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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.v1_0.extensions.anonymousterminus;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.instanceOf;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.greaterThan;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeThat;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.apache.qpid.server.bytebuffer.QpidByteBuffer;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.Binary;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.DeliveryState;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.Symbol;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.UnsignedInteger;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.messaging.Accepted;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.messaging.Properties;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.messaging.Rejected;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.messaging.Target;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transaction.TransactionError;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transaction.TransactionalState;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.AmqpError;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Attach;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Begin;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Detach;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Disposition;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Error;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Flow;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Open;
import org.apache.qpid.server.protocol.v1_0.type.transport.Role;
import org.apache.qpid.server.util.StringUtil;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.SpecificationTest;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.v1_0.FrameTransport;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.v1_0.Interaction;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.v1_0.MessageEncoder;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.protocol.v1_0.Utils;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.utils.BrokerAdmin;
import org.apache.qpid.tests.utils.BrokerAdminUsingTestBase;
public class AnonymousTerminusTest extends BrokerAdminUsingTestBase
private static final Symbol ANONYMOUS_RELAY = Symbol.valueOf("ANONYMOUS-RELAY");
private static final Symbol DELIVERY_TAG = Symbol.valueOf("delivery-tag");
private InetSocketAddress _brokerAddress;
private Binary _deliveryTag;
public void setUp()
final BrokerAdmin brokerAdmin = getBrokerAdmin();
_brokerAddress = brokerAdmin.getBrokerAddress(BrokerAdmin.PortType.ANONYMOUS_AMQP);
_deliveryTag = new Binary("testTag".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2. Sending A Message",
description = "Messages sent over links into a routing node will be"
+ " forwarded to the node referenced in the to field of properties of the message"
+ " just as if a direct link has been established to that node.")
public void transferPreSettledToKnownDestination() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
assertThat(Utils.receiveMessage(_brokerAddress, BrokerAdmin.TEST_QUEUE_NAME),
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2.2 Routing Errors",
description = "It is possible that a message sent to a routing node has an address in the to field"
+ " of properties which, if used in the address field of target of an attach,"
+ " would result in an unsuccessful link establishment (for example,"
+ " if the address cannot be resolved to a node). In this case the routing node"
+ " MUST communicate the error back to the sender of the message."
+ " [...] the message has already been settled by the sender,"
+ " then the routing node MUST detach the link with an error."
+ " [...] the info field of error MUST contain an entry with symbolic key delivery-tag"
+ " and binary value of the delivery-tag of the message which caused the failure.")
public void transferPreSettledToUnknownDestination() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Detach detach = interaction.consume(Detach.class, Flow.class);
Error error = detach.getError();
assertThat(error, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getCondition(), is(equalTo(AmqpError.NOT_FOUND)));
assertThat(error.getInfo(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getInfo().get(DELIVERY_TAG), is(equalTo(_deliveryTag)));
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2.2 Routing Errors",
description = "It is possible that a message sent to a routing node has an address in the to field"
+ " of properties which, if used in the address field of target of an attach,"
+ " would result in an unsuccessful link establishment (for example,"
+ " if the address cannot be resolved to a node). In this case the routing node"
+ " MUST communicate the error back to the sender of the message."
+ " If the source of the link supports the rejected outcome,"
+ " and the message has not already been settled by the sender, then the routing node"
+ " MUST reject the message."
+ " [...] the info field of error MUST contain an entry with symbolic key delivery-tag"
+ " and binary value of the delivery-tag of the message which caused the failure.")
public void transferUnsettledToUnknownDestinationWhenRejectedOutcomeSupportedBySource() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
.attachSourceOutcomes(Accepted.ACCEPTED_SYMBOL, Rejected.REJECTED_SYMBOL)
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Disposition disposition = interaction.consume(Disposition.class, Flow.class);
assertThat(disposition.getSettled(), is(true));
DeliveryState dispositionState = disposition.getState();
assertThat(dispositionState, is(instanceOf(Rejected.class)));
Rejected rejected = (Rejected)dispositionState;
Error error = rejected.getError();
assertThat(error, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getCondition(), is(equalTo(AmqpError.NOT_FOUND)));
assertThat(error.getInfo(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getInfo().get(DELIVERY_TAG), is(equalTo(_deliveryTag)));
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2.2 Routing Errors",
description = "It is possible that a message sent to a routing node has an address in the to field"
+ " of properties which, if used in the address field of target of an attach,"
+ " would result in an unsuccessful link establishment (for example,"
+ " if the address cannot be resolved to a node). In this case the routing node"
+ " MUST communicate the error back to the sender of the message."
+ " [...]"
+ " If the source of the link does not support the rejected outcome,"
+ " [...] then the routing node MUST detach the link with an error."
