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<section xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory">
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Introduction">
Understanding how the Qpid broker uses memory is essential to running a high performing and reliable service.
A wrongly configured broker can exhibit poor performance or even crash with an <literal>OutOfMemoryError</literal>.
Unfortunately, memory usage is not a simple topic and thus requires some in depth explanations.
This page should give the required background information to make informed decisions on how to configure your broker.
<xref linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Types"/> explains the two different kinds of Java memory most relevant to the broker.
<xref linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Usage"/> goes on to explain which parts of the broker use what kind of memory.
<xref linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory"/> explains what happens when the system runs low on memory.
<xref linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Defaults"/> lays out the default settings of the Qpid broker.
Finally, <xref linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Tuning"/> gives some advice on tuning your broker.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Types">
<title>Types of Memory</title>
While Java has a couple of different internal memory types we will focus on the two types that are relevant to the Qpid broker.
Both of these memory types are taken from the same physical memory (RAM).
Normally, all objects are allocated from Java's heap memory.
Once, nothing references an object it is cleaned up by the Java Garbage Collector and it's memory returned to the heap.
This works fine for most use cases.
However, when interacting with other parts of the operating system using Java's heap is not ideal.
This is where the so called direct memory comes into play.
The world ouside of the JVM, in particular the operating system (OS), does not know about Java heap memory and uses other structures like C arrays.
In order to interact with these systems Java needs to copy data between its own heap memory and these native structures.
This can become a bottle neck when there is a lot of exchange between Java and the OS like in I/O (both disk and network) heavy applications.
Java's solution to this is to allow programmers to request <literal>ByteBuffer</literal>s from so called direct memory.
This is an opaque structure that <emphasis>might</emphasis> have an underlying implementation that makes it efficient to interact with the OS.
Unfortunately, the GC is not good at tracking direct memory and in general it is inadvisable to use direct memory for regular objects.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Usage">
<title>Memory Usage in the Broker</title>
This section lists some note worthy users of memory within the broker and where possible lists their usage of heap and direct memory.
Note that to ensure smooth performance some heap memory should remain unused by the application and be reserved for the JVM to do house keeping and garbage collection.
<link xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="">Some guides</link> advise to reserve up to 30% of heap memory for the JVM.
The broker itself uses a moderate amount of heap memory (≈15 MB).
However, each connection and session comes with a heap overhead of about 17 kB and 15 kB respectively.
In addition, each connection reserves 512 kB direct memory for network I/O.
<title>Virtual Hosts</title>
The amount of memory a Virtual Host uses depends on its type.
For a JSON Virtual Host Node with a BDB Virtual Host the heap memory usage is approximately 2 MB.
However, each BDB Virtual Hosts has a mandatory cache in heap memory which has an impact on performance.
See <link linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Usage-BDB">below</link> for more information.
Messages and their headers are kept in direct memory and have an additional overhead of approximately 1 kB heap memory each.
This means that most brokers will want to have more direct memory than heap memory.
When many small messages accumulate on the broker the 1 kB heap memory overhead can become a <link linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory-Heap">limiting factor</link>.
When the broker is <link linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory-Direct">running low on direct memory</link>
it will evict messages from memory and <link linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Flow-To-Disk">flow them to disk</link>.
For persistent messages this only means freeing the direct memory representation because they always have an on-disk representation to guard against unexpected failure (e.g., a power cut).
For transient messages this implies additional disk I/O.
After being flown to disk messages need to be re-read from disk before delivery.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Usage-BDB">
<title>Message Store</title>
<title>Berkeley DB (BDB)</title>
The broker can use Oracle's BDB JE (BDB) as a message store to persist messages by writing them to a database.
BDB uses a mandatory cache for navigating and organising its database structure.
Sizing and tuning this cache is a topic of its own and would go beyond the scope of this guide.
Suffice to say that by default Qpid uses 5% of heap memory for BDB caches (each Virtual Host uses a separate cache) or 10 MB per BDB store, whichever is greater.
See the <link xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="">official webpage</link> especially <link xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="">this page</link> for more information.
For those interested, Qpid uses <link xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="">EVICT_LN</link> as its default JE cacheMode.
