blob: 3f40fd44ff0ac0f76638fccd1c2c15df35d0fd71 [file] [log] [blame]
# The host of the Datadog intake server to send agent data to
dd_url: <%= @dd_url %>
# If you need a proxy to connect to the Internet, provide the settings here
<% if @proxy_host.empty? -%>
# proxy_host:
<% else -%>
proxy_host: <%= @proxy_host %>
<% end -%>
<% if @_proxy_port.empty? -%>
# proxy_port:
<% else -%>
proxy_port: <%= @_proxy_port %>
<% end -%>
<% if @proxy_user.empty? -%>
# proxy_user:
<% else -%>
proxy_user: <%= @proxy_user %>
<% end -%>
<% if @proxy_password.empty? -%>
# proxy_password:
<% else -%>
proxy_password: <%= @proxy_password %>
<% end -%>
# If you run the agent behind haproxy, you might want to set this to yes
<% if @skip_ssl_validation -%>
skip_ssl_validation: <%= @skip_ssl_validation %>
<% else -%>
# skip_ssl_validation: no
<% end -%>
# The Datadog api key to associate your Agent's data with your organization.
# Can be found here:
api_key: <%= @api_key %>
# Force the hostname to whatever you want.
<% if @host.empty? -%>
# hostname:
<% else -%>
hostname: <%= @host %>
<% end -%>