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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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import unittest
from time import sleep
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
from system_test import TestCase, Qdrouterd, main_module, TIMEOUT, Process
from proton import Message, Endpoint
from proton.handlers import MessagingHandler
from proton.reactor import AtMostOnce, Container
from proton.utils import BlockingConnection, LinkDetached
from import Node
class LinkRoutePatternTest(TestCase):
Tests the linkRoutePattern property of the dispatch router.
Sets up 3 routers (one of which is acting as a broker(QDR.A)). 2 routers have linkRoutePattern set to 'org.apache.'
(please see configs in the setUpClass method to get a sense of how the routers and their connections are configured)
The tests in this class send and receive messages across this network of routers to link routable addresses.
Uses the Python Blocking API to send/receive messages. The blocking api plays neatly into the synchronous nature
of system tests.
QDR.A acting broker
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +-----------------+
| | <------ | | <----- | |<----| blocking_sender |
| QDR.A | | QDR.B | | QDR.C | +-----------------+
| | ------> | | ------> | | +-------------------+
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+---->| blocking_receiver |
def get_router(cls, index):
return cls.routers[index]
def setUpClass(cls):
"""Start three routers"""
super(LinkRoutePatternTest, cls).setUpClass()
def router(name, connection):
config = [
('router', {'mode': 'interior', 'id': 'QDR.%s'%name}),
('fixedAddress', {'prefix': '/closest/', 'fanout': 'single', 'bias': 'closest'}),
('fixedAddress', {'prefix': '/spread/', 'fanout': 'single', 'bias': 'spread'}),
('fixedAddress', {'prefix': '/multicast/', 'fanout': 'multiple'}),
('fixedAddress', {'prefix': '/', 'fanout': 'multiple'}),
] + connection
config = Qdrouterd.Config(config)
cls.routers.append(cls.tester.qdrouterd(name, config, wait=False))
cls.routers = []
a_listener_port = cls.tester.get_port()
b_listener_port = cls.tester.get_port()
c_listener_port = cls.tester.get_port()
test_tag_listener_port = cls.tester.get_port()
('listener', {'role': 'normal', 'host': '', 'port': a_listener_port, 'saslMechanisms': 'ANONYMOUS'}),
('listener', {'role': 'normal', 'host': '', 'port': b_listener_port, 'saslMechanisms': 'ANONYMOUS'}),
('listener', {'name': 'test-tag', 'role': 'route-container', 'host': '', 'port': test_tag_listener_port, 'saslMechanisms': 'ANONYMOUS'}),
# This is an on-demand connection made from QDR.B's ephemeral port to a_listener_port
('connector', {'name': 'broker', 'role': 'route-container', 'host': '', 'port': a_listener_port, 'saslMechanisms': 'ANONYMOUS'}),
# Only inter router communication must happen on 'inter-router' connectors. This connector makes
# a connection from the router B's ephemeral port to c_listener_port
('connector', {'role': 'inter-router', 'host': '', 'port': c_listener_port}),
('linkRoutePattern', {'prefix': 'org.apache', 'connector': 'broker'}),
('linkRoute', {'prefix': 'pulp.task', 'connection': 'test-tag', 'dir': 'in'}),
('linkRoute', {'prefix': 'pulp.task', 'connection': 'test-tag', 'dir': 'out'})
('listener', {'host': '', 'role': 'inter-router', 'port': c_listener_port, 'saslMechanisms': 'ANONYMOUS'}),
# The client will exclusively use the following listener to connect to QDR.C
('listener', {'host': '', 'role': 'normal', 'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'saslMechanisms': 'ANONYMOUS'}),