Note that due to licensing concerns Qpid does not ship the BDB JE jar files.
<title>HTTP Management</title>
Qpid uses Jetty for the HTTP Management (both REST and Web Management Console).
When the management plugin is loaded it will allocate the memory it needs and should not require more memory during operation and can thus be largely ignored.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory">
<title>Low Memory Conditions</title>
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory-Heap">
<title>Low on Heap Memory</title>
When the broker runs low on heap memory performance will degrade because the JVM will trigger full garbage collection (GC) events in a struggle to free memory.
These full GC events are also called stop-the-world events as they completely halt the execution of the Java application.
Stop-the-world-events may take any where from a couple of milliseconds up to several minutes.
Should the heap memory demands rise even further the JVM will eventually throw an OutOfMemoryError which will cause the broker to shut down.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory-Direct">
<title>Low on Direct Memory</title>
When the broker detects that it uses 40% of available direct memory it will start flowing incoming transient messages to disk and reading them back before delivery.
This will prevent the broker from running out of direct memory but may degrade performance by requiring disk I/O.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Defaults">
By default Qpid uses these settiongs:
0.5 GB heap memory
1.5 GB direct memory
5% of heap reserved for the JE cache.
Start flow-to-disk at 40% direct memory utilisation.
As an example, this would accomodate a broker with 50 connections, each serving 5 sessions, and each session having 1000 messages of 1 kB on queues in the broker.
This means a total of 250 concurrent sessions and a total of 250000 messages without flowing messages to disk.
<section xml:id="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Tuning">
<title>Memory Tuning the Broker</title>
<title>Java Tuning</title>
Most of these options are implementation specific. It is assumed you are using Oracle Java 1.7 and Qpid v6.
Heap and direct memory can be configured through the <link linkend="Java-Broker-Appendix-Environment-Variables-Qpid-Java-Mem"><literal>QPID_JAVA_MEM</literal> environment variable</link>.
<title>Qpid Tuning</title>
The system property <literal></literal> sets the total amount of heap memory (in bytes) allocated to BDB caches.
The system property <literal>broker.flowToDiskThreshold</literal> sets the threshold (in bytes) for flowing transient messages to disk.
Should the broker use more than direct memory it will flow incoming messages to disk.
Should utilisation fall beneath the threshold it will stop flowing messages to disk.
We developed a simple formula which estimates the <emphasis>minimum</emphasis> memory usage of the broker under certain usage.
These are rough estimate so we strongly recommend testing your configuration extensively.
Also, if your machine has more memory available by all means use more memory as it can only improve the performance and stability of your broker.
However, remember that both heap and direct memory are served from your computer's physical memory so their sum should never exceed the physically available RAM (minus what other processes use).
memory<subscript>heap</subscript> = 15 MB + 15 kB * N<subscript>sessions</subscript> + 1 kB * N<subscript>messages</subscript> + 17 kB * N<subscript>connections</subscript>
memory<subscript>direct</subscript> = 2 MB + (200 B + averageSize<subscript>msg</subscript> *2)* N<subscript>messages</subscript> + 512 kB * N<subscript>connections</subscript>
Where <mathphrase>N</mathphrase> denotes the total number of connections/sessions/messages on the broker. Furthermore, for direct memory only the messages that have not been flown to disk are relevant.
<title>Things to Consider</title>
Choosing a smaller direct memory size will lower the threshold for flowing transient messages to disk when messages accumulate on a queue.
This can have impact on performance in the transient case where otherwise no disk I/O would be involved.
Having to little heap memory will result in poor performance due to frequent garbage collection events. See <xref linkend="Java-Broker-Runtime-Memory-Low-Memory"/> for more details.
Choosing too low heap memory can cause an OutOfMemoryError which will force the broker to shut down.
In this sense the available heap memory puts a hard limit on the number of messages you can have in the broker at the same time.
If the Java runs out of direct memory it also throws a OutOfMemoryError resulting the a broker shutdown.
Under normal circumstances this should not happen but needs to be considered when deviating from the default configuration, especially when changing the flowToDiskThreshold.
If you are sending very large messages you should accommodate for this by making sure you have enough direct memory.