blob: b90360742b61671a3680829c43888bec6eed3b5e [file] [log] [blame]
# == Class: ssh
# Manage ssh client and server
class ssh (
$hiera_merge = false,
$packages = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$permit_root_login = 'yes',
$purge_keys = 'true',
$manage_firewall = false,
$ssh_package_source = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$ssh_package_adminfile = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$ssh_config_hash_known_hosts = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$ssh_config_path = '/etc/ssh/ssh_config',
$ssh_config_owner = 'root',
$ssh_config_group = 'root',
$ssh_config_mode = '0644',
$ssh_config_forward_x11 = undef,
$ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$ssh_config_forward_agent = undef,
$ssh_config_server_alive_interval = undef,
$ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers = false,
$ssh_config_ciphers = undef,
$ssh_config_macs = undef,
$ssh_config_template = 'ssh/ssh_config.erb',
$ssh_sendenv = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$ssh_gssapiauthentication = 'yes',
$ssh_gssapidelegatecredentials = undef,
$sshd_config_path = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config',
$sshd_config_owner = 'root',
$sshd_config_group = 'root',
$sshd_config_loglevel = 'INFO',
$sshd_config_mode = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_config_port = '22',
$sshd_config_syslog_facility = 'AUTH',
$sshd_config_template = 'ssh/sshd_config.erb',
$sshd_config_login_grace_time = '120',
$sshd_config_challenge_resp_auth = 'yes',
$sshd_config_print_motd = 'yes',
$sshd_config_use_dns = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_config_authkey_location = undef,
$sshd_config_strictmodes = undef,
$sshd_config_serverkeybits = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_config_banner = 'none',
$sshd_config_ciphers = undef,
$sshd_config_macs = undef,
$sshd_config_denyusers = undef,
$sshd_config_denygroups = undef,
$sshd_config_allowusers = undef,
$sshd_config_allowgroups = undef,
$sshd_config_maxstartups = undef,
$sshd_config_maxsessions = undef,
$sshd_config_chrootdirectory = undef,
$sshd_config_forcecommand = undef,
$sshd_config_match = undef,
$sshd_authorized_keys_command = undef,
$sshd_authorized_keys_command_user = undef,
$sshd_banner_content = undef,
$sshd_banner_owner = 'root',
$sshd_banner_group = 'root',
$sshd_banner_mode = '0644',
$sshd_config_xauth_location = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_config_subsystem_sftp = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_password_authentication = 'yes',
$sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding = 'yes',
$sshd_x11_forwarding = 'yes',
$sshd_use_pam = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_client_alive_count_max = '3',
$sshd_client_alive_interval = '0',
$sshd_gssapiauthentication = 'yes',
$sshd_gssapikeyexchange = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_acceptenv = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_config_hostkey = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$sshd_listen_address = undef,
$service_ensure = 'running',
$service_name = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$service_enable = 'true',
$service_hasrestart = 'true',
$service_hasstatus = 'USE_DEFAULTS',
$ssh_key_ensure = 'present',
$ssh_key_import = 'true',
$ssh_key_type = 'ssh-rsa',
$ssh_config_global_known_hosts_file = '/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts',
$ssh_config_global_known_hosts_owner = 'root',
$ssh_config_global_known_hosts_group = 'root',
$ssh_config_global_known_hosts_mode = '0644',
$keys = undef,
$manage_root_ssh_config = 'false',
$root_ssh_config_content = "# This file is being maintained by Puppet.\n# DO NOT EDIT\n",
) {
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$default_packages = ['openssh-server',
$default_service_name = 'sshd'
$default_ssh_config_hash_known_hosts = 'no'
$default_ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted = 'yes'
$default_ssh_package_source = undef
$default_ssh_package_adminfile = undef
$default_ssh_sendenv = true
$default_sshd_config_subsystem_sftp = '/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server'
$default_sshd_config_mode = '0600'
$default_sshd_config_use_dns = 'yes'
$default_sshd_config_xauth_location = '/usr/bin/xauth'
$default_sshd_use_pam = 'yes'
$default_sshd_gssapikeyexchange = undef
$default_sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint = undef
$default_sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials = 'yes'
$default_sshd_acceptenv = true
$default_service_hasstatus = true
$default_sshd_config_serverkeybits = '1024'
$default_sshd_config_hostkey = [ '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' ]
'Suse': {
$default_packages = 'openssh'
$default_service_name = 'sshd'
$default_ssh_config_hash_known_hosts = 'no'
$default_ssh_package_source = undef
$default_ssh_package_adminfile = undef
$default_ssh_sendenv = true
$default_ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted = 'yes'
$default_sshd_config_mode = '0600'
$default_sshd_config_use_dns = 'yes'
$default_sshd_config_xauth_location = '/usr/bin/xauth'
$default_sshd_use_pam = 'yes'
$default_sshd_gssapikeyexchange = undef
$default_sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint = undef
$default_sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials = 'yes'
$default_sshd_acceptenv = true
$default_service_hasstatus = true
$default_sshd_config_serverkeybits = '1024'
$default_sshd_config_hostkey = [ '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' ]
case $::architecture {
'x86_64': {
$default_sshd_config_subsystem_sftp = '/usr/lib64/ssh/sftp-server'
'i386' : {
$default_sshd_config_subsystem_sftp = '/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server'
default: {
fail("ssh supports architectures x86_64 and i386 for Suse. Detected architecture is <${::architecture}>.")
