blob: c3d08a434d75530946454d1248cc59d02648c2bb [file] [log] [blame]
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`password`:: The password to unlock the private key. You do not need to specify this if the private key does not have a password. By using different prefixes, you can specify the password several different ways depending on your security requirements:
* Specify the absolute path to a file that contains the password. This is the most secure option, because you can set permissions on the file that contains the password. For example:
password: file:/etc/pki/tls/private/password.txt
* Specify an environment variable that stores the password. Use this option with caution, because the environment of other processes is visible on certain platforms. For example:
password: env:CERT_PASSWORD
* Specify the password in clear text. This option is insecure, so it should only be used if security is not a concern. For example:
password: pass:mycertpassword