# Note here that the linkRoutePattern is set to org.apache. which makes it backward compatible.
# The dot(.) at the end is ignored by the address hashing scheme.
('linkRoutePattern', {'prefix': 'org.apache.'}),
('linkRoute', {'prefix': 'pulp.task', 'dir': 'in'}),
('linkRoute', {'prefix': 'pulp.task', 'dir': 'out'})
# Wait for the routers to locate each other
# This is not a classic router network in the sense that one router is acting as a broker. We allow a little
# bit more time for the routers to stabilize.
def run_qdstat_linkRoute(self, address):
p = self.popen(
['qdstat', '--bus', str(address), '--timeout', str(TIMEOUT) ] + ['--linkroute'],
name='qdstat-', stdout=PIPE, expect=None)
out = p.communicate()[0]
assert p.returncode == 0, "qdstat exit status %s, output:\n%s" % (p.returncode, out)
return out
def run_qdmanage(self, cmd, input=None, expect=Process.EXIT_OK, address=None):
p = self.popen(
['qdmanage'] + cmd.split(' ') + ['--bus', address or self.address(), '--indent=-1', '--timeout', str(TIMEOUT)],
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, expect=expect)
out = p.communicate(input)[0]
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("%s\n%s" % (e, out))
return out
def test_aaa_qdmanage_query_link_route(self):
qdmanage converts short type to long type and this test specifically tests if qdmanage is actually doing
the type conversion correctly by querying with short type and long type.
cmd = 'QUERY --type=linkRoute'
out = self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
# Make sure there is a dir of in and out.
self.assertTrue('"dir": "in"' in out)
self.assertTrue('"dir": "out"' in out)
self.assertTrue('"connection": "broker"' in out)
# Use the long type and make sure that qdmanage does not mess up the long type
cmd = 'QUERY --type=org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.config.linkRoute'
out = self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
# Make sure there is a dir of in and out.
self.assertTrue('"dir": "in"' in out)
self.assertTrue('"dir": "out"' in out)
self.assertTrue('"connection": "broker"' in out)
def test_bbb_qdstat_link_routes_routerB(self):
Runs qdstat on router B to make sure that router B has two link routes, one 'in' and one 'out'
out = self.run_qdstat_linkRoute(self.routers[1].addresses[0])
out_list = out.split()
self.assertEqual(out_list.count('in'), 2)
self.assertEqual(out_list.count('out'), 2)
def test_ccc_qdstat_link_routes_routerC(self):
Runs qdstat on router C to make sure that router C has two link routes, one 'in' and one 'out'
out = self.run_qdstat_linkRoute(self.routers[2].addresses[1])
out_list = out.split()
self.assertEqual(out_list.count('in'), 2)
self.assertEqual(out_list.count('out'), 2)
def test_ddd_partial_link_route_match(self):
The linkRoutePattern on Routers C and B is set to org.apache.
Creates a receiver listening on the address '' and a sender that sends to address ''.
Sends a message to via router QDR.C and makes sure that the message was successfully
routed (using partial address matching) and received using pre-created links that were created as a
result of specifying addresses in the linkRoutePattern attribute('org.apache.').
hello_world_1 = "Hello World_1!"
# Connects to listener #2 on QDR.C
addr = self.routers[2].addresses[1]
blocking_connection = BlockingConnection(addr)
# Receive on
blocking_receiver = blocking_connection.create_receiver(address="")
apply_options = AtMostOnce()
# Sender to
blocking_sender = blocking_connection.create_sender(address="", options=apply_options)
msg = Message(body=hello_world_1)
# Send a message
received_message = blocking_receiver.receive()
self.assertEqual(hello_world_1, received_message.body)
# Connect to the router acting like the broker (QDR.A) and check the deliveriesIngress and deliveriesEgress
local_node = Node.connect(self.routers[0].addresses[0], timeout=TIMEOUT)
self.assertEqual(u'QDR.A', local_node.query(type='org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router',
# There should be 4 links -
# 1. outbound receiver link on
# 2. inbound sender link on blocking_sender
# 3. inbound link to the $management
# 4. outbound link to $management
# self.assertEqual(4, len()
self.assertEquals(4, len(local_node.query(type='').results))
def test_partial_link_route_match_1(self):
This test is pretty much the same as the previous test (test_partial_link_route_match) but the connection is
made to router QDR.B instead of QDR.C and we expect to see the same behavior.
hello_world_2 = "Hello World_2!"
addr = self.routers[1].addresses[0]
blocking_connection = BlockingConnection(addr)
# Receive on
blocking_receiver = blocking_connection.create_receiver(address="")
apply_options = AtMostOnce()
# Sender to to
blocking_sender = blocking_connection.create_sender(address="", options=apply_options)
msg = Message(body=hello_world_2)
# Send a message
received_message = blocking_receiver.receive()
self.assertEqual(hello_world_2, received_message.body)
local_node = Node.connect(self.routers[0].addresses[0], timeout=TIMEOUT)
# Make sure that the router node acting as the broker (QDR.A) had one message routed through it. This confirms
# that the message was link routed
def test_full_link_route_match(self):
The linkRoutePattern on Routers C and B is set to org.apache.