+ " [...] the info field of error MUST contain an entry with symbolic key delivery-tag"
+ " and binary value of the delivery-tag of the message which caused the failure.")
public void transferUnsettledToUnknownDestinationWhenRejectedOutcomeNotSupportedBySource() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Detach detach = interaction.consume(Detach.class, Flow.class);
Error error = detach.getError();
assertThat(error, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getCondition(), is(equalTo(AmqpError.NOT_FOUND)));
assertThat(error.getInfo(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getInfo().get(DELIVERY_TAG), is(equalTo(_deliveryTag)));
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2. Sending A Message",
description = "Messages sent over links into a routing node will be"
+ " forwarded to the node referenced in the to field of properties of the message"
+ " just as if a direct link has been established to that node.")
public void transferPreSettledInTransactionToKnownDestination() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
final UnsignedInteger linkHandle = UnsignedInteger.ONE;
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
assertThat(interaction.getCoordinatorLatestDeliveryState(), is(instanceOf(Accepted.class)));
Object receivedMessage = Utils.receiveMessage(_brokerAddress, BrokerAdmin.TEST_QUEUE_NAME);
assertThat(receivedMessage, is(equalTo(getTestName())));
public void transferUnsettledInTransactionToKnownDestination() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
final UnsignedInteger linkHandle = UnsignedInteger.ONE;
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Disposition disposition = interaction.consume(Disposition.class, Flow.class);
assertThat(disposition.getSettled(), is(true));
DeliveryState dispositionState = disposition.getState();
assertThat(dispositionState, is(instanceOf(TransactionalState.class)));
final TransactionalState receivedTxnState = (TransactionalState) dispositionState;
assertThat(receivedTxnState.getOutcome(), is(instanceOf(Accepted.class)));
assertThat(interaction.getCoordinatorLatestDeliveryState(), is(instanceOf(Accepted.class)));
Object receivedMessage = Utils.receiveMessage(_brokerAddress, BrokerAdmin.TEST_QUEUE_NAME);
assertThat(receivedMessage, is(equalTo(getTestName())));
public void transferUnsettledInTransactionToUnknownDestinationWhenRejectedOutcomeSupportedBySource() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
final UnsignedInteger linkHandle = UnsignedInteger.ONE;
.attachSourceOutcomes(Accepted.ACCEPTED_SYMBOL, Rejected.REJECTED_SYMBOL)
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Disposition disposition = interaction.consume(Disposition.class, Flow.class);
assertThat(disposition.getSettled(), is(true));
DeliveryState dispositionState = disposition.getState();
assertThat(dispositionState, is(instanceOf(TransactionalState.class)));
final TransactionalState receivedTxnState = (TransactionalState) dispositionState;
assertThat(receivedTxnState.getOutcome(), is(instanceOf(Rejected.class)));
final Error rejectedError = ((Rejected) receivedTxnState.getOutcome()).getError();
assertThat(rejectedError.getCondition(), is(equalTo(AmqpError.NOT_FOUND)));
assertThat(rejectedError.getInfo(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(rejectedError.getInfo().get(DELIVERY_TAG), is(equalTo(_deliveryTag)));
assertThat(interaction.getCoordinatorLatestDeliveryState(), is(instanceOf(Accepted.class)));
public void transferUnsettledInTransactionToUnknownDestinationWhenRejectedOutcomeNotSupportedBySource() throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final Interaction interaction = openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(transport);
final UnsignedInteger linkHandle = UnsignedInteger.ONE;
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Detach senderLinkDetach = interaction.consume(Detach.class, Flow.class);
Error senderLinkDetachError = senderLinkDetach.getError();
assertThat(senderLinkDetachError, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(senderLinkDetachError.getCondition(), is(equalTo(AmqpError.NOT_FOUND)));
assertThat(senderLinkDetachError.getInfo(), is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(senderLinkDetachError.getInfo().get(DELIVERY_TAG), is(equalTo(_deliveryTag)));
DeliveryState txnDischargeDeliveryState = interaction.getCoordinatorLatestDeliveryState();
assertThat(txnDischargeDeliveryState, is(instanceOf(Rejected.class)));
Rejected rejected = (Rejected) txnDischargeDeliveryState;
Error error = rejected.getError();
assertThat(error, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getCondition(), is(equalTo(TransactionError.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK)));
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2.2 Routing Errors",
description = "It is possible that a message sent to a routing node has an address in the to field"
+ " of properties which, if used in the address field of target of an attach,"
+ " would result in an unsuccessful link establishment (for example,"
+ " if the address cannot be resolved to a node). In this case the routing node"
+ " MUST communicate the error back to the sender of the message."
