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<appendix xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:id="Java-Broker-Appendix-Statistics-Reporting">
<title>Statistics Reporting</title>
<para>The Broker has the ability to periodically write statistics of any entity within the system to
the log. Statistics reporting can be configured for a single entity (e.g. a queue) or for all entities of a
particular category (e.g. for all queues). The system can be configured dynamically at runtime without the need
for the system to be restarted.</para>
<para>This feature helps allow the behaviour of the overall system to be understood and can aid real-time problem
<para>It can be configured Broker-wide or separately for each virtual host.</para>
<para>The format of the statistics report is configurable.</para>
<title>Statistics Report Period</title>
<para>This governs the period with which statistics reports will be written to the log. The period is defined
in seconds. By default the statistics report period is zero, meaning the system is disabled. To enable the
statistics report set the <emphasis>statistics reporting period</emphasis> on either the Broker or virtualhost to
a non-zero value.</para>
<para>Once the period is defined, the system will respond to the statistic report patterns defined described next.</para>
<title>Statistic Report Patterns</title>
<para>The statistic report pattern defines the format of a statistic report written to the log.</para>
<para>Statistic report patterns are defined by <link linkend="Java-Broker-Management-Managing-Entities-General">
content variables</link>. The place where the context variable is defined governs the scope i.e. the entities to
which the pattern will be applied.</para>
<para>For instance, to define a statistics reporting pattern for a single queue,
<link linkend="Java-Broker-Management-Channel-Web-Console-Managing-Context-Variables">set the contextvariable
</link> on the queue itself. If you want the same statistics report pattern for apply to all queues, set the pattern on a
suitable ancestor of the queue. For instance, if set on virtualhost, the pattern will applied to all queues defined
on that virtualhost. If set on Broker, the pattern will be applied to all queues on the Broker.</para>
<para>The context variable name is formed as follows:
<para>For instance, for queue: <literal>qpid.queue.statisticsReportPattern</literal> and virtualhost:
<para>The value of the context variable is a free text string containing reference(s) to the statistic names that
are to appear in the report. References are made by surrounding the name of the statistic with '$' and curly braces,
thus <literal>${&lt;statistic-name&gt;}</literal>.</para>
<para>Statistics references allow an optional formatters. The supported formatters are: <literal>:byteunit</literal>
(produces a human readable byte value e.g. 3 MiB), <literal>:duration</literal> (produces a ISO-8601 duration)and
<literal>:datetime</literal> (produces a ISO-8601 date/time).</para>
<para>For example, a statistic report pattern for the <literal>queue</literal> category specifying two queue
statistic values: <literal>queueDepthMessages=${queueDepthMessages},queueDepthBytes=${queueDepthBytes:byteunit}</literal></para>
<para>Like all context variables, the statistic report pattern can also reference the attributes of the entity
or even its ancestors. This feature can be exploited to include things like the name of the entity within the
<para>These points are illustrated in the examples in the next section.</para>
<para>A catalogue of statistics names and descriptions is available from the REST API documentation available
through the <link linkend="Java-Broker-Management-Channel-Web-Console">Web Management Console</link>.</para>
<para>Adding a statistic reporting pattern to a single queue, called <literal>myqueue</literal> using the REST API and
cURL. This example uses <literal>ancestor</literal> references to include entity names:</para>
<title>Enabling statistics for a single queue using the REST API and cURL</title>
<screen><![CDATA[curl --user admin --data '{"name" : "qpid.queue.statisticsReportPattern", "value" : "${ancestor:virtualhost:name}/${ancestor:queue:name}: queueDepthMessages=${queueDepthMessages}, queueDepthBytes=${queueDepthBytes:byteunit}"}' https://localhost:8080/api/latest/queue/default/default/myqueue/setContextVariable]]></screen>
Once enabled, an example statistic report output written to the log might look like this:
<screen><![CDATA[2017-10-15 13:03:12,993 INFO [virtualhost-default-pool-0] (q.s.Queue) - Statistics: default/myqueue: queueDepthMessages=0, queueDepthBytes=0 B
2017-10-15 13:03:22,979 INFO [virtualhost-default-pool-2] (q.s.Queue) - Statistics: default/myqueue: queueDepthMessages=3, queueDepthBytes=345 B
2017-10-15 13:03:32,981 INFO [virtualhost-default-pool-2] (q.s.Queue) - Statistics: default/myqueue: queueDepthMessages=3, queueDepthBytes=345 B]]></screen>
<para>Removing a statistic report pattern from the same queue:</para>
<title>Disabling statistics for a single queue using the REST API and cURL</title>
<screen><![CDATA[curl --user admin --data '{"name" : "qpid.queue.statisticsReportPattern"}' https://localhost:8080/api/latest/queue/default/default/myqueue/setContextVariable]]></screen>
<para>Adding a statistic reporting pattern to all queues:</para>
<title>Enabling statistics for all queues using the REST API and cURL</title>
<screen><![CDATA[curl --user admin --data '{"name" : "qpid.queue.statisticsReportPattern", "value" : "${ancestor:virtualhost:name}/${ancestor:queue:name}: oldestMessageAge=${oldestMessageAge:duration}"}' https://localhost:8080/api/latest/virtualhost/default/default/setContextVariable]]></screen>
Once enabled, an example statistic report for a virtualhost with two queues might look like this:
<screen><![CDATA[2017-10-15 13:17:42,918 INFO [virtualhost-default-pool-1] (q.s.Queue) - Statistics: default/myqueue1: oldestMessageAge=PT1M24S
2017-10-15 13:17:42,918 INFO [virtualhost-default-pool-1] (q.s.Queue) - Statistics: default/myqueue2: oldestMessageAge=PT0S]]></screen>