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= Technical Details and Specifications
== Client Compatibility
{RouterName} should, in theory, work with any client that is
compatible with AMQP 1.0. The following clients have been tested:
|_Client_ |_Notes_
|qpid::messaging |The Qpid messaging clients work with {RouterName}
as long as they are configured to use the 1.0 version of the protocol.
To enable AMQP 1.0 in the C++ client, use the \{protocol:amqp1.0}
connection option.
|Proton Reactor |The Proton Reactor API is compatible with {RouterName}.
|Proton Messenger |Messenger works with {RouterName}.
== AMQP Mapping
{RouterName} is an AMQP router and as such, it provides extensions,
code-points, and semantics for routing over AMQP. This page documents the
details of {RouterName}'s use of AMQP.
=== Message Annotations
The following Message Annotation fields are defined by {RouterName}:
|_Field_ |_Type_ |_Description_
|x-opt-qd.ingress |string |The identity of the ingress router for a
message-routed message. The ingress router is the first router
encountered by a transiting message. The router will, if this field is
present, leave it unaltered. If the field is not present, the router
shall insert the field with its own identity.
|x-opt-qd.trace |list of string |The list of routers through which this
message-routed message has transited. If this field is not present, the
router shall do nothing. If the field is present, the router shall
append its own identity to the end of the list.
| |string |To-Override for message-routed messages. If this
field is present, the address in this field shall be used for routing in
lieu of the _to_ field in the message properties. A router may append,
remove, or modify this annotation field depending on the policy in place
for routing the message.
|x-opt-qd.phase |integer |The address-phase, if not zero, for messages
flowing between routers.
=== Source/Target Capabilities
The following Capability values are used in Sources and Targets.
|_Capability_ |_Description_
|qd.router |This capability is added to sources and targets that are
used for inter-router message exchange. This capability denotes a link
used for router-control messages flowing between routers.
|qd.router-data |This capability is added to sources and targets that
are used for inter-router message exchange. This capability denotes a
link used for user messages being message-routed across an inter-router
=== Dynamic-Node-Properties
The following dynamic-node-properties are used by {RouterName} in Sources.
|_Property_ |_Description_
|x-opt-qd.address |The node address describing the destination desired
for a dynamic source. If this is absent, the router will terminate any
dynamic receivers. If this address is present, the router will use the
address to route the dynamic link attach to the proper destination
=== Addresses and Address Formats
The following AMQP addresses and address patterns are used within
==== Address Patterns
|_Pattern_ |_Description_
|`_local/<addr>` |An address that references a locally attached endpoint.
Messages using this address pattern shall not be routed over more than
one link.
|`_topo/0/<router>/<addr>` |
An address that references an endpoint attached to a specific router
node in the network topology. Messages with addresses that follow this
pattern shall be routed along the shortest path to the specified router.
Note that addresses of this form are a-priori routable in that the
address itself contains enough information to route the message to its
The `0` component immediately preceding the router-id is a placeholder
for an _area_ which may be used in the future if area routing is
|`<addr>` |A mobile address. An address of this format represents an
endpoint or a set of distinct endpoints that are attached to the network
in arbitrary locations. It is the responsibility of the router network
to determine which router nodes are valid destinations for mobile
==== Supported Addresses
|_Address_ |_Description_
|`$management` |The management agent on the attached router/container.
This address would be used by an endpoint that is a management
client/console/tool wishing to access management data from the attached
|`_topo/0/Router.E/$management` |The management agent at Router.E in area
0. This address would be used by a management client wishing to access
management data from a specific container that is reachable within the
|`_local/qdhello` |The router entity in each of the connected routers.
This address is used to communicate with neighbor routers and is
exclusively for the `HELLO` discovery protocol.
|`_local/qdrouter` |The router entity in each of the connected routers.
This address is used by a router to communicate with other routers in
the network.
|`_topo/0/Router.E/qdrouter` |The router entity at the specifically
indicated router. This address form is used by a router to communicate
with a specific router that may or may not be a neighbor.
=== Implementation of the AMQP Management Specification
{RouterName} is manageable remotely via AMQP. It is compliant with the
emerging AMQP Management specification (draft 9).
Differences from the specification:
* The `name` attribute is not required when an entity is created. If
not supplied it will be set to the same value as the system-generated
"identity" attribute. Otherwise it is treated as per the standard.
* The `REGISTER` and `DEREGISTER` operations are not implemented. The router
automatically discovers peer routers via the router network and makes
their management addresses available via the standard `GET-MGMT-NODES`