blob: 19c55712f9a7289b121a607e36c29fc0cfff5b0e [file] [log] [blame]
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'datadog_agent::integrations::jmx' do
let(:facts) {{
operatingsystem: 'Ubuntu',
let(:conf_dir) { '/etc/dd-agent/conf.d' }
let(:dd_user) { 'dd-agent' }
let(:dd_group) { 'root' }
let(:dd_package) { 'datadog-agent' }
let(:dd_service) { 'datadog-agent' }
let(:conf_file) { "#{conf_dir}/jmx.yaml" }
it { should compile.with_all_deps }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with(
owner: dd_user,
group: dd_group,
mode: '0600',
it { should contain_file(conf_file).that_requires("Package[#{dd_package}]") }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).that_notifies("Service[#{dd_service}]") }
context 'with default parameters' do
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{init_config: \{\}}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{instances: \[\]}) }
context 'with parameters set' do
let(:params) do
'init_config' => {
'custom_jar_paths' => [
'instances' => [{
'host' => 'jmx1',
'port' => '867',
'user' => 'userfoo',
'password' => 'passbar',
'jmx_url' => 'service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://',
'tools_jar_path' => '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar',
'java_options' => '-Xmx200m -Xms50m',
'java_bin_path' => '/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_101/bin/java',
'trust_store_path' => '/var/lib/jmx/trust_store_path',
'trust_store_password' => 'hunter2',
'tags' => {
'foo' => 'bar',
'baz' => 'bat'
'conf' => [{
'include' => {
'domain' => 'my_domain'
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{- ["']?/path/to/custom/jarfile.jar["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{- ["']?/path/to/another/custom/jarfile2.jar["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{host: jmx1}) }
# Stringification of integers.
# Puppet treats everything as a string, and then there seems to be
# quoting differences between YAML export deps for Puppet 3.x and Puppet 4.x.
# YAML defaults to string representation, but supports other types, so ends
# up quoting integers from Puppet to explicitly mark out they're strings.
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{port: ["']?867["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{jmx_url: ["']?service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{user: userfoo}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{password: passbar}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{java_bin_path: ["']?/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_101/bin/java["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{java_options: ["']?-Xmx200m -Xms50m["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{trust_store_path: ["']?/var/lib/jmx/trust_store_path["']?}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{trust_store_password: hunter2}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{tags:\s+foo: bar\s+baz: bat}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{domain: my_domain}) }