blob: be5242687e10f3d5b481649cf981290c88e3f6ed [file] [log] [blame]
# Initialization retries
# if the agent is expected to start before Kubelet,
# use these settings to configure the retry policy.
# init_retry_interval defines how long (in seconds) the kubelet client
# will wait before retrying initialization.
# Defaults to 0.
# init_retry_interval: 20
# init_retries configures how many retries are made before failing permanently.
# Defaults to 0.
# init_retries: 5
# instances:
# The kubernetes check retrieves metrics from cadvisor running under kubelet on each node.
# It also queries kubelet for its health and the list of local-running pods, and (optionally)
# the apiserver for services and events
# By default we assume we're running under docker and
# that the kubelet read-only port with no auth is enabled.
# In this case we will use the address of the default router to reach the kubelet and cadvisor APIs
# unless the environment variable KUBERNETES_KUBELET_HOST is found. You can set this variable to
# spec.nodeName (If your node name can be resolved by pods) or status.hostIP (for Kubernetes 1.7+)
# through the downward API. See
# To enable Kubernetes State Metrics, please refer to kubernetes_states integration.
# For more information,
# please consult
# and on the kubernetes_state directory.
# If the read-only endpoint is disabled, the check will query kubelet over HTTPS
# To override this behavior, e.g. in the case of a standalone cadvisor instance, use the following:
# host: localhost
# port: 4194
# method: http
# cAdvisor port, set it to 0 if cAdvisor is unavailable
# - port: 4194
# cAdvisor host
# host: localhost
# kubelet port. It needs to be set if you are not using a default one (10250 or 10255)
# kubelet_port: 10255
# apiserver url for cluster-level queries. If not configured here, the KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST
# and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT environment variables will be used
# example = "api_server_url: https://kubernetes:443"
api_server_url: <%= @api_server_url %>
# Client Authentication against the apiserver and kubelet
# By default the agent authenticates against the apiserver and kubelet with its service account
# bearer token. If you want to specify its path, set the following option. If X509 client certificates
# are set, either for the kubelet or apiserver, they will be used instead. The recommended way to expose
# these files to the agent is by using Kubernetes Secrets.
# bearer_token_path: /var/run/secrets/
apiserver_client_crt: <%= @apiserver_client_crt %>
apiserver_client_key: <%= @apiserver_client_key %>
kubelet_client_crt: <%= @kubelet_client_crt %>
kubelet_client_key: <%= @kubelet_client_key %>
# Server Authentication for apiserver and kubelet
# Similarly we use the default CA cert of the agent's service account to verify the
# apiserver's identity, but custom ones can be specified here.
# apiserver_ca_cert: /path/to/cacert.crt
# kubelet_cert: /path/to/ca.pem
# The default for kubelet traffic is to try and use the read-only port that doesn't require TLS
# and to fall back to the HTTPS API with simple TLS validation. Providing a cert forces TLS validation on.
# Explicitly disabling tls_verify should be used with caution:
# if an attacker sniffs the agent requests they will see the agent's service account bearer token.
# kubelet_tls_verify: True
# collect_events controls whether the agent should fetch events from
# the kubernetes API and ingest them in Datadog.
# To avoid duplicates, only one agent at a time across the entire
# cluster should have this feature enabled.
# If this is difficult to achieve in your deployment, see the following
# Leader election section.
# To enable the feature, set the parameter to `true`.
# collect_events: false
# Leader election
# Agents can perform leader election among themselves.
# The leader agent will collect events from the apiserver
# even if collect_events is false.
# To perform the election it needs get, list, delete, create, and update
# rights on ConfigMaps (this can be configured with a Cluster Role).
# This makes sure we don't overload the apiserver with redundant
# queries coming from every agent.
# Default is false.
# leader_candidate: true
# lease duration is the duration for which a leader is elected.
# It should be at least twice the check run period (15s by default)
# When modifying this setting, keep in mind that the shorter
# the lease duration, the more often agents will query the apiserver
# Default is 5 minutes.
# leader_lease_duration: 600
# Matching the pods to Kubernetes services requires to retrieve events regularly.
# To reduce the traffic to the apiserver, we only query them every 5 minutes, adding a delay
# in pod -> service matching. You can configure it below (in seconds) or disable kube_service
# tagging completely
# collect_service_tags: true
# service_tag_update_freq: 300
# The namespaces for which events should be collected.
# If not modified, the 'default' namespace will be used.
# namespaces:
# - default
# The regexp used to select namespaces for which events should be collected.
# The matched namespaces will be added to the "namespaces" list.
# If empty, regexp selection will be ignored.
# namespace_name_regexp:
# Node labels that should be collected and their name in host tags. Off by default.
# Some of these labels are redundant with metadata collected by
# cloud provider crawlers (AWS, GCE, Azure)
# node_labels_to_host_tags:
# nodename
# os
# use_histogram controls whether we send detailed metrics, i.e. one per container.
# When false, we send detailed metrics corresponding to individual containers, tagging by container id
# to keep them unique.
# When true, we aggregate data based on container image.
# use_histogram: false
# We can define a whitelist of patterns that permit publishing raw metrics.
# enabled_rates:
# - cpu.*
# - network.*
# enabled_gauges:
# - filesystem.*
# Prefix to use when converting pod labels to metric tags, can be made empty with ""
# label_to_tag_prefix: "kube_"
# Custom tags that should be applied to kubernetes metrics
<% if @tags and ! @tags.empty? -%>
<%- Array(@tags).each do |tag| -%>
<%- if tag != '' -%>
- <%= tag %>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>