blob: a1eaa43dfdba85336509a4ae38944cb89def70fb [file] [log] [blame]
# Class: postfix::server
# The title is used for the 'myhostname' parameter.
# When setting 'postgrey' to true, you might want to install a custom
# file as /etc/postfix/postgrey_whitelist_clients.local too.
# Sample Usage :
class postfix::server (
# To install postfix-mysql package instead of plain postfix (EL5)
$mysql = false,
# See the comments for help on these options
$myhostname = $::fqdn,
$mydomain = false,
$myorigin = '$myhostname',
$inet_interfaces = 'localhost',
$inet_protocols = 'all',
$proxy_interfaces = false,
$mydestination = '$myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost',
$local_recipient_maps = false,
$luser_relay = false,
$unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = '550',
$mynetworks_style = false,
$mynetworks = false,
$relay_domains = false,
$relayhost = false,
$relay_recipient_maps = false,
$transport_maps = false,
$in_flow_delay = '1s',
$alias_maps = 'hash:/etc/aliases',
$alias_database = 'hash:/etc/aliases',
$recipient_delimiter = false,
$home_mailbox = false,
$mail_spool_directory = false,
$mailbox_command = false,
$smtpd_banner = '$myhostname ESMTP $mail_name',
$setgid_group = $::postfix::params::setgid_group,
$mailbox_size_limit = undef,
$message_size_limit = false,
$mail_name = false,
$virtual_alias_domains = false,
$virtual_alias_maps = false,
$virtual_mailbox_domains = false,
$virtual_mailbox_maps = false,
$virtual_mailbox_base = false,
$virtual_uid_maps = false,
$virtual_gid_maps = false,
$virtual_transport = false,
$dovecot_destination = '${recipient}',
$masquerade_classes = false,
$masquerade_domains = false,
$smtpd_helo_required = false,
$smtpd_client_restrictions = [],
$smtpd_helo_restrictions = [],
$smtpd_sender_restrictions = [],
$smtpd_recipient_restrictions = [],
$smtpd_data_restrictions = [],
$smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = [],
$smtpd_delay_reject = false,
$ssl = false,
$smtpd_tls_loglevel = 1,
$smtpd_tls_security_level = undef,
$smtpd_tls_received_header = undef,
$smtpd_tls_key_file = undef,
$smtpd_tls_cert_file = undef,
$smtpd_tls_CAfile = undef,
$smtpd_sasl_auth = false,
$smtpd_sasl_type = 'dovecot',
$smtpd_sasl_path = 'private/auth',
$smtp_sasl_auth = false,
$smtp_sasl_password_maps = undef,
$smtp_sasl_security_options = undef,
$smtp_tls_CAfile = undef,
$smtp_tls_CApath = undef,
$smtp_tls_key_file = undef,
$smtp_tls_cert_file = undef,
$smtp_tls_loglevel = 1,
$smtp_tls_security_level = undef,
$smtp_tls_secure_cert_match = undef,
$smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = false,
$smtp_tls_mandatory_ciphers = undef,
$smtpd_tls_ask_ccert = false,
$tls_append_default_CA = false,
$smtp_sasl_tls = false,
$smtp_use_tls = false,
$canonical_maps = false,
$sender_canonical_maps = false,
$smtp_generic_maps = false,
$recipient_canonical_maps = false,
$relocated_maps = false,
$extra_main_parameters = {},
$smtp_content_filter = [],
$smtps_content_filter = [],
$submission = false,
# EL5
$submission_smtpd_enforce_tls = 'yes',
# EL6
$submission_smtpd_tls_security_level = 'encrypt',
$submission_smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = 'yes',
$smtps_smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = 'yes',
# submission should only be used for authenticated delivery, so explicitly
# reject everything else.
$submission_smtpd_client_restrictions = 'permit_sasl_authenticated,reject',
# smtps should allow unauthenticated delivery (for local or relay_domains for
# example) so no explicit reject. smtps port 465 is non-standards compliant
# anyway so no one true answer.
$smtps_smtpd_client_restrictions = 'permit_sasl_authenticated',
$master_services = [],
# Other files
$header_checks = [],
$body_checks = [],
# Postscreen - available in Postfix 2.8 and later
$postscreen = false,
$postscreen_access_list = ['permit_mynetworks'],
$postscreen_blacklist_action = 'enforce',
$postscreen_cache_map = 'btree:$data_directory/postscreen_cache',
$postscreen_greet_wait = '${stress?2}${stress:6}s',
$postscreen_greet_banner = '$smtpd_banner',
$postscreen_greet_action = 'enforce',
$postscreen_dnsbl_sites = [],
$postscreen_dnsbl_reply_map = undef,
$postscreen_dnsbl_threshold = 1,
$postscreen_dnsbl_action = 'enforce',
# Spamassassin
$spamassassin = false,
$sa_required_hits = '5',
$sa_report_safe = '0',
$sa_rewrite_header = [],
$sa_trusted_networks = '10/8 172.16/12 192.168/16',
$sa_skip_rbl_checks = '1',
$sa_loadplugin = [ 'Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF' ],
$sa_score = [ 'FH_DATE_PAST_20XX 0' ],
$spampd_port = '10026',