'Debian': {
$default_packages = ['openssh-server',
$default_service_name = 'ssh'
$default_ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted = 'yes'
$default_ssh_config_hash_known_hosts = 'no'
$default_ssh_package_source = undef
$default_ssh_package_adminfile = undef
$default_ssh_sendenv = true
$default_sshd_config_subsystem_sftp = '/usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server'
$default_sshd_config_mode = '0600'
$default_sshd_config_use_dns = 'yes'
$default_sshd_config_xauth_location = '/usr/bin/xauth'
$default_sshd_use_pam = 'yes'
$default_sshd_gssapikeyexchange = undef
$default_sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint = undef
$default_sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials = 'yes'
$default_sshd_acceptenv = true
$default_service_hasstatus = true
$default_sshd_config_serverkeybits = '1024'
$default_sshd_config_hostkey = [ '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' ]
'Solaris': {
$default_ssh_config_hash_known_hosts = undef
$default_ssh_sendenv = false
$default_ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted = undef
$default_sshd_config_subsystem_sftp = '/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server'
$default_sshd_config_mode = '0644'
$default_sshd_config_use_dns = undef
$default_sshd_config_xauth_location = '/usr/openwin/bin/xauth'
$default_sshd_use_pam = undef
$default_sshd_gssapikeyexchange = 'yes'
$default_sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint = 'yes'
$default_sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials = undef
$default_sshd_acceptenv = false
$default_sshd_config_serverkeybits = '768'
$default_ssh_package_adminfile = undef
$default_sshd_config_hostkey = [ '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' ]
case $::kernelrelease {
'5.11': {
$default_packages = ['network/ssh',
$default_service_name = 'ssh'
$default_service_hasstatus = true
$default_ssh_package_source = undef
'5.10': {
$default_packages = ['SUNWsshcu',
$default_service_name = 'ssh'
$default_service_hasstatus = true
$default_ssh_package_source = '/var/spool/pkg'
'5.9' : {
$default_packages = ['SUNWsshcu',
$default_service_name = 'sshd'
$default_service_hasstatus = false
$default_ssh_package_source = '/var/spool/pkg'
default: {
fail('ssh module supports Solaris kernel release 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11.')
default: {
fail("ssh supports osfamilies RedHat, Suse, Debian and Solaris. Detected osfamily is <${::osfamily}>.")
