blob: 42b205c1174892487447f1c6ab67d07c3b866e31 [file] [log] [blame]
# Class: datadog_agent::integrations::supervisord
# This class will install the necessary configuration for the supervisord integration
# Parameters:
# servername
# socket
# Optional. The socket on which supervisor listen for HTTP/XML-RPC requests.
# hostname
# Optional. The host where supervisord server is running.
# port
# Optional. The port number.
# username
# password
# If your service uses basic authentication, you can optionally
# specify a username and password that will be used in the check.
# proc_names
# Optional. The process to monitor within this supervisord instance.
# If not specified, the check will monitor all processes.
# server_check
# Optional. Service check for connections to supervisord server.
# Sample Usage:
# class { 'datadog_agent::integrations::supervisord':
# instances => [
# {
# servername => 'server0',
# socket => 'unix:///var/run//supervisor.sock',
# },
# {
# servername => 'server1',
# hostname => 'localhost',
# port => '9001',
# proc_names => ['java', 'apache2'],
# },
# ],
# }
class datadog_agent::integrations::supervisord (
$instances = [{'servername' => 'server0', 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'port' => '9001'}],
) inherits datadog_agent::params {
include datadog_agent
file { "${datadog_agent::params::conf_dir}/supervisord.yaml":
ensure => file,
owner => $datadog_agent::params::dd_user,
group => $datadog_agent::params::dd_group,
mode => '0600',
content => template('datadog_agent/agent-conf.d/supervisord.yaml.erb'),
require => Package[$datadog_agent::params::package_name],
notify => Service[$datadog_agent::params::service_name]