blob: df980d463e4a1b83a8f6484b5bdcb6a2b7c10974 [file] [log] [blame]
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'datadog_agent::integrations::http_check' do
let(:facts) {{
operatingsystem: 'Ubuntu',
let(:conf_dir) { '/etc/dd-agent/conf.d' }
let(:dd_user) { 'dd-agent' }
let(:dd_group) { 'root' }
let(:dd_package) { 'datadog-agent' }
let(:dd_service) { 'datadog-agent' }
let(:conf_file) { "#{conf_dir}/http_check.yaml" }
it { should compile.with_all_deps }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with(
owner: dd_user,
group: dd_group,
mode: '0600',
it { should contain_file(conf_file).that_requires("Package[#{dd_package}]") }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).that_notifies("Service[#{dd_service}]") }
context 'with default parameters' do
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{name: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{url: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{username: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{password: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{timeout: 1}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%{threshold: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{window: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{content_match: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{include_content: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{collect_response_time: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{disable_ssl_validation: false}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{skip_event: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{no_proxy: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{check_certificate_expiration: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{days_warning: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{days_critical: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{headers: }) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{tags: }) }
context 'with parameters set' do
let(:params) {{
sitename: '',
url: '',
username: 'foouser',
password: 'barpassword',
timeout: 123,
threshold: 456,
window: 789,
content_match: 'foomatch',
include_content: true,
collect_response_time: false,
disable_ssl_validation: true,
skip_event: true,
no_proxy: true,
check_certificate_expiration: true,
days_warning: 14,
days_critical: 7,
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{name:}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{url:}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{username: foouser}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{password: barpassword}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{timeout: 123}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{threshold: 456}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{window: 789}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{content_match: foomatch}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{include_content: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).without_content(%r{collect_response_time: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{disable_ssl_validation: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{skip_event: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{no_proxy: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{check_certificate_expiration: true}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{days_warning: 14}) }
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{days_critical: 7}) }
context 'with headers parameter array' do
let(:params) {{
sitename: '',
url: '',
headers: %w{ foo bar baz },
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(/headers:\s+foo\s+bar\s+baz\s*?[^-]/m) }
context 'with headers parameter empty values' do
context 'mixed in with other headers' do
let(:params) {{
sitename: '',
url: '',
headers: [ 'foo', '', 'baz' ]
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(/headers:\s+foo\s+baz\s*?[^-]/m) }
context 'single element array of an empty string' do
let(:params) {{
headers: [''],
skip("undefined behavior")
context 'single value empty string' do
let(:params) {{
headers: '',
skip("doubly undefined behavior")
context 'with tags parameter array' do
let(:params) {{
sitename: '',
url: '',
tags: %w{ foo bar baz },
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(/tags:\s+- foo\s+- bar\s+- baz\s*?[^-]/m) }
context 'with tags parameter empty values' do
context 'mixed in with other tags' do
let(:params) {{
sitename: '',
url: '',
tags: [ 'foo', '', 'baz' ]
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(/tags:\s+- foo\s+- baz\s*?[^-]/m) }
context 'single element array of an empty string' do
let(:params) {{
tags: [''],
skip("undefined behavior")
context 'single value empty string' do
let(:params) {{
tags: '',
skip("doubly undefined behavior")
context 'with contact set' do
let(:params) {{
contact: %r{alice bob carlo}
# the parameter is '$contact' and the template uses '@contacts', so neither is used
skip "this functionality appears to not be functional" do
it { should contain_file(conf_file).with_content(%r{notify:\s+- alice\s+bob\s+carlo}) }