if $packages == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$packages_real = $default_packages
} else {
$packages_real = $packages
if $ssh_config_hash_known_hosts == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$ssh_config_hash_known_hosts_real = $default_ssh_config_hash_known_hosts
} else {
$ssh_config_hash_known_hosts_real = $ssh_config_hash_known_hosts
if $service_name == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$service_name_real = $default_service_name
} else {
$service_name_real = $service_name
if $sshd_config_subsystem_sftp == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_config_subsystem_sftp_real = $default_sshd_config_subsystem_sftp
} else {
$sshd_config_subsystem_sftp_real = $sshd_config_subsystem_sftp
if $sshd_config_mode == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_config_mode_real = $default_sshd_config_mode
} else {
$sshd_config_mode_real = $sshd_config_mode
if $sshd_config_xauth_location == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_config_xauth_location_real = $default_sshd_config_xauth_location
} else {
$sshd_config_xauth_location_real = $sshd_config_xauth_location
if $ssh_package_source == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$ssh_package_source_real = $default_ssh_package_source
} else {
$ssh_package_source_real = $ssh_package_source
if $ssh_package_adminfile == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$ssh_package_adminfile_real = $default_ssh_package_adminfile
} else {
$ssh_package_adminfile_real = $ssh_package_adminfile
if $ssh_package_adminfile_real != undef {
if $sshd_config_use_dns == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_config_use_dns_real = $default_sshd_config_use_dns
} else {
$sshd_config_use_dns_real = $sshd_config_use_dns
if $sshd_use_pam == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_use_pam_real = $default_sshd_use_pam
} else {
$sshd_use_pam_real = $sshd_use_pam
if $sshd_config_serverkeybits == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_config_serverkeybits_real = $default_sshd_config_serverkeybits
} else {
$sshd_config_serverkeybits_real = $sshd_config_serverkeybits
if $ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted_real = $default_ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted
} else {
$ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted_real = $ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted
if $ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted_real != undef {
validate_re($ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted_real, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${ssh_config_forward_x11_trusted_real}>.")
if $sshd_gssapikeyexchange == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_gssapikeyexchange_real = $default_sshd_gssapikeyexchange
} else {
$sshd_gssapikeyexchange_real = $sshd_gssapikeyexchange
if $sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint_real = $default_sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint
} else {
$sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint_real = $sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint
if $sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials_real = $default_sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials
} else {
$sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials_real = $sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials
if $ssh_sendenv == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$ssh_sendenv_real = $default_ssh_sendenv
} else {
case type3x($ssh_sendenv) {
'string': {
validate_re($ssh_sendenv, '^(true|false)$', "ssh::ssh_sendenv may be either 'true' or 'false' and is set to <${ssh_sendenv}>.")
$ssh_sendenv_real = str2bool($ssh_sendenv)
'boolean': {
$ssh_sendenv_real = $ssh_sendenv
default: {
fail('ssh::ssh_sendenv type must be true or false.')
if $sshd_acceptenv == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_acceptenv_real = $default_sshd_acceptenv
} else {
case type3x($sshd_acceptenv) {
'string': {
validate_re($sshd_acceptenv, '^(true|false)$', "ssh::sshd_acceptenv may be either 'true' or 'false' and is set to <${sshd_acceptenv}>.")
$sshd_acceptenv_real = str2bool($sshd_acceptenv)
'boolean': {
$sshd_acceptenv_real = $sshd_acceptenv
default: {
fail('ssh::sshd_acceptenv type must be true or false.')
if $sshd_config_hostkey == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$sshd_config_hostkey_real = $default_sshd_config_hostkey
} else {
$sshd_config_hostkey_real = $sshd_config_hostkey
if $sshd_listen_address {
if $service_hasstatus == 'USE_DEFAULTS' {
$service_hasstatus_real = $default_service_hasstatus
} else {
case type3x($service_hasstatus) {
'string': {
validate_re($service_hasstatus, '^(true|false)$', "ssh::service_hasstatus must be 'true' or 'false' and is set to <${service_hasstatus}>.")
$service_hasstatus_real = str2bool($service_hasstatus)
'boolean': {
$service_hasstatus_real = $service_hasstatus
default: {
fail('ssh::service_hasstatus must be true or false.')
# validate params
if $ssh_config_ciphers != undef {
if $sshd_config_ciphers != undef {
if $ssh_config_macs != undef {
if $sshd_config_macs != undef {
if $ssh_config_hash_known_hosts_real != undef {
validate_re($ssh_config_hash_known_hosts_real, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::ssh_config_hash_known_hosts may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${ssh_config_hash_known_hosts_real}>.")
validate_re($sshd_config_port, '^\d+$', "ssh::sshd_config_port must be a valid number and is set to <${sshd_config_port}>.")
validate_re($sshd_password_authentication, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_password_authentication may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_password_authentication}>.")
validate_re($sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_allow_tcp_forwarding}>.")
validate_re($sshd_x11_forwarding, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_x11_forwarding may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_x11_forwarding}>.")
if $sshd_use_pam_real != undef {
validate_re($sshd_use_pam_real, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_use_pam may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_use_pam_real}>.")