Creates a receiver listening on the address 'org.apache' and a sender that sends to address 'org.apache'.
Sends a message to org.apache via router QDR.C and makes sure that the message was successfully
routed (using full address matching) and received using pre-created links that were created as a
result of specifying addresses in the linkRoutePattern attribute('org.apache.').
hello_world_3 = "Hello World_3!"
# Connects to listener #2 on QDR.C
addr = self.routers[2].addresses[1]
blocking_connection = BlockingConnection(addr)
# Receive on org.apache
blocking_receiver = blocking_connection.create_receiver(address="org.apache")
apply_options = AtMostOnce()
# Sender to to org.apache
blocking_sender = blocking_connection.create_sender(address="org.apache", options=apply_options)
msg = Message(body=hello_world_3)
# Send a message
received_message = blocking_receiver.receive()
self.assertEqual(hello_world_3, received_message.body)
local_node = Node.connect(self.routers[0].addresses[0], timeout=TIMEOUT)
# Make sure that the router node acting as the broker (QDR.A) had one message routed through it. This confirms
# that the message was link routed
def test_full_link_route_match_1(self):
This test is pretty much the same as the previous test (test_full_link_route_match) but the connection is
made to router QDR.B instead of QDR.C and we expect the message to be link routed successfully.
hello_world_4 = "Hello World_4!"
addr = self.routers[2].addresses[0]
blocking_connection = BlockingConnection(addr)
# Receive on org.apache
blocking_receiver = blocking_connection.create_receiver(address="org.apache")
apply_options = AtMostOnce()
# Sender to to org.apache
blocking_sender = blocking_connection.create_sender(address="org.apache", options=apply_options)
msg = Message(body=hello_world_4)
# Send a message
received_message = blocking_receiver.receive()
self.assertEqual(hello_world_4, received_message.body)
local_node = Node.connect(self.routers[0].addresses[0], timeout=TIMEOUT)
# Make sure that the router node acting as the broker (QDR.A) had one message routed through it. This confirms
# that the message was link routed
def test_zzz_qdmanage_delete_link_route(self):
We are deleting the link route using qdmanage short name. This should be the last test to run
# First delete linkRoutes on QDR.B
local_node = Node.connect(self.routers[1].addresses[0], timeout=TIMEOUT)
result_list = local_node.query(type='org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.config.linkRoute').results
identity_1 = result_list[0][1]
identity_2 = result_list[1][1]
identity_3 = result_list[2][1]
identity_4 = result_list[3][1]
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_1
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_2
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_3
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_4
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
cmd = 'QUERY --type=linkRoute'
out = self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=self.routers[1].addresses[0])
self.assertEquals(out.rstrip(), '[]')
# linkRoutes now gone on QDR.B but remember that it still exist on QDR.C
# We will now try to create a receiver on address on QDR.C.
# Since the linkRoute on QDR.B is gone, QDR.C
# will not allow a receiver to be created since there is no route to destination.
# Connects to listener #2 on QDR.C
addr = self.routers[2].addresses[1]
# Now delete linkRoutes on QDR.C to eradicate linkRoutes completely
local_node = Node.connect(addr, timeout=TIMEOUT)
result_list = local_node.query(type='org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.config.linkRoute').results
identity_1 = result_list[0][1]
identity_2 = result_list[1][1]
identity_3 = result_list[2][1]
identity_4 = result_list[3][1]
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_1
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=addr)
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_2
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=addr)
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_3
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=addr)
cmd = 'DELETE --type=linkRoute --identity=' + identity_4
self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=addr)
cmd = 'QUERY --type=linkRoute'
out = self.run_qdmanage(cmd=cmd, address=addr)
self.assertEquals(out.rstrip(), '[]')
blocking_connection = BlockingConnection(addr, timeout=3)
# Receive on (this address used to be linkRouted but not anymore since we deleted linkRoutes
# on both QDR.C and QDR.B)
blocking_receiver = blocking_connection.create_receiver(address="")
apply_options = AtMostOnce()
hello_world_1 = "Hello World_1!"
