blob: 65eb9825e55c2036d855d8e67c41fa7b11d96091 [file] [log] [blame]
# Change the root directory to look at to get cgroup statistics. Useful when running inside a
# container with host directories mounted on a different folder. Default: /.
# Example for the docker-dd-agent container:
# docker_root: /host
# Timeout in seconds for the connection to the docker daemon
# Default: 5 seconds
# timeout: 10
# The version of the API the client will use. Specify 'auto' to use the API version provided by the server.
# api_version: auto
# Use TLS encryption while communicating with the Docker API
# tls: False
# tls_client_cert: /path/to/client-cert.pem
# tls_client_key: /path/to/client-key.pem
# tls_cacert: /path/to/ca.pem
# tls_verify: True
- ## Daemon and system configuration
# URL of the Docker daemon socket to reach the Docker API. HTTP/HTTPS also works.
# Warning: if that's a non-local daemon, we won't be able to collect performance metrics.
url: <%= @url %>
## Data collection
# Create events whenever a container status change.
# Defaults to true.
# collect_events: false
# Collect disk usage per container with docker.container.size_rw and
# docker.container.size_rootfs metrics.
# Warning: This might take time for Docker daemon to generate,
# ensure that `docker ps -a -q` run fast before enabling it.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_container_size: false
# Collect images stats
# Number of available active images and intermediate images as gauges.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_images_stats: false
# Collect disk usage per image with docker.image.size and docker.image.virtual_size metrics.
# The check gets this size with the `docker images` command.
# Requires collect_images_stats to be enabled.
# Defaults to false.
# collect_image_size: false
# Exclude containers based on their tags
# An excluded container will be completely ignored. The rule is a regex on the tags.
# How it works: exclude first.
# If a tag matches an exclude rule, it won't be included unless it also matches an include rule.
# Examples:
# exclude all, except ubuntu and debian.
# exclude: [".*"]
# include: ["docker_image:ubuntu", "docker_image:debian"]
# include all, except ubuntu and debian.
# exclude: ["docker_image:ubuntu", "docker_image:debian"]
# include: []
# Default: include all containers
## Tagging
<% if @tags and ! @tags.empty? -%>
<%- Array(@tags).each do |tag| -%>
<%- if tag != '' -%>
- <%= tag %>
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>
<% end -%>
# You can add extra tags to your Docker metrics with the tags list option.
# Example: ["extra_tag", "env:testing"]
# tags: []
# If the agent is running in an Amazon ECS task, tags container metrics with the ECS task name and version.
# Default: true
# ecs_tags: false
# Custom metrics tagging
# Define which Docker tags to apply on metrics.
# Since it impacts the aggregation, modify it carefully (only if you really need it).
# Tags for performance metrics.
# Available:
# - image_name: Name of the image (example: "nginx")
# - image_tag: Tag of the image (example: "latest")
# - docker_image: LEGACY. The full image name:tag string (example: "nginx:latest")
# - container_name: Name of the container (example: "boring_euclid")
# - container_command: Command ran by the container (example: "echo 1")
# performance_tags: ["container_name", image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image"]
# Tags for containers count metrics.
# Available: ["image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image", "container_command"]
# container_tags: ["image_name", "image_tag", "docker_image"]
# List of container label names that should be collected and sent as tags.
# Default to None
# Example:
# collect_labels_as_tags: ["com.docker.compose.service", "com.docker.compose.project"]