blob: 60372c444230d06fb5521080c97486deaec979d4 [file] [log] [blame]
# - host: localhost
# port: 5432
# username: my_username
# password: my_password
# dbname: db_name
# use_psycopg2: false # Force using psycogp2 instead of pg8000 to connect. WARNING: psycopg2 doesn't support ssl mode.
# tags:
# - optional_tag1
# - optional_tag2
- host: <%= @host %>
port: <%= @port %>
username: <%= @username %>
password: <%= @password %>
dbname: <%= @dbname %>
<% if @use_psycopg2 == true -%>
use_psycopg2: true
<% end -%>
<% if @tags and ! @tags.empty? -%>
<%- Array(@tags).each do |tag| -%>
<%- if tag != '' -%>
- <%= tag %>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>
# Custom-metrics section
# You can now track per-relation (table) metrics
# You need to specify the list. Each relation
# generates a lot of metrics (10 + 10 per index)
# so you want to only use the ones you really care about
# relations:
# - my_table
# - my_other_table
<% if @tables and ! @tables.empty? -%>
<%- Array(@tables).each do |table| -%>
<%- if table != '' -%>
- <%= table %>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>
# custom_metrics:
# - # Capture simple data
# query: SELECT name, address, %s from company where name = 'Paul'; # this query will be run and "%s" replaced with the parameters defined in the metrics section just below
# metrics:
# age: [postgresql.employee_age, GAUGE] # the value contained in column "age" will be captured and submitted as a gauge metric named "postgresql.employee.age"
# salary: [postgresql.employee_salary, GAUGE]
# relation: false # when relation is not an empty list, it gathers per-relation metrics on top of that.
# descriptors:
# - [name, name] # captures the content of the "name" column as a tag for the 2 metrics defined
# - [address, localisation] # captures the content of "address" column as a tag and renames this tag "localisation"
<% if @custom_metrics and ! @custom_metrics.empty? -%>
<%- Array(@custom_metrics).each do |n, custom_metric| -%>
- query: <%= custom_metric["query"] %>
relation: <%= custom_metric["relation"]? "true" : "false" %>
<%- Array(custom_metric["metrics"]).each do |metric_name, metric_descriptor| -%>
"<%= metric_name %>": [<%= metric_descriptor[0] %>, <%= metric_descriptor[1] %>]
<%- end -%>
<%- if custom_metric["descriptors"] == nil || custom_metric["descriptors"].empty? -%>
descriptors: []
<%- else -%>
<%- Array(custom_metric["descriptors"]).each do |descriptor| -%>
- [<%=descriptor[0]%>, <%=descriptor[1] %>]
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>