$spampd_relayport = '10027',
$spampd_children = '20',
$spampd_maxsize = '512',
# Other filters
$postgrey = false,
$postgrey_policy_service = undef,
$clamav = false,
$clamav_enabled = false,
# Parameters
$command_directory = $::postfix::params::command_directory,
$config_directory = $::postfix::params::config_directory,
$daemon_directory = $::postfix::params::daemon_directory,
$shlib_directory = $::postfix::params::shlib_directory,
$data_directory = $::postfix::params::data_directory,
$manpage_directory = $::postfix::params::manpage_directory,
$readme_directory = $::postfix::params::readme_directory,
$sample_directory = $::postfix::params::sample_directory,
$postfix_package = $::postfix::params::postfix_package,
$postfix_mysql_package = $::postfix::params::postfix_mysql_package,
$postfix_package_ensure = $::postfix::params::postfix_package_ensure,
$postgrey_package = $::postfix::params::postgrey_package,
$service_restart = $::postfix::params::service_restart,
$spamassassin_package = $::postfix::params::spamassassin_package,
$spampd_package = $::postfix::params::spampd_package,
$spampd_config = $::postfix::params::spampd_config,
$spampd_template = $::postfix::params::spampd_template,
$root_group = $::postfix::params::root_group,
$mailq_path = $::postfix::params::mailq_path,
$newaliases_path = $::postfix::params::newaliases_path,
$sendmail_path = $::postfix::params::sendmail_path,
## ASF Custom
$backup_mx = false,
$asf_mx_enabled = false,
$asf_mx_content_filter = '',
$max_postfix_amavis_procs = '10',
$max_use_postfix_amavis = '25',
## ASF Custom Logrotate Variables
$postfix_logrotate_path = '/var/log/mail.log',
$postfix_logrotate_rotate = 7,
$postfix_logrotate_rotate_every = 'day',
$postfix_logrotate_compress = true,
$postfix_logrotate_delaycompress = true,
$postfix_logrotate_missingok = true,
$postfix_logrotate_sharedscripts = false,
$postfix_logrotate_postrotate = "service rsyslog rotate"
) inherits ::postfix::params {
# Default has el5 files, for el6 a few defaults have changed
if ( $::operatingsystem =~ /RedHat|CentOS/ and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '6') < 0 ) {
$filesuffix = '-el5'
} else {
$filesuffix = ''
# Main package and service it provides
if $mysql {
$package_name = $postfix_mysql_package
} else {
$package_name = $postfix_package
package { $package_name: ensure => $postfix_package_ensure, alias => 'postfix' }
service { 'postfix':
require => Package[$package_name],
enable => true,
ensure => running,
hasstatus => true,
restart => $service_restart,
file { "${config_directory}/":
content => template("postfix/${filesuffix}.erb"),
notify => Service['postfix'],
require => Package[$package_name],
file { "${config_directory}/":
content => template("postfix/${filesuffix}.erb"),
notify => Service['postfix'],
require => Package[$package_name],
# Optional Spamassassin setup (using spampd)
if $spamassassin {
# Main packages and service they provide
package { [ $spamassassin_package, $spampd_package ]: ensure => installed }
# Note that we don't want the normal spamassassin (spamd) service
service { 'spampd':
require => Package[$spampd_package],
enable => true,
ensure => running,
hasstatus => true,
# Override the options passed to spampd
file { $spampd_config:
content => template($spampd_template),
notify => Service['spampd'],
# Change the spamassassin options
file { '/etc/mail/spamassassin/':
require => Package[$spamassassin_package],
content => template('postfix/'),
notify => Service['spampd'],
# Optional Postgrey setup
if $postgrey {
# Main package and service it provides
package { $postgrey_package: ensure => installed }
service { 'postgrey':
require => Package[$postgrey_package],
enable => true,
ensure => running,
# When stopped, status returns zero with 1.31-1.el5
hasstatus => false,
# Optional ClamAV setup (using clamsmtp)
# Defaults to listen on 10025 and re-send on 10026
if $clamav {
include '::clamav::smtp'
# Regex header_checks
postfix::file { 'header_checks':
content => template('postfix/header_checks.erb'),
group => $root_group,
postfixdir => $config_directory,
# Regex body_checks
postfix::file { 'body_checks':
content => template('postfix/body_checks.erb'),
group => $root_group,
postfixdir => $config_directory,
logrotate::rule { 'postfix':
path => $postfix_logrotate_path,
rotate => $postfix_logrotate_rotate,
rotate_every => $postfix_logrotate_rotate_every,
compress => $postfix_logrotate_compress,
delaycompress => $postfix_logrotate_delaycompress,
missingok => $postfix_logrotate_missingok,
sharedscripts => $postfix_logrotate_sharedscripts,
postrotate => $postfix_logrotate_postrotate,