if $sshd_config_serverkeybits_real != undef {
if is_integer($sshd_config_serverkeybits_real) == false { fail("ssh::sshd_config_serverkeybits must be an integer and is set to <${sshd_config_serverkeybits}>.") }
if is_integer($sshd_client_alive_interval) == false { fail("ssh::sshd_client_alive_interval must be an integer and is set to <${sshd_client_alive_interval}>.") }
if is_integer($sshd_client_alive_count_max) == false { fail("ssh::sshd_client_alive_count_max must be an integer and is set to <${sshd_client_alive_count_max}>.") }
if $sshd_config_banner != 'none' {
if $sshd_banner_content != undef and $sshd_config_banner == 'none' {
fail('ssh::sshd_config_banner must be set to be able to use sshd_banner_content.')
validate_re($ssh_gssapiauthentication, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::ssh_gssapiauthentication may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${ssh_gssapiauthentication}>.")
if $ssh_gssapidelegatecredentials != undef {
validate_re($ssh_gssapidelegatecredentials, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::ssh_gssapidelegatecredentials may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${ssh_gssapidelegatecredentials}>.")
validate_re($sshd_gssapiauthentication, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_gssapiauthentication may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_gssapiauthentication}>.")
if $sshd_gssapikeyexchange_real != undef {
validate_re($sshd_gssapikeyexchange_real, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_gssapikeyexchange may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_gssapikeyexchange_real}>.")
if $sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint_real != undef {
validate_re($sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint_real, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_pamauthenticationviakbdint_real}>.")
if $sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials_real != undef {
validate_re($sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials_real, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_gssapicleanupcredentials_real}>.")
if $sshd_config_authkey_location != undef {
if $sshd_config_maxstartups != undef {
"ssh::sshd_config_maxstartups may be either an integer or three integers separated with colons, such as 10:30:100. Detected value is <${sshd_config_maxstartups}>.")
if $sshd_config_maxsessions != undef {
$is_int_sshd_config_maxsessions = is_integer($sshd_config_maxsessions)
if $is_int_sshd_config_maxsessions == false {
fail("sshd_config_maxsessions must be an integer. Detected value is ${sshd_config_maxsessions}.")
if $sshd_config_chrootdirectory != undef {
if $sshd_config_forcecommand != undef {
if $sshd_authorized_keys_command != undef {
if $sshd_authorized_keys_command_user != undef {
if $sshd_config_match != undef {
if $sshd_config_strictmodes != undef {
validate_re($sshd_config_strictmodes, '^(yes|no)$', "ssh::sshd_config_strictmodes may be either 'yes' or 'no' and is set to <${sshd_config_strictmodes}>.")
case type3x($hiera_merge) {
'string': {
validate_re($hiera_merge, '^(true|false)$', "ssh::hiera_merge may be either 'true' or 'false' and is set to <${hiera_merge}>.")
$hiera_merge_real = str2bool($hiera_merge)
'boolean': {
$hiera_merge_real = $hiera_merge
default: {
fail('ssh::hiera_merge type must be true or false.')
case type3x($ssh_key_import) {
'string': {
validate_re($ssh_key_import, '^(true|false)$', "ssh::ssh_key_import may be either 'true' or 'false' and is set to <${ssh_key_import}>.")
$ssh_key_import_real = str2bool($ssh_key_import)
'boolean': {
$ssh_key_import_real = $ssh_key_import
default: {
fail('ssh::ssh_key_import type must be true or false.')
case type3x($ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers) {
'string': {
$ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers_real = str2bool($ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers)
'boolean': {
$ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers_real = $ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers
default: {
fail('ssh::ssh_config_sendenv_xmodifiers type must be true or false.')
case $permit_root_login {
'no', 'yes', 'without-password', 'forced-commands-only': {
# noop
default: {
fail("ssh::permit_root_login may be either 'yes', 'without-password', 'forced-commands-only' or 'no' and is set to <${permit_root_login}>.")
case $ssh_key_type {
'ssh-rsa','rsa': {
$key = $::sshrsakey
'ssh-dsa','dsa': {
$key = $::sshdsakey
default: {
fail("ssh::ssh_key_type must be 'ssh-rsa', 'rsa', 'ssh-dsa', or 'dsa' and is <${ssh_key_type}>.")
validate_re($ssh_config_global_known_hosts_mode, '^[0-7]{4}$',
"ssh::ssh_config_global_known_hosts_mode must be a valid 4 digit mode in octal notation. Detected value is <${ssh_config_global_known_hosts_mode}>.")
case $purge_keys {
'true','false': {
# noop
default: {
fail("ssh::purge_keys must be 'true' or 'false' and is <${purge_keys}>.")
