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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.qpid.server.queue;
import static org.apache.qpid.server.model.Queue.QUEUE_SCAVANGE_COUNT;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.MessageReference;
import org.apache.qpid.server.message.ServerMessage;
import org.apache.qpid.server.model.BrokerTestHelper;
import org.apache.qpid.server.model.ConfiguredObjectFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.qpid.server.model.Queue;
import org.apache.qpid.server.virtualhost.QueueManagingVirtualHost;
public class StandardQueueEntryListTest extends QueueEntryListTestBase
private StandardQueueImpl _testQueue;
private StandardQueueEntryList _sqel;
private ConfiguredObjectFactoryImpl _factory;
public void setUp() throws Exception
Map<String,Object> queueAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
queueAttributes.put(Queue.ID, UUID.randomUUID());
queueAttributes.put(Queue.NAME, getTestName());
final QueueManagingVirtualHost virtualHost = BrokerTestHelper.createVirtualHost("testVH", this);
_testQueue = new StandardQueueImpl(queueAttributes, virtualHost);;
_sqel = _testQueue.getEntries();
for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++)
final QueueEntry bleh = _sqel.add(createServerMessage(i), null);
assertNotNull("QE should not have been null", bleh);
public StandardQueueEntryList getTestList() throws Exception
return getTestList(false);
public StandardQueueEntryList getTestList(boolean newList) throws Exception
Map<String,Object> queueAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>();
queueAttributes.put(Queue.ID, UUID.randomUUID());
queueAttributes.put(Queue.NAME, getTestName());
final QueueManagingVirtualHost virtualHost = BrokerTestHelper.createVirtualHost("testVH", this);
StandardQueueImpl queue = new StandardQueueImpl(queueAttributes, virtualHost);;
return queue.getEntries();
return _sqel;
public long getExpectedFirstMsgId()
return 1;
public int getExpectedListLength()
return 100;
public ServerMessage getTestMessageToAdd()
return createServerMessage(1);
protected StandardQueueImpl getTestQueue()
return _testQueue;
public void testScavenge() throws Exception
StandardQueueImpl mockQueue = mock(StandardQueueImpl.class);
when(mockQueue.getContextValue(Integer.class, QUEUE_SCAVANGE_COUNT)).thenReturn(9);
OrderedQueueEntryList sqel = new StandardQueueEntryList(mockQueue, new QueueStatistics());
ConcurrentMap<Integer,QueueEntry> entriesMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer,QueueEntry>();
//Add messages to generate QueueEntry's
for(int i = 1; i <= 100 ; i++)
QueueEntry bleh = sqel.add(createServerMessage(i), null);
assertNotNull("QE should not have been null", bleh);
OrderedQueueEntry head = (OrderedQueueEntry) sqel.getHead();
//We shall now delete some specific messages mid-queue that will lead to
//requiring a scavenge once the requested threshold of 9 deletes is passed
//Delete the 2nd message only
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 2));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 2);
//Delete messages 12 to 14
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 12));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 12);
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 13));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 13);
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 14));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 14);
//Delete message 20 only
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 20));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 20);
//Delete messages 81 to 84
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 81));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 81);
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 82));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 82);
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 83));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 83);
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 84));
verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(head, 84);
//Delete message 99 - this is the 10th message deleted that is after the queue head
//and so will invoke the scavenge() which is set to go after 9 previous deletions
assertTrue("Failed to delete QueueEntry", remove(entriesMap, 99));
verifyAllDeletedMessagedNotPresent(head, entriesMap);
private boolean remove(Map<Integer,QueueEntry> entriesMap, int pos)
QueueEntry entry = entriesMap.remove(pos);
boolean wasDeleted = entry.isDeleted();
return entry.isDeleted() && !wasDeleted;
private void verifyDeletedButPresentBeforeScavenge(OrderedQueueEntry head, long messageId)
//Use the head to get the initial entry in the queue
OrderedQueueEntry entry = head.getNextNode();
for(long i = 1; i < messageId ; i++)
assertEquals("Expected QueueEntry was not found in the list",
(long) entry.getMessage().getMessageNumber());
entry = entry.getNextNode();
assertTrue("Entry should have been deleted", entry.isDeleted());
private void verifyAllDeletedMessagedNotPresent(OrderedQueueEntry head, Map<Integer,QueueEntry> remainingMessages)
//Use the head to get the initial entry in the queue
OrderedQueueEntry entry = head.getNextNode();
assertNotNull("Initial entry should not have been null", entry);
int count = 0;
while (entry != null)
assertFalse("Entry " + entry.getMessage().getMessageNumber() + " should not have been deleted",
assertNotNull("QueueEntry " + entry.getMessage().getMessageNumber() + " was not found in the list of remaining entries " + remainingMessages,
entry = entry.getNextNode();
assertEquals("Count should have been equal", (long) count, (long) remainingMessages.size());
public void testGettingNextElement() throws Exception
final int numberOfEntries = 5;
final OrderedQueueEntry[] entries = new OrderedQueueEntry[numberOfEntries];
final OrderedQueueEntryList queueEntryList = getTestList(true);
// create test entries
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
entries[i] = (OrderedQueueEntry) queueEntryList.add(createServerMessage(i), null);
// test getNext for not acquired entries
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++)
final OrderedQueueEntry next = entries[i].getNextValidEntry();
if(i < numberOfEntries - 1)
assertEquals("Unexpected entry from QueueEntryImpl#getNext()", entries[i + 1], next);
assertNull("The next entry after the last should be null", next);
// delete second
// dequeue third
OrderedQueueEntry next = entries[2].getNextValidEntry();
assertEquals("expected forth entry", entries[3], next);
next = next.getNextValidEntry();
assertEquals("expected fifth entry", entries[4], next);
next = next.getNextValidEntry();
assertNull("The next entry after the last should be null", next);
public void testGetLesserOldestEntry()
StandardQueueEntryList queueEntryList = new StandardQueueEntryList(_testQueue, _testQueue.getQueueStatistics());
QueueEntry entry1 = queueEntryList.add(createServerMessage(1), null);
assertEquals("Unexpected last message", entry1, queueEntryList.getLeastSignificantOldestEntry());
queueEntryList.add(createServerMessage(2), null);
assertEquals("Unexpected last message", entry1, queueEntryList.getLeastSignificantOldestEntry());
queueEntryList.add(createServerMessage(3), null);
assertEquals("Unexpected last message", entry1, queueEntryList.getLeastSignificantOldestEntry());
private ServerMessage createServerMessage(final long id)
ServerMessage message = mock(ServerMessage.class);
final MessageReference reference = mock(MessageReference.class);
return message;