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# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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# under the License
import re, json, unittest, os
from system_test import TestCase, Process, Qdrouterd, main_module, TIMEOUT, DIR, wait_port
from subprocess import PIPE, STDOUT
from qpid_dispatch_internal.compat import OrderedDict, dictify
from import QdSchema
from proton import Url
DUMMY = "org.apache.qpid.dispatch.dummy"
class QdmanageTest(TestCase):
"""Test qdmanage tool output"""
def ssl_file(name):
return os.path.join(DIR, 'ssl_certs', name)
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QdmanageTest, cls).setUpClass()
cls.inter_router_port = cls.tester.get_port()
config_1 = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'mode': 'interior', 'routerId': 'R1'}),
('ssl-profile', {'name': 'server-ssl',
'cert-db': cls.ssl_file('ca-certificate.pem'),
'cert-file': cls.ssl_file('server-certificate.pem'),
'key-file': cls.ssl_file('server-private-key.pem'),
'password': 'server-password'}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port()}),
('connector', {'role': 'inter-router', 'port': cls.inter_router_port}),
('listener', {'port': cls.tester.get_port(), 'ssl-profile': 'server-ssl'})
config_2 = Qdrouterd.Config([
('router', {'mode': 'interior', 'routerId': 'R2'}),
('listener', {'role': 'inter-router', 'port': cls.inter_router_port}),
cls.router_2 = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test_router_2', config_2, wait=True)
cls.router_1 = cls.tester.qdrouterd('test_router_1', config_1, wait=True)
def address(self):
return self.router_1.addresses[0]
def run_qdmanage(self, cmd, input=None, expect=Process.EXIT_OK, address=None):
p = self.popen(
['qdmanage'] + cmd.split(' ') + ['--bus', address or self.address(), '--indent=-1', '--timeout', str(TIMEOUT)],
stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, expect=expect)
out = p.communicate(input)[0]
except Exception, e:
raise Exception("%s\n%s" % (e, out))
return out
def assert_entity_equal(self, expect, actual, copy=None):
"""Copy keys in copy from actual to idenity, then assert maps equal."""
if copy:
for k in copy: expect[k] = actual[k]
self.assertEqual(expect, actual)
def assert_entities_equal(self, expect, actual, copy=None):
"""Do assert_entities_equal on a list of maps."""
for e, a in zip(expect, actual): self.assert_entity_equal(e, a, copy)
def test_crud(self):
def check(cmd, expect, copy=None, **kwargs):
actual = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(cmd))
self.assert_entity_equal(expect, actual, copy=copy)
expect = {'arg1': 'foo', 'type': DUMMY, 'name': 'mydummy2'}
# create with type, name in attributes
check('create arg1=foo type=dummy name=mydummy2', expect, copy=['identity'], attributes=json.dumps(expect))
# create with type, name as arguments
expect['name'] = 'mydummy'
check('create name=mydummy type=dummy arg1=foo', expect, copy=['identity'])
check('read --name mydummy', expect)
check('read --identity %s' % expect['identity'], expect)
expect.update([], arg1='bar', num1=555)
check('update name=mydummy arg1=bar num1=555', expect)
check('read --name=mydummy', expect)
expect.update([], arg1='xxx', num1=888)
# name outside attributes
check('update name=mydummy arg1=xxx num1=888', expect)
check('read --name=mydummy', expect)
self.run_qdmanage('delete --name mydummy')
self.run_qdmanage('read --name=mydummy', expect=Process.EXIT_FAIL)
def test_stdin(self):
"""Test piping from stdin"""
def check(cmd, expect, input, copy=None):
actual = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(cmd + " --stdin", input=input))
self.assert_entity_equal(expect, actual, copy=copy)
def check_list(cmd, expect_list, input, copy=None):
actual = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(cmd + " --stdin", input=input))
self.assert_entities_equal(expect_list, actual, copy=copy)
expect = {'type': DUMMY, 'name': 'mydummyx', 'arg1': 'foo'}
check('create', expect, json.dumps(expect), copy=['identity'])
expect_list = [{'type': DUMMY, 'name': 'mydummyx%s' % i} for i in xrange(3)]
check_list('create', expect_list, json.dumps(expect_list), copy=['identity'])
expect['arg1'] = 'bar'
expect['num1'] = 42
check('update', expect, json.dumps(expect))
for i in xrange(3):
expect_list[i]['arg1'] = 'bar'
expect_list[i]['num1'] = i
check_list('update', expect_list, json.dumps(expect_list))
def test_query(self):
def long_type(name):
return u'org.apache.qpid.dispatch.'+name
types = ['listener', 'log', 'container', 'router']
long_types = [long_type(name) for name in types]
qall = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage('query'))
qall_types = set([e['type'] for e in qall])
for t in long_types:
self.assertIn(t, qall_types)
qlistener = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage('query --type=listener'))
self.assertEqual([long_type('listener')]*2, [e['type'] for e in qlistener])
self.assertEqual(self.router_1.ports[0], int(qlistener[0]['port']))
qattr = json.loads(
self.run_qdmanage('query type name'))
for e in qattr:
self.assertEqual(2, len(e))
