blob: 9de36b25dbd7b38972b12ce934180cfc43678283 [file] [log] [blame]
# The postgres_custom_metric defines a custom sql metric.
# $query:
# The custom metric SQL query. It must contain a '%s' for defining the metrics.
# $metrics:
# a hash of column name to metric definition. a metric definition is an array
# consisting of two columns -- the datadog metric name and the metric type.
# $relation:
# ?
# $descriptor:
# an array that maps an sql column's to a tag. Each descriptor consists of two
# fields -- column name, and datadog tag.
define datadog_agent::integrations::postgres_custom_metric(
$relation = false,
$descriptors = [],
) {
validate_re($query, '^.*%s.*$', 'custom_metrics require %s for metric substitution')