.keys())
class DisplayNameService(object):
def __init__(self):
super(DisplayNameService, self).__init__()
# profile_dict will be a mapping from ssl_profile_name to the SSLProfile object
self.profile_dict = {}
self.io_adapter = None
self.log_adapter = LogAdapter("DISPLAYNAME")
def log(self, level, text):
info = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)[0] # Caller frame info
self.log_adapter.log(level, text, info[0], info[1])
def add(self, profile_name, profile_file_location):
ssl_profile = SSLProfile(profile_name, profile_file_location)
self.profile_dict[profile_name] = ssl_profile
self.log(LOG_INFO, "Added profile name %s, profile file location %s to DisplayNameService" % (profile_name, profile_file_location))
def remove(self, profile_name):
del self.profile_dict[profile_name]
except KeyError:
def reload_all(self):
for profile_name in self.profile_dict.keys():
self.add(profile_name, self.profile_dict[profile_name].profile_file)
def reload(self, profile_name=None):
if profile_name:
self.add(profile_name, self.profile_dict[profile_name].profile_file)
def query(self, profile_name, user_id):
self.log(LOG_TRACE, "Received query for profile name %s, user id %s to DisplayNameService" %
(profile_name, user_id))
ssl_profile = self.profile_dict.get(profile_name)
if ssl_profile:
profile_cache = self.profile_dict.get(profile_name).cache
user_name = profile_cache.get(user_id)
return user_name if user_name else user_id
return user_id