# Sender to
blocking_sender = blocking_connection.create_sender(address="", options=apply_options)
msg = Message(body=hello_world_1)
# Send a message
received_message = blocking_receiver.receive(timeout=5)
self.assertEqual(hello_world_1, received_message.body)
def test_yyy_delivery_tag(self):
Tests that the router carries over the delivery tag on a link routed delivery
listening_address = self.routers[1].addresses[1]
sender_address = self.routers[2].addresses[1]
qdstat_address = self.routers[2].addresses[1]
test = DeliveryTagsTest(sender_address, listening_address, qdstat_address)
def test_close_with_unsettled(self):
test = CloseWithUnsettledTest(self.routers[1].addresses[0], self.routers[1].addresses[1])
self.assertEqual(None, test.error)
class DeliveryTagsTest(MessagingHandler):
def __init__(self, sender_address, listening_address, qdstat_address):
super(DeliveryTagsTest, self).__init__()
self.sender_address = sender_address
self.listening_address = listening_address
self.sender = None
self.message_received = False
self.receiver_connection = None
self.sender_connection = None
self.qdstat_address = qdstat_address = '1235'
self.times = 1
self.delivery_tag_verified = False
# The delivery tag we are going to send in the transfer frame
# We will later make sure that the same delivery tag shows up on the receiving end in the link routed case.
self.delivery_tag = '92319'
def on_start(self, event):
self.receiver_connection = event.container.connect(self.listening_address)
def on_connection_remote_open(self, event):
if event.connection == self.receiver_connection:
continue_loop = True
# Dont open the sender connection unless we can make sure that there is a remote receiver ready to
# accept the message.
# If there is no remote receiver, the router will throw a 'No route to destination' error when
# creating sender connection.
# The following loops introduces a wait before creating the sender connection. It gives time to the
# router so that the address Dpulp.task can show up on the remoteCount
i = 0
while continue_loop:
if i > 100: # If we have run the read command for more than hundred times and we still do not have
# the remoteCount set to 1, there is a problem, just exit out of the function instead
# of looping to infinity.
local_node = Node.connect(self.qdstat_address, timeout=TIMEOUT)
out ='org.apache.qpid.dispatch.router.address', name='Dpulp.task').remoteCount
if out == 1:
continue_loop = False
self.sender_connection = event.container.connect(self.sender_address)
self.sender = event.container.create_sender(self.sender_connection, "pulp.task", options=AtMostOnce())
def on_sendable(self, event):
if self.times == 1:
msg = Message(body="Hello World")
self.sender.send(msg, tag=self.delivery_tag)
self.times +=1
def on_message(self, event):
if "Hello World" == event.message.body:
self.message_received = True
# If the tag on the delivery is the same as the tag we sent with the initial transfer, it means
# that the router has propagated the delivery tag successfully because of link routing.
if self.delivery_tag ==
self.delivery_tag_verified = True
def run(self):
class Timeout(object):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
def on_timer_task(self, event):
class CloseWithUnsettledTest(MessagingHandler):
## This test sends a message across an attach-routed link. While the message
## is unsettled, the client link is closed. The test is ensuring that the
## router does not crash during the closing of the links.
def __init__(self, normal_addr, route_addr):
super(CloseWithUnsettledTest, self).__init__(prefetch=0, auto_accept=False)
self.normal_addr = normal_addr
self.route_addr = route_addr
self.dest = "pulp.task.CWUtest"
self.error = None
def timeout(self):
self.error = "Timeout Expired - Check for cores"
def on_start(self, event):
self.timer = event.reactor.schedule(5, Timeout(self))
self.conn_route = event.container.connect(self.route_addr)
def on_connection_opened(self, event):
if event.connection == self.conn_route:
self.conn_normal = event.container.connect(self.normal_addr)
elif event.connection == self.conn_normal:
self.sender = event.container.create_sender(self.conn_normal, self.dest)
def on_connection_closed(self, event):
def on_link_opened(self, event):
if event.receiver:
self.receiver = event.receiver
def on_sendable(self, event):
msg = Message(body="CloseWithUnsettled")
def on_message(self, event):
def run(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':