+ " [...]"
+ " <Not in spec yet>"
+ " AMQP-140"
+ " If a message cannot be routed to the destination implied in the \"to:\" field,"
+ " and the source does not allow for the rejected outcome"
+ " [...] when messages are being sent within a transaction and have been sent pre-settled."
+ " In this case the behaviour defined for transactions (of essentially marking"
+ " the transaction as rollback only) should take precedence. "
+ ""
+ " AMQP spec 4.3 Discharging a Transaction"
+ " If the coordinator is unable to complete the discharge, the coordinator MUST convey"
+ " the error to the controller as a transaction-error. If the source for the link to"
+ " the coordinator supports the rejected outcome, then the message MUST be rejected"
+ " with this outcome carrying the transaction-error.")
public void transferPreSettledInTransactionToUnknownDestinationWhenRejectOutcomeSupportedByTxController()
throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final UnsignedInteger linkHandle = UnsignedInteger.ONE;
final Interaction interaction =
// attaching coordinator link with supported outcomes Accepted and Rejected
.attachSourceOutcomes(Accepted.ACCEPTED_SYMBOL, Rejected.REJECTED_SYMBOL)
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
DeliveryState txDischargeDeliveryState = interaction.getCoordinatorLatestDeliveryState();
assertThat(txDischargeDeliveryState, is(instanceOf(Rejected.class)));
Rejected rejected = (Rejected) txDischargeDeliveryState;
Error error = rejected.getError();
assertThat(error, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(error.getCondition(), is(equalTo(TransactionError.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK)));
@SpecificationTest(section = "Using the Anonymous Terminus for Message Routing. 2.2.2 Routing Errors",
description = "It is possible that a message sent to a routing node has an address in the to field"
+ " of properties which, if used in the address field of target of an attach,"
+ " would result in an unsuccessful link establishment (for example,"
+ " if the address cannot be resolved to a node). In this case the routing node"
+ " MUST communicate the error back to the sender of the message."
+ " [...]"
+ " <Not in spec yet>"
+ " AMQP-140"
+ " If a message cannot be routed to the destination implied in the \"to:\" field,"
+ " and the source does not allow for the rejected outcome"
+ " [...] when messages are being sent within a transaction and have been sent pre-settled."
+ " In this case the behaviour defined for transactions (of essentially marking"
+ " the transaction as rollback only) should take precedence. "
+ ""
+ " AMQP spec 4.3 Discharging a Transaction"
+ " If the coordinator is unable to complete the discharge, the coordinator MUST convey"
+ " the error to the controller as a transaction-error."
+ " [...]"
+ " If the source does not support the rejected outcome, the transactional resource MUST"
+ " detach the link to the coordinator, with the detach performative carrying"
+ " the transaction-error")
public void transferPreSettledInTransactionToUnknownDestinationWhenRejectOutcomeNotSupportedByTxController()
throws Exception
try (FrameTransport transport = new FrameTransport(_brokerAddress).connect())
final UnsignedInteger linkHandle = UnsignedInteger.ONE;
final Interaction interaction =
.txnAttachCoordinatorLink(UnsignedInteger.ZERO, Accepted.ACCEPTED_SYMBOL)
.attachTarget(new Target())
.attachName("link-" + linkHandle)
.attachSourceOutcomes(Accepted.ACCEPTED_SYMBOL, Rejected.REJECTED_SYMBOL)
.assertLatestResponse(Flow.class, this::assumeSufficientCredits)
final Detach transactionCoordinatorDetach = interaction.consume(Detach.class, Flow.class);
Error transactionCoordinatorDetachError = transactionCoordinatorDetach.getError();
assertThat(transactionCoordinatorDetachError, is(notNullValue()));
assertThat(transactionCoordinatorDetachError.getCondition(), is(equalTo(TransactionError.TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK)));
private String getNonExistingDestinationName()
return String.format("%sNonExisting%s", getTestName(), new StringUtil().randomAlphaNumericString(10));
private Interaction openInteractionWithAnonymousRelayCapability(final FrameTransport transport) throws Exception
final Interaction interaction = transport.newInteraction();
Open open = interaction.getLatestResponse(Open.class);
assumeThat(Arrays.asList(open.getOfferedCapabilities()), hasItem(ANONYMOUS_RELAY));
return interaction;
private QpidByteBuffer generateMessagePayloadToDestination(final String destinationName)
MessageEncoder messageEncoder = new MessageEncoder();
final Properties properties = new Properties();
return messageEncoder.getPayload();
private void assumeSufficientCredits(final Flow flow)
assumeThat(flow.getLinkCredit(), is(greaterThan(UnsignedInteger.ZERO)));