#ssh_config template
#sshd_config template
$supported_loglevel_vals=['QUIET', 'FATAL', 'ERROR', 'INFO', 'VERBOSE']
validate_re($sshd_config_loglevel, $supported_loglevel_vals)
#enable hiera merging for allow groups and allow users
if $hiera_merge_real == true {
$sshd_config_denygroups_real = hiera_array('ssh::sshd_config_denygroups', undef)
$sshd_config_denyusers_real = hiera_array('ssh::sshd_config_denyusers', undef)
$sshd_config_allowgroups_real = hiera_array('ssh::sshd_config_allowgroups', undef)
$sshd_config_allowusers_real = hiera_array('ssh::sshd_config_allowusers', undef)
} else {
$sshd_config_denygroups_real = $sshd_config_denygroups
$sshd_config_denyusers_real = $sshd_config_denyusers
$sshd_config_allowgroups_real = $sshd_config_allowgroups
$sshd_config_allowusers_real = $sshd_config_allowusers
if $real_sshd_config_denyusers != undef {
if $real_sshd_config_denygroups != undef {
if $real_sshd_config_allowusers != undef {
if $real_sshd_config_allowgroups != undef {
package { $packages_real:
ensure => installed,
source => $ssh_package_source_real,
adminfile => $ssh_package_adminfile_real,
file { 'ssh_config' :
ensure => file,
path => $ssh_config_path,
owner => $ssh_config_owner,
group => $ssh_config_group,
mode => $ssh_config_mode,
content => template($ssh_config_template),
require => Package[$packages_real],
file { 'sshd_config' :
ensure => file,
path => $sshd_config_path,
mode => $sshd_config_mode_real,
owner => $sshd_config_owner,
group => $sshd_config_group,
content => template($sshd_config_template),
require => Package[$packages_real],
if $sshd_config_banner != 'none' and $sshd_banner_content != undef {
file { 'sshd_banner' :
ensure => file,
path => $sshd_config_banner,
owner => $sshd_banner_owner,
group => $sshd_banner_group,
mode => $sshd_banner_mode,
content => $sshd_banner_content,
require => Package[$packages_real],
case $manage_root_ssh_config {
'true': {
include common
common::mkdir_p { "${::root_home}/.ssh": }
file { 'root_ssh_dir':
ensure => directory,
path => "${::root_home}/.ssh",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
require => Common::Mkdir_p["${::root_home}/.ssh"],
file { 'root_ssh_config':
ensure => file,
path => "${::root_home}/.ssh/config",
content => $root_ssh_config_content,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0600',
'false': {
# noop
default: {
fail("ssh::manage_root_ssh_config is <${manage_root_ssh_config}> and must be \'true\' or \'false\'.")
service { 'sshd_service' :
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $service_name_real,
enable => $service_enable,
hasrestart => $service_hasrestart,
hasstatus => $service_hasstatus_real,
subscribe => File['sshd_config'],
if $manage_firewall == true {
firewall { '22 open port 22 for SSH':
action => 'accept',
dport => 22,
proto => 'tcp',
# export each node's ssh key
@@sshkey { $::fqdn :
ensure => $ssh_key_ensure,
type => $ssh_key_type,
key => $key,
file { 'ssh_known_hosts':
ensure => file,
path => $ssh_config_global_known_hosts_file,
owner => $ssh_config_global_known_hosts_owner,
group => $ssh_config_global_known_hosts_group,
mode => $ssh_config_global_known_hosts_mode,
# import all nodes' ssh keys
if $ssh_key_import_real == true {
Sshkey <<||>> {
target => $ssh_config_global_known_hosts_file,
# remove ssh key's not managed by puppet
resources { 'sshkey':
purge => $purge_keys,
# manage users' ssh authorized keys if present
if $keys != undef {
if $hiera_merge_real == true {
$keys_real = hiera_hash('ssh::keys')
} else {
$keys_real = $keys
notice('Future versions of the ssh module will default ssh::hiera_merge_real to true')
create_resources('ssh_authorized_key', $keys_real)