blob: 3b368dbe713d36abbf7f528574c80260128c0a6c [file] [log] [blame]
# == Define: ssh::config_entry
# Manage an entry in ~/.ssh/config for a particular user. Lines model the lines
# in each Host block.
define ssh::config_entry (
$order = '10',
$ensure = 'present',
$lines = [],
) {
# All lines including the host line. This will be joined with "\n " for
# indentation.
$entry = concat(["Host ${host}"], $lines)
$content = join($entry, "\n")
if ! defined(Concat[$path]) {
concat { $path:
ensure => present,
owner => $owner,
group => $group,
mode => '0644',
ensure_newline => true,
concat::fragment { "${path} Host ${host}":
target => $path,
content => $content,
order => $order,
tag => "${owner}_ssh_config",