def name_type(entities):
ignore_types = [long_type(t) for t in ['', 'connection', 'router.address']]
return set((e['name'], e['type']) for e in entities
if e['type'] not in ignore_types)
self.assertEqual(name_type(qall), name_type(qattr))
def test_get_schema(self):
schema = dictify(QdSchema().dump())
actual = self.run_qdmanage("get-json-schema")
self.assertEquals(schema, dictify(json.loads(actual)))
actual = self.run_qdmanage("get-schema")
self.assertEquals(schema, dictify(json.loads(actual)))
def test_get_log(self):
log = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage("get-log limit=1"))[0]
self.assertEquals(['AGENT', 'trace'], log[0:2])
self.assertRegexpMatches(log[2], 'get-log')
def test_ssl(self):
"""Simple test for SSL connection. Note system_tests_qdstat has a more complete SSL test"""
url = Url(self.router_1.addresses[1], scheme="amqps")
schema = dictify(QdSchema().dump())
actual = self.run_qdmanage("GET-JSON-SCHEMA")
self.assertEquals(schema, dictify(json.loads(actual)))
def test_update(self):
exception = False
# Try to not set 'output'
json.loads(self.run_qdmanage("UPDATE --type org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log --name log/DEFAULT output="))
except Exception as e:
exception = True
self.assertTrue("InternalServerErrorStatus: CError: Configuration: Failed to open log file ''" in e.message)
# Set a valid 'output'
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage("UPDATE --type org.apache.qpid.dispatch.log --name log/DEFAULT "
"enable=trace+ output=A.log"))
self.assertEqual("A.log", output['output'])
self.assertEqual("trace+", output['enable'])
def create(self, type, name, port):
create_command = 'CREATE --type=' + type + ' --name=' + name + ' addr= port=' + port
connector = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(create_command))
return connector
def test_create_delete_connector(self):
long_type = 'org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connector'
query_command = 'QUERY --type=' + long_type
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(query_command))
name = output[0]['name']
# Delete an existing connector
delete_command = 'DELETE --type=' + long_type + ' --name=' + name
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(query_command))
self.assertEqual(output, [])
# Re-create the connector and then try wait_connectors
self.create(long_type, name, str(QdmanageTest.inter_router_port))
full_name = 'connection/' + str(QdmanageTest.inter_router_port)
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage('READ --type=org.apache.qpid.dispatch.connection --name ' + full_name))
self.assertEquals(full_name, output['name'])
def test_zzz_add_connector(self):
port = self.get_port()
# dont provide role and make sure that role is defaulted to 'normal'
command = "CREATE --type=connector --name=eaconn1 port=" + str(port) + " addr="
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(command))
self.assertEqual("normal", output['role'])
exception = False
port = self.get_port()
# provide the same connector name (eaconn1) and make sure there is a duplicate value failure
command = "CREATE --type=connector --name=eaconn1 port=" + str(port) + " addr="
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(command))
except Exception as e:
self.assertTrue("Duplicate value 'eaconn1' for unique attribute 'name'" in e.message)
exception = True
port = self.get_port()
# provide role as 'normal' and make sure that it is preserved
command = "CREATE --type=connector --name=eaconn2 port=" + str(port) + " addr= role=normal"
output = json.loads(self.run_qdmanage(command))
self.assertEqual("normal", output['role'])
def test_zzz_create_delete_listener(self):
long_type = 'org.apache.qpid.dispatch.listener'
name = 'ealistener'
listener_port = self.get_port()
listener = self.create(long_type, name, str(listener_port))
self.assertEquals(listener['type'], long_type)
self.assertEquals(listener['name'], name)
exception_occurred = False
# Try to connect to the port that was closed, it should not return an error
wait_port(listener_port, timeout=2)
except Exception as e:
exception_occurred = True
delete_command = 'DELETE --type=' + long_type + ' --name=' + name
exception_occurred = False
# Try deleting an already deleted connector, this should raise an exception
except Exception as e:
exception_occurred = True
self.assertTrue("NotFoundStatus: No entity with name='" + name + "'" in e.message)
# Try to connect to that port, it should not return an error
wait_port(listener_port, timeout=2)
except Exception as e:
exception_occurred = True
# Now try the same thing with a short_type
short_type = 'listener'
listener_port = self.get_port()
listener = self.create(long_type, name, str(listener_port))
self.assertEquals(listener['type'], long_type)
self.assertEquals(listener['name'], name)
delete_command = 'DELETE --type=' + short_type + ' --name=' + name
exception_occurred = False
# Try to connect to that port, it should not return an error
wait_port(listener_port, timeout=2)
except Exception as e:
exception_occurred = True
if __name__ == '__main__':