blob: 62cefc10921f6303d419b954fb15166fd2e82254 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.qpid.server.model;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
@ManagedObject( creatable = false, amqpName = "org.apache.qpid.Connection")
public interface Connection<X extends Connection<X>> extends ConfiguredObject<X>
// Attributes
String STATE = "state";
String CLIENT_ID = "clientId";
String CLIENT_VERSION = "clientVersion";
String INCOMING = "incoming";
String LOCAL_ADDRESS = "localAddress";
String PRINCIPAL = "principal";
String PROPERTIES = "properties";
String REMOTE_ADDRESS = "remoteAddress";
String REMOTE_PROCESS_NAME = "remoteProcessName";
String REMOTE_PROCESS_PID = "remoteProcessPid";
String SESSION_COUNT_LIMIT = "sessionCountLimit";
String TRANSPORT = "transport";
String PORT = "port";
String MAX_UNCOMMITTED_IN_MEMORY_SIZE = "connection.maxUncommittedInMemorySize";
@ManagedContextDefault(name = MAX_UNCOMMITTED_IN_MEMORY_SIZE,
description = "Defines the maximum limit of total messages sizes (in bytes) from uncommitted transactions"
+ " which connection can hold in memory. If limit is breached, all messages from"
+ " connection in-flight transactions are flowed to disk including those arriving"
+ " after breaching the limit.")
long DEFAULT_MAX_UNCOMMITTED_IN_MEMORY_SIZE = 10l * 1024l * 1024l;
String CLOSE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = "connection.closeResponseTimeout";
@ManagedContextDefault(name = CLOSE_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT)
String MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = "qpid.max_message_size";
@ManagedContextDefault(name = MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
int DEFAULT_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
String getClientId();
String getClientVersion();
String getClientProduct();
boolean isIncoming();
String getLocalAddress();
String getPrincipal();
String getRemoteAddress();
String getRemoteProcessName();
String getRemoteProcessPid();
@DerivedAttribute(description = "The actual negotiated value of session count limit")
int getSessionCountLimit();
Transport getTransport();
String getTransportInfo();
Protocol getProtocol();
NamedAddressSpace getAddressSpace();
Port<?> getPort();
@DerivedAttribute(description = "The maximum size in bytes that uncommitted transactions associated with this connection"
+ " may grow before the messages contained within the transactions will be flowed to disk. "
+ " Disabled if negative.")
long getMaxUncommittedInMemorySize();
// currently this reports inbound message content size without header.
// See also QPID-7689:
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.BYTES, label = "Inbound",
description = "Total size of all messages received by this connection.")
long getBytesIn();
// currently this reports outbound message content size without header.
// See also QPID-7689:
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.BYTES, label = "Outbound",
description = "Total size of all messages delivered by this connection.")
long getBytesOut();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.MESSAGES, label = "Inbound",
description = "Total number of messages delivered by this connection.")
long getMessagesIn();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.MESSAGES, label = "Outbound",
description = "Total number of messages received by this connection.")
long getMessagesOut();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.ABSOLUTE_TIME, label = "Last I/O time",
description = "Time of last I/O operation performed by this connection.")
Date getLastIoTime();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.ABSOLUTE_TIME, label = "Last Inbound Message",
description = "Time of last message received by the broker on this connection. "
+ "If no message has been received the connection creation time will be used.")
Date getLastInboundMessageTime();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.ABSOLUTE_TIME, label = "Last Outbound Message",
description = "Time of last message sent by the broker on this connection. "
+ "If no message has been snt the connection creation time will be used.")
Date getLastOutboundMessageTime();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.ABSOLUTE_TIME, label = "Last Message",
description = "Time of last message sent or received by the broker on this connection. "
+ "If no message has been sent or received the connection creation time will be used.")
Date getLastMessageTime();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.COUNT, label = "Sessions",
description = "Current number of sessions belonging to this connection.")
int getSessionCount();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.COUNT,
label = "Transactions", description = "Total number of transactions started.")
long getLocalTransactionBegins();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.COUNT,
label = "Rolled-back Transactions", description = "Total number of rolled-back transactions.")
long getLocalTransactionRollbacks();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.COUNT,
label = "Open Transactions", description = "Current number of open transactions.")
long getLocalTransactionOpen();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.POINT_IN_TIME, units = StatisticUnit.ABSOLUTE_TIME,
label= "Oldest transaction start time",
description = "The start time of the oldest transaction or null if no transaction is in progress.")
Date getOldestTransactionStartTime();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.MESSAGES, label = "Transacted Inbound",
description = "Total number of messages delivered by this connection within a transaction.")
long getTransactedMessagesIn();
@ManagedStatistic(statisticType = StatisticType.CUMULATIVE, units = StatisticUnit.MESSAGES, label = "Transacted Outbound",
description = "Total number of messages received by this connection within a transaction.")
long getTransactedMessagesOut();
Collection<